email blast 14 April 2015

GOOD MORNING PRECIOUS ONES  Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….   Dedicated to a tradition of excellence in teaching for more than 40 years, The Australasian Yoga Institute offers yoga teachers comprehensive and systematic training in classical yoga.  We teach yoga techniques for body, breath, mind and spirit in 200hr and 500hr certification programs.  Our programs include training in meditation, asana.

  DRAWING OR “UN-MEDITATION” I can’t tell you how many people tell me they hate meditation, or can’t meditate, or they can’t empty their mind.  Speed Walking isn’t “meditation”, neither is gardening.  You can get into a zone but it is not traditional meditation as you are zooming along trying to beat the clock – be that running or walking.  If you are meditating then you are SITTING WITH YOURSELF.  You can learn something.  Slowing down, learning about your body and the breath.

However, there is something that can be done that slows the body and the mind, without having to sit doing nothing (almost impossible to some people)and that is colouring in.  That is why I drew the mandala designs that accompany the chakras in the chakra booklets.  They are not specific, they are designs with the chakras at the heart.  You can colour them in without having to think – using any colour.  When you learn how to do that you will understand what I mean.  Time changes, slows, as you colour in.  There is nothing to follow.  No right way to do it, no wrong way  – you can use any colour you like and in the end you will have something beautiful, but as you are doing it you will be able to relax.  Set yourself a quiet time, and quiet space even if it is at the kitchen table while everyone is doing something else, get some lovely coloured pencils (of your own),  and away you go.  When you realise that no matter what you do it is OK, you will be able to relax and enjoy the process, rather than focussing on the end result – although that will be beautiful.

If you haven’t tried it perhaps now is the time.    To get your copy (A4 or A3), go to either or   What you are may sometimes miss the mark,  a prisoner in liberty.  Get up somehow, get clean right now and be a happy, happy child set free.

You must love this book, as few have decided to part with it.   Please, please pass it on…
For those starting out this book is hard to get.  Even second hand.  I wondered if any of you out there had finished with their book and would like to sell it back to us, WE WOULD LOVE TO BUY IT OFF YOU.  We can get it secondhand from time to time for $25 to $30.  We will buy yours off you for $25 plus whatever is the postage cost.  Email us if you would like to sell yours, and Deb will call you to organise..

One of our students has these references for those who are looking for a second hand edition….(many thanks to Warren for this valuable, up-to-date information).

Cost                                              Mail
UK      1/ Revival Books Ltd      $4.94   $5.90 
USA    2/ Goodwill Books         $1.50   $12.99
UK      3/ Awesome Books       $9.89   $6.47
USA    4/ Hippo Books             $5.50   $11.50 condition poor
USA    5/ Hippo Books             $5.50   $11.50 condition good
USA    6/ Goodwill Books        $1.00   $17.00
USA    7/ The Book Women   $5.00    $14.75

If you want  copy of this poem/prayer on a heavier paper – a more professional presentation, then we do have some in the office at $15.00 each including postage.  Please contact Deb via email and we will get one to you..

YOGA CLASSES –  Times/cost unchanged from last year.
Classes held at the Bentinck  THE NEW HOME OF THE AUSTRALASIAN YOGA INSTITUTE.    Cost:  $10 per person per class (or $100 a 12 class pass:  non–transferable).  $15 mum plus little yoga bub. $25 per family (mum, dad and two primary school children.  Young adults $10 each).

Jahne’s classes are designed around her 50 years of teaching experience.  People say “can we have (?)yoga, or (?)yoga tonite”.  The answer Jahne  always  gives is   “I don’t know, all depends who is there, and what is needed”.  Friends, Yoga is not a recipe that is repeated the same way every time in every class.   That would be mindless.  If you want repetition don’t go to Jahne’s class.  There is a thread running through the class. But it is not EXACTLY the same.  If it was the same each week,  you could just check your mind at the door.  The shelf is for shoes, not for minds.

Monday 6.30pm,
Tuesday 10am RESTORATIVE YOGA followed at 11.15  by RESTORE AND RECOVER MEDITATION and 7.30pm(Brad), 
Wednesday 12.30, Friday 6.30pm, Saturday. 10am (and 12.30 RESTORATIVE YOGA).

