eBlast 2 November 2017

YOGA NEWSLETTER 2 November 2017



THOUGHTS FROM MY TEACHER – MARGRIT SEGESMAN (“Madame”). “If you are unhappy with your life, CHANGE IT. You are the architect of your life”. 

The spring blossoms are out and flowering, and I have been busy making stock bottles for the Bach Flower Therapy Essences. The buttercups were unbelievably beautiful, and the water they sit in (in full sun of course) whilst making the essence was golden. Have you every really looked at a Buttercup? They are so shiny, laminated – no wonder as children we held them under our chin to see “if we liked butter”.

I also made an essence of Marshmallow (the herb). It was so gloriously healthy and waving at me, I just had to pay attention. The flowers looked so healthy and green, the essence will be quite powerful. By the end of this season I will have quite a range of local (and vital) herbal essences. I have rarely seen such “energetic” plants. They are bursting with life and vitality.

To assist you in this I am nearly finished my next (client driven) booklet. THE YOGA OF HERBS. To become a teacher and speaker about herbs is to become a channel of herb energy, becoming sensitive to the herbs.. One needs to communicate with the plant and see it as a teacher, in this way the Yoga is known.

(Jahne’s course “The Yoga of Herbs – Speaking and Teaching about Herbs” – keep track of www.myyogabooks.etsy.com. It will be there this week).   AFFILIATES and those who would like to be. Teachers! Please give this some thought. If you would like to Affiliate and start teaching teachers (you need to have graduated), then please email me and we will arrange a visit – or a chat depending on where you are of course. If you have a studio, it’s your next step.

Please use the email address yogafirst@optusnet.com.au for anything to do with accounts, or the usual yogafirst2@bigpond.com. To get to me. If you do want to speak to me personally, then email, make a time suitable for both of us, and then we can chat. If you do it this way, rather than just “wing it”, you can be reasonably sure I have time, and you will get my attention. POSTAL ADDRESS is not at my home – small mail box out in the open means that rain is an issue. Please address all land mail to the address it has always been – PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. Vic. 3441. Until you see a change written here in large letters, that is where it will be.


Attention everyone who is purchasing anything oddly shaped or larger than a letter… If you are waiting for a Registration, and you only have a small mailbox with a small opening please  make sure you visit you local Post Office with your COLLECTION SLIP in hand. Items waiting for collection are sent back to us. This incurs double postage – nothing you will want to do with today’s postal charges.
I have a new landline. 0354 274 383. But I prefer that you leave a TEXT for me on0402 088 170. (or email me directly at yogafirst2@bigpond.com) Thank you.

HYPERMOBILITY AGAIN.   The book and the DVD are available via ETSYwww.myyogabooks.etsy.com The more that I do in this field, and the more that I think about it, the more relevant it becomes to all of you. IT IS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY – the course.   INSURANCE
  PLEASE NOTE: If you are not teaching then there is no need for insurance. If you are teaching then you will need to be registered, and get insurance.

INSURANCE ALTERNATIVES. We are no longer closely involved with our teachers with regards to insurance…. AJGallagher seems to be the only one who will insure students who have not graduated but are teaching. I am looking at Dancesurance. They appear to insure students (trainees not yet graduated) cheaply, and, if you have a studio, they are really the only ones who insure this with understanding. Cost for Studio insurance? $276pa. No matter who you use. If you are a student MAKE YOUR STATUS CLEAR, if you don’t, and need to make a claim, you may discover (too late) that you are not covered.

RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY INSURANCE: Dancesurance and AJGallaghers have both come through with a specialist insurance for our Restorative Yoga Therapy graduates. They can add this special insurance on to their ordinary insurance AT NO EXTRA COST. They have examined the course, they have looked at the caliber of the students going through, and made their decision. All you need to do is to supply a copy of your registration when you apply.

We worked hard to get to this point – but it is much better than I could have expected. So thank you Dancesurance. (Students – You can deal with them direct).

A: 425 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna South Vic 3152
P.O. Box 4408, Knox City Centre, Vic., 3152

T: 1300 55 22 05
W: www.DanceSurance.com
E: Info@DanceSurance.com

Natasha Burr QPIB | Dip. Insurance Broking | ANZIIF (Snr Assoc) CIP
Team Leader | Associations and Natural Therapies
Professional Associations
PO Box 302 | Beenleigh | QLD | 4207
Direct: +61 7 3387 1954 | Ext: 72954 | Mobile: +61 466 394 595 | Fax: +61 7 3387 1999
natasha.burr@ajg.com.au | www.ajg.com.au


PLEASE, PLEASE CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION. You need to be currently registered for your insurance to be valid, and you will need to supply a copy of a valid registration to be insure. Please check your insurance requirements – keep up to date. They change quickly.


From NEXT MONTH, we are going to fall in line with other organisations and ask people who are registered with us and wish to re-register to do at least one short course in the year as a continuing education requirement. I have been shocked by what teachers THINK they know, and teach from there. You need to keep up. You can do one of my little courses on ETSY, or someone else’s, doesn’t have to be onerous, just something to keep you on your academic toes so to speak.


To complete Level.3. the students need to apply and do the theory and exam. Those who have not done Teacher Training with me, need to do the full level 3 Exam and assessment. see the site www.restore.moonfruit.com. You may not pass the assessment first go – It is like teacher training. It takes small steps, module by module. Fewer modules, but more complex (for both of us). I will be announcing more about this POST GRAD program in the next newsletter. Those students who have done Restorative Yoga Teacher Training to Level 3 and graduated will get this diploma. Those who did the course very early on, you will have to do Level 3 in order to get the POST GRADUATE Diploma – lots has happened since you did the course.


Please note these have changed.

THE STUDIO – 37 Morris Road.

Tuesdays: 10 am Restorative.

Wednesdays: 12.30 I am making this a teacher training day. If you are a teacher, come. It may be easier for you than the monthly Sunday. Come to both!

Saturday: Philosophy 11.30 am, Restorative 12.30 pm. THE BENTINCK – on the corner of High Street and Romsey Road, Woodend.

Enter ONLY through the Romsey Road gate where you see the yoga sign. Do not park in the front of the Bentinck. The main two story building is not The Yoga Centre.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Hatha Yoga 6.30 pm

Wednesday: 5.30 pm Restorative.

Friday: 6:30 pm Progressive Yoga Relaxation Class. This is a deeply healing experience which helps to release past trauma and hurts, as well as the everyday stresses and strains of life. A beautiful Alpha state class which challenges our body, mind and Spirit – this is a very conscious class, working with the CerebroSpinalFluid connection which is the focus of our Post Graduate Restorative Yoga Therapy Diploma… CLASS/CONSULT PRICE STRUCTURE
 – TERM PASS (10 class pass) GENERAL HATHA YOGA CLASSES $135  – SINGLE CLASSES $15  – PHILOSOPHY CLASSES 1 hour – $15 PHILOