eBlast 20th April 2017


Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….

Dedicated to a tradition of excellence in teaching for more than 40 years, The Australasian Yoga Institute offers yoga teachers comprehensive and systematic training in classical yoga. We teach yoga techniques for body, breath, mind and spirit in 200hr and 500hr certification programs. Our programs include training in meditation, asana. GOOD MORNING DEAR STUDENTS
EMAIL CHANGE:  FIXED. ALL GOOD!  Please use yogafirst@optusnet.com.auOr the usual yogafirst2@bigpond.com

LECTURES:  I have been asked to give a talk on the work we are doing in RESTORATIVE YOGA and its application to students in Addiction and Recovery programs. The first of these will be  at The Theosophical Society in Melbourne, probably in June. Keep watching this newsletter for more details.
We are very excited by this work especially in the area of Joint Hypermobility Syndrome/Ehlers-Danlos syndrome-HT and how it relates to our work in Restorative and in addiction/recovery.  You might be vaguely aware of it as “double-jointedness”, but have not thought how this presents in class. Maybe you have not considered how this syndrome manifests inside the body. What happens on the outside, happens on the inside. Those of you who have embarked on the Restorative Program of teachings,  and want to move forward, will pick it up in Level 3.

SCHOLARSHIP – YOGA MARKETING. We have a VERY VERY short list for the scholarship.  Fantastic. I will let everyone know the winner by mid May, just so they can get into gear by the New Financial year. What an advantage you will have. I have spoken with your marketing guru to be – and in just an hour he just changed the way I did a number of things. Helped me tighten the ship so to speak..  The winner will have 12 WEEKS of working with him. You will never be the same again.
It was amazing to me that the people who applied had to be reminded that the Scholarship was awarded (and paid for) by our Foundation, and perhaps thinking how they could help the Foundation if they won could be a good thing. It was all me-me-me and I-I-I!  If you have ever gone for a grant or a scholarship, you will understand that considering the people who grant the scholarship, and how giving you the scholarship could be of benefit to them too (what you could give back), is important. It certainly is important to us who have to generate every dollar we hand out. – This was a bigger effort than a lamington sale could help, and we needed to do it quickly. If it took you one or two re-writes initiated by this office to figure out your role in the Sangha, then we would have to say that you started out with the wrong idea. Next time, look at the bigger picture perhaps. Look at the yamas.

FIRST AID COURSE.  I have steered away from these in the past because people say they are going to come, and then don’t, leaving me holding the can.  But not this time.  We have a larger cohort than I imagined – students asking if they could come!  Thanks to everyone for doing what they said they would do.  I guess it is a sign of the growing maturity of the school.  This one is on Thursday.  If you are not there this Thursday, then you have missed it.
VIDEOS:  These are not in order. I do then and did them when students asked for them…  I have slowed down in the last while, but will crank up again when I have time.
A SURVEY: One of our tech savvy teachers – Nic (Tuesday yoga class at The Bentinck) has prepared two surveys for us which we ask you to spend a few minutes completing. We are trying to gauge how we can help you best with classes and trainings, and we can’t know until you tell us. These are just short, please take the time https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LQ27ZNC   FOR CLASS TIMES
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LZNN75L   FOR TEACHERS What is Nirvana? Seeing one thing through to the end. Hell is not a punishment, it is training.   RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY – PLEASE PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS. It is important if you want to progress. I am working every day to get it properly accredited and the right boxes to be ticked. If you want to talk to me about the course, email me, and give me a few time options and we can schedule a phone call.
THE NEW LEVEL 2 COURSE IS TAKING BOOKINGS FOR THE SECOND WORKSHOP IN CASE YOU MISSED THE FIRST – planned date 27th and 28th May,  2pm to 4.30 on Saturday, 1pm to 4pm Sunday.  For the best – the latest about Restorative Yoga therapy classes, Training and THE ALLIANCE…. Go To www.restore.moonfruit.com If you want to get your Restorative Yoga Therapy Certification at Level 2 and move on to level 3, then you will need to do your LEVEL 1 FIRST. You need that certificate BEFORE you can do Level 2. Please pay attention. For previous students: If you have done the last workshop, loved it and would like to repeat it (every class is a little different)  you can for a small fee, I would love you to join in and share your experiences since your workshop. 

The Restorative Yoga is becoming the backbone of our practice, and there have been some new developments. I have already informed most of you that there are three levels.

LEVEL 1 is the teach yourself course on www.myyogabooks.etsy.com

LEVEL 2 is the RESTORATIVE YOGA COURSE and the Introduction to Therapy with emphasis on Structural Yoga Therapy..