*RESTORATIVE YOGA is a beautiful, gentle yoga which is done using lots of props and lots of time.  No balancing, no headstands, nothing but gentle stretches and rests.  You and/or a friend will love it especially if you have had surgery, are anxious, haven’t exercised for years, have a weight problem, or have a neurological problem.  It is also a PERFECT pre and postnatal session – if you are pregnant, please get a doctors certificate and bring it to your first class – not because I think you are unwell, but as it is an insurance requirement.  

Please if you have recently given birth and wish to come to yoga with your baby you are both more than welcome (I always have maintained a baby even a couple of days old is welcome in our classes with their mum), but please be sensitive to others in the room when you join a mixed general class.  If you wish to change and feed we have a lovely conservatory room especially set out just for you.  Warm, carpeted, floor to ceiling garden windows – a million dollar view for the short time you exit the main class!  We love babies, we love young mothers, however,  if you want to be with other young mothers going through the same things as you are, please wait until we start our Mums+One classes.

If you are a Visitor or Casual (i.e you don’t come to every class) please note that BOOKINGS are encouraged as our classes are pretty full with regulars I.e. People who buy a pass and wouldn’t miss a session.  TEXT ONLY YOUR BOOKING REQUEST TO 0402 088 170.  Please don’t ring me. 

“The Bentinck” is on the corner of the Romsey Road and the High Street in Woodend.  Enter from  the start of the Romsey Road only where you see the big yoga sign.  Sorry, “Staff parking” at the front entrance does not mean you.  Please think of others when you park.  If you are looking for any changes in times and days, then please go to the web site.  You will find everything there. 

NEXT TEACHER TRAINING CLASS – The next will be on Sunday 3rd May at the Bentinck – in the Yoga Room.  Please join us.  If you are a distance ed. student then the cost of the afternoon is $10.  If you are a visitor you are most welcome – and if you are not formally a student teacher with us then the cost is $20.  

THE FORGIVENESS BOOK This book is still travelling,  keep it moving along, the list is longish.   And…..If you would like to be next on the list , please email me… 
PHOTOS FROM THE MISSION ALL THE INCOME FROM MY PAINTING AND ARTS GOES INTO OUR VARIOUS PHILANTHROPIC EFFORTS. This is an ongoing philanthropic effort for us.  PS:  You can’t send the money direct, although that would be easier – it has to go through the US Mission office for reasons of security.
Everything will change for you when you work out that there is plenty of time in every day to complete the important things.

All our classes are available via distance education and you can start any time..  Thank you to those students who are moving from their 200 to another, higher course.  Once you have got into the habit of learning, then it is easy to keep going….

Within our school there are three levels of YOGA TEACHER TRAINING, plus a course in the Gita, the fundamental source of all yoga teaching through the ages.

*THE BHAGAVADGITA (and YOGA PHILOSOPHY) which is like a Certificate or Diploma Level,  RYTA 200 which is our “degree course”  and     *RYTA500 the “masters”.

Most people have never met, and don’t understand, that there are angels all around us whose only job is to make sure that you don’t get too comfortable, fall asleep and miss the important moments (and gifts) in your life.  
THE SHOP and ETSY This week I received an email from one of our students who had purchased the chakras and colouring book and REALISED THAT COLOURING THE DRAWINGS  WAS A MEDITATION.  I celebrated.  It has taken a year for a student to understand the reason for the drawings. THANK YOU!  THANK YOU! THANK YOU……!!!

ALL OUR IN-HOUSE DVD’S AND CD’S ARE AVAILABLE AT THIS SITE.  Please remember that they are not flashy high cost productions.  They are made by Deb and me to answer your various questions.  They are useful in your course, we use the profits for scholarships.

ADDITION TO THE TEACHER TRAINING MANUAL, ESPECIALLY MASTERED FOR THE RESTORATIVE COURSE:  I am putting together a manual which will be included in each new trainees initial pack.  It will also be available on etsy for anyone of you who wants to buy it.  It will contain * A Beginners Guide to Teaching RESTORATIVE Yoga *  Basic Anatomy and physiology  * The Chakras * The Yamas and anything else I think is useful as the project progresses.    