And LEVEL 3 (coming later in the year) In this I am presenting a course which will include nutrition, the use of exclusive essential oils and therapeutic mixtures which can be prescribed and used in conjunction with the yoga to make it a stand- alone clinical practice. This would be a great addition to the practice of those who are doulas (both with pregnant women and the dying), and those who routinely work with the chronically ill, people in recovery… etc etc.   This is going to be a groundbreaking course.

Please email me, and let me know your intention, or go to www.restore.moonfruit.com for details and an application.

(I will travel to you to deliver the workshop if you can get 5 students – you and 4 more). 

“THE RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY ALLIANCE” – is a project we are currently working on, using The International Yoga Therapy Assoc. as our model. It will take us years to get to their level of perfection – but it is something you need. It will be an organisation aligned to The Australasian Yoga Institute. A branch of The Institute which will be inviting papers, focusing and sharing the more therapy aspects of what we do in Restorative Yoga. Not a medical model, but certainly a healing model. 



If you have received insurance re-registration automatically from A.J.Gallaghers in Queensland, let me know, and then disregard it. They have been using old lists, and a mass send out. I have not authorised this mail out and it does not take into account your ranking or where you are in your training. It is just a couple of new hot-shots trying out their wings. They have caused all kinds of mayhem, just when we were getting back on our feet, and just when A.J.GAllaghers Queensland Parmia office were recovering from the disruption caused by flooding.  

Right now – TODAY, mark in your diary when your registration and insurance are due – at this time contact us if WE (this office) have not contacted you. Note well  that although Lloyds of London are noted as the underwriter, AJGallagher is the insurer. If you have an issue contact us – we have a AJG/Parmia hot line, and we are the interface between you and them THE AYI COURSE VIDEOs. As it says in your initial emailed information pack, from the very first one with how to set yourself up clearly noted, please make a journal note of all the yoga you do in a day, and that includes the videos. A computer is just a computer, and whilst we make every effort to get them to comply with our will, they sometimes don’t. If you have a daily journal and mark down in it all the yoga you do and watch, and then on a monthly basis transfer the totals to your passport, you will have a hard copy record, and a computer record.


You might be able to still get the book (and many others) second-hand from the bookshops below. I would advise you to buy a few so that you can amortize the postage cost across a number of books rather than one.

    Cost Plus Mail        
  UK 1/ Revival Books Ltd $4.94 $5.90 USA 2/ Goodwill Books $1.50 $12.99 UK 3/ Awesome Books $9.89 $6.47 USA 4/ Hippo Books $5.50 $11.50 USA 5/ Hippo Books $5.50 $11.50 USA 6/ Goodwill Books $1.00 $17.00 USA 7/ The Book Women $5.00 $14.75           As Suzuki Roshi once said “if something is not paradoxical it is not true”.


$15 per class or 10 classes for $135

THE BENTINCK Enter through the Romsey Road gate, and park either side of the drive.

THE HOME STUDIO Park on the white gravel, in the small open yard opposite the house if no-one else has, or on the nature strip. No need to bring props – mats etc unless you want to – everything is provided.

10:00 AM (“Real” yoga incorporating philosophy etc)
6:30 PM Hatha Tuesday
  10:00 AM Restorative
  7:30 PM Hatha with Jahne this week
(usually Nic) Wednesday 12:30 PM Hatha 5:30 PM Restorative, 6:30 PM Hatha Friday   6:30 PM Hatha Yoga Saturday

  11:30 AM PHILOSOPHY for Yogis
12:30 PM Restorative
  10:00 AM Hatha
6 WEEK PREGNANCY YOGA COURSE starting 22nd April Sunday
  4.30 PM Restorative (Full – text before lunch on Saturday – Sundays have become super busy – Email the day before to enquire about a cancellation) OUR YOGA CLASSES:  I have been doing this for most of my life.  50 years in fact.  These are not the usual “teeny-poppy” sort of class, they are about CHANGE.  Change the mind, change the body.  If you are NOT wanting to change, to grow, to get better and better.. (every day in every way), then these are probably not the classes for you.  And, you don’t need to wear lycra.

THE TIMES IN RED. From 2017 those classes in red above are at my home studio. So if you want to come to the home studio for your class please book. I need to know your name, the classes/s you want to attend and your email so I can confirm, as the classes will be limited and SMALL. Please email your booking and your details to yogafirst2@bigpond.com

PRICES: The class prices at either place, Bentinck or Studio are be $15 per class, $135 for a 10 class pass or $100 unlimited for one 4 week month (no extensions  – once the month is up the pass is done). Your present passes will be valid until they run out.

PHILOSOPHY: Do join us. 37 Morris road Woodend. Enter down the side not the front door..

PARKING: Could you please park on the white gravel I had made especially for you. If there is no room on the white gravel or the naturestrip, then opposite us is a space we have been given permission to use. Just drive in. Please, don’t park on the road, or in other peoples driveways or naturestrips unless there is absolutely no parking available at the studio and opposite. PRENATAL YOGA:  Are you pregnant and craving some “ me” time on the mat? Don’t want to be just another pregnant yogi in the room? Come and connect with yourself and your baby during this 6 week yoga series. Loving your new yoga body the yoga way.
A 6 week course which starts up again the Saturday after Easter.  All props provided – however, you must have a certificate from your doctor to say that you are safe to do yoga.  $100 for the 6 classes or $20 per class. Through asana, breath work, visualisation, mindfulness and mantra you will develop different tools for childbirth. It will be a small class, so register your interest now… Email to book: yogafirst2@bigpond.com

I AM MOVING FORWARD WITH EXTRA TRAINING (having said “I am done”). This time – CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION COURSE with the Royal Womens Hospital in July– not that far away. In the meanwhile I will be doing independent study into modern Pregnancy yoga/fitness/meditation techniques. Do come to our classes.


The next will be on Sunday 7th May,  2pm to 4pm  at my home studio (37 Morris Road in Woodend). Please join us – there is no need to book. Bring writing materials, and be early. Follow the Japanese Path at the side of the house. There is a notice on the door if you have trouble with direction. If you are a distance ed. student then the cost of the afternoon is $15. If you are a visitor you are most welcome – and if you are not formally a student teacher with us then the cost is $20. We have had the most wonderful trainings, there is nothing like them. Please do come. Park on the white gravel around the house, and in the open yard opposite. I am not sure there will be room for trainee teachers to join the Restorative class afterwards. We shall have to play it by ear. We are getting full classes at home now.

TEACHER TRAINING in the CBD:  I am considering doing the Restorative Yoga Therapy workshop in Melbourne CBD.  If you would be interested in doing this workshop (which is an important part of the course)  if this was an option for you, please let me know. yogafirst2@bigpond.com  (For people who have done the workshop and would like to do it again,  repeat it – you would be welcome for just $50).
will be doing lectures at The theosophical Society Theatrette in Russell Street…  Watch this space for times and dates.

TEACHER TRAINING IN EUROA: This is moving along beautifully and two students from this group will be coming to our teacher training class this month. Now trainees in Euroa, Shepparton, Albury and surrounds will be able to do their teacher training with Heidi. We will keep you in the loop as this progresses. Please contact Heidi (Director – Heidi Van Maanenberg – ask@byoga.com.au)

TEACHER TRAINING IN BENDIGO: Bendigo Teacher Training classes – every fortnight from 3.30 to 5pm at Crusoeden Body. Turn at the Metricon building on the highway in Kangaroo Flat, Big METRICON sign on the building you turn at – also its a traffic light intersection, just up from Bunnings. Crusoeden is the building behind Metricon building, and faces Church Street. Its easy to find. Cost: $15 per class for everyone who attends – thank you. (Directors – Jayne Boyle  – crusoedenbody@bigpond.com).  Regular classes held – please email for timetable.

TEACHER TRAINING and YOGA IN LYONVILLE: Just a reminder about this Fridays Yoga classes 6pm & 7.15am with a special emphasis on the  AUTUMN EQUINOX for healing, rejuvenation and repair. Autumn Equinox is a time for cultivating, preparing and ensuring that the body is energetically ready and nutrient rich to support the body’s experience of winter.

The classes being offered during this Autumn Equinox period communicate a richness of information and knowledge on how the season of Autumn and the Equinox period affects our sense of awareness and general energy, and how certain movements, postures and forms as well as medicinal foods can be used as healing tonics and energy medicine during this period Teacher: Frances Paderno               Location: Lazuli- Hepburn Springs
Cost: $20 per session,  Students with passes are welcome to use them.
Directors: Fabio and Frances –   bafiodaponre@gmail.com TEACHER TRAINING SOON IN CHEWTON and maybe in Sydney:  These are still in the planning stages, but Chewton School is not far away.  But if you are in the surrounding areas, please let me know and I will pass your interest along – in the beginning I will be sharing the Chewton TT classes until we get them up and running. yogafirst2@bigpond.com

NEW CLASSES: at the moment we are negotiating to have Feldencrais therapy classes, and a Mens’ Yoga timetable (taught by Fabio) at the Bentinck Yoga Room. We will keep you posted. 