*ETERNITY THE PRAYER – (not on the site yet, but will be there soon).
I move with the infinite in nature’s power.  I hold the fire of the soul.  I hold the life and healing”. (Rig Veda)
REGISTRATION/INSURANCE We are giving you total choice now, although it may be a bit more expensive…..
YOUR TEACHER TRAINING YEAR (or so): We are culling our files and putting old files in archive.  If you have not sent in any modules, and have not communicated in the last year, your file will be archived.  You can still continue your course, but there will be a fee to start it up again.  If you are not sending in modules, and are not communicating, then how can we know if you are a student!

Also, just signing up and not sending in any modules means you are not really a trainee yoga teacher, and unless we receive regular communication (even if it isn’t modules), at a certain point we will deem that you have disconnected from us, and we will disconnect from you.  And, coming to class with no intention of completing the course just to get the cheaper, easier student insurance, and free classes isn’t exactly living the yamas!  Sooner or later we will call your bluff.

If you are a trainee Yoga Teacher who has been working on the course for more than a year please understand that your course fee only gives you FREE classes with me for your first training year – the first 12 months only.     Imagine if what would happen to our Institute if  you took three years to finish your course and you could still come to classes free for the entire course.  We do our fee calculation based on 12 months of free yoga classes.   Your training fees cover you for a year, after that we ask you to pay $10 per class. I have found  if you paddle your boat it is easier to maintain the illusion of control, but I tell you it is so much more fun if you pull the oars in and just let the river take you where it will….

VIDEOS:  THEY ARE NOT OPTIONAL – THEY ARE NECESSARY! Only $275 per annum. Please look down the list of the videos before you try to do stick drawings, or organise your journal.  I have shown you what I recommend..  All you have to do is download.  I even did a video on ‘The Gita.  Good feedback thus far – thank you.      Please.  Email us and Debbie will make sure that you are logged in promptly.

Afternoon tea will happen, and I will let you know when.  May make it a dual ceremony.  The Restorative Yoga Course, and a new Scholarship!   We couldn’t offer the scholarships we do without your help.  So, thanks for your support.   

I have just finished some miniatures for the “1000 OM” Project.  I will put them on the site when I have got them totally ready for you to buy.  The first will be appearing on the poem above.   The small lino prints that I hand-colour are already on the ETSY site – the tiny Sumi paintings have sold out.
At this afternoon tea we will be showing the completion of the latest commission.  A large butterfly (160cmx90cm)which has been drawn as a “family Tree” with a Tibetan/Yoga influence.  Please register your interest to Jahne at  and we will send you an invitation to the gathering at Jahne’s home studio.

YIN YOGA/ANATOMY/MEDITATION DVD’s – all with Paul Grilley Just got a new shipment of all three. They are the best,  and will form the backbone of your yoga reference library.     As I have told you before when I bought mine they cost $100 or so each.  I thought that this was a good investment.  I think half that is a steal! And that is what we are selling this for.

  JAHNE’S MENTORING SESSIONS ….  Because Jahne has been teaching yoga teachers for more than 40 years, and running a business the Buddhist way for much longer than that (and successfully) she is often asked for advice. Asking course questions is free. This does not mean IDLE Yoga questions “just because you want to know” – She could spend her whole day answering those and getting no-where, in spite of the fact you may think your life will not end if they are not answered.   

REGARDING DEBBIE –  If you want to speak to Debbie about any aspect of the courses – she has done them, please remember that she only comes in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  On those days she is available on Ph: 0354 273 518.  I am always here, and available preferably on email or text because I teach and am not always at my desk.  Don’t hesitate to email me and I will answer your email or text as soon as I can..

THE LAST WORD: I try to imagine life without being able to speak to God, but none of the days without that special energy have the same laughter, or opportunities…..

For more wonderful, delicious thoughts
Log on to our Web site
and tune in to our videos  daily.         ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  

Namaste Jahne

Contact me here.
This email was sent out by
The Australasian Yoga Institute/Yoga First.