DO YOU WANT TO AFFILIATE WITH US and Teach Yoga teachers?  If you are a graduate with us, have a studio already, and are at the point of considering teaching others to be yoga teachers, then please contact me and we can introduce you to our procedure for this. It is not like Macdonalds, it is not a franchise, you are always in charge, you make what you make, and I teach the modules just like you have done. It works – when you win, I win. Let me know if you would like a chat with me. Email me and let us set up a scheduled phone call – give me a few options for when you are available. Email: yogafirst2@bigpond.com

GIFT VOUCHERS for The Australasian Yoga Institute.
Vouchers are available (all year) for $135 or $70 class passes, and massage $95 one hour or $50 half hour. Please contact me and we will arrange it. Email yogafirst2@bigpond.com Trying to climb the ladder of success? Forget the ladder. In yoga, everything is right here on the ground. IN THE THE SHOP AT “ETSY” 


IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YAMAS AND CHAKRAS – my own little books are on etsy. Why spend hours looking for the information when you can pay from under $10 for these books and have a very valuable easy-to-read reference and resource www.myyogabooks.etsy.com. If you get them and read them they will help you with many of the concepts that you are having trouble with especially in your modules. Go to “CHOOSE LIFE”, a home based on-line restore and recover program. The MALAS and THREE MINUTE MEDITATION on ETSY. If you have been inspired (by me) and by the experience of using Mala Beads to stimulate interest in meditation, I have made some, and have now loaded them this week on ETSY. They are wooden beads, with glass linking beads and a very special red and gold pendant bead made especially for us and inscribed with the “OM”. The cost of this packed in a box with a special bag, and an inspirational/instructional tiny booklet will be $35 plus postage. This money will be directed to The Foundation to help others. For studio wanting to buy in multiples – for 10 or more the cost is $20 per mala. A saving of $15 per mala.

YOGA NIDRA USB on ETSY.  For those of you who want to do yoga nidra like we do (like I do). Now you can. I have done a USB stick so you can plug it in and have a wonderful, long meditation whenever you can. Please go to my growing shop on www.myyogabooks.etsy.com 

THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: Please people, make it an important thing to do – don’ t leave it as part of your “ bucket list”. If you are looking for reference books THE THEOSOPHICAL LIBRARY is the go-to place. There are books there you will see no-where else. I go at least once a month. It is very old fashioned and you have to pay per term to be a member, but I urge you to do this. It is situated in a beautiful old building between Bourke street and Little Collins Street in Melbourne. YIN YOGA/ANATOMY/MEDITATION DVD’s –Please indulge in ALL three
They are the best, and will form the backbone of your yoga references. As I have told you before when I bought mine they cost $100 or so each. I thought that this was a good investment, and I still do. We have had to increase the price TWICE – everything everywhere is going up, and we have held this price for a number of years. Now $57.50. At this price we are accounting for currency increases and decreases, and they are still cheaper than I paid for mine initially. Look at Ebay – everyone is about the same. At twice the price they are still worth having. With Christmas coming, please order yours today. I don’t have many left and I am waiting for more stocks to arrive in the mail – at this time of the year they sometimes get caught up in customs. www.myyogabooks.etsy.com
THE GARDEN AND THE BEES – I tidied up the meditation corner of the garden – the part around the beautiful Ganesha Statue. It looks lovely, in fact so lovely that a family of magpies, and a family of blackbirds have moved in. These new additions have played havoc with my fish population – in fact  – not one survived. All is not lost as they were imports from the public pond in an estate not far from us, so on the weekend I went and got some new occupants. It was not easy as they are very small, but I have eight which is five more than I started with last time. I just feel so much better now that I can see the twinkle and sparkle on the surface of the water as they clean up the different insects that are not welcome (mosquito larvae for instance). It makes such a difference. We now have the eco cycle complete again. In the interim, leaves have fallen turning the water brown and making the fish almost invisible, so I have hopes that the birds will find another food source.

REGARDING THE OFFICE: Thank you all so much for living the Yamas. Now, direct that wonderful energy to looking for the time your registration and insurance is due…let us know when you change address and emails
ATTENTION:  EMAIL NUMBER. There was a problem with the server, but this has been fixed until the next time – For anything, anything at all please email me at yogafirst2@bigpond.com. If you do not your emails may get lost, as I am gradually going to get rid of the other email numbers…. Do not ring unless you have not got email, or you have an urgent question. Email, leave your number and I will get back to you. Phones?  We are being re-organised, even here…. So at the moment my number is 0402 088 170  – preferably leave a text or email. I will return your calls when I can – I am not a slave to either the computer or the phone, so you may find that emails or text (which I always recommend) work out best.  The other morning at 4.30AM, someone called me – a student .  Please don’t, I won’t give an intelligent answer.
I am always as close as the post or the email, always working to make things better, dig deeper. Why? So you can be the best you can be. Email me, talk to me, send me photographs (send me questions). I look forward to hearing from you.  For more wonderful, delicious thoughts log on to our Web site www.yogabeautiful.com.au and tune in to our videos daily.

ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  Namaste Jahne

Contact me here.
This email was sent out by
The Australasian Yoga Institute/Yoga First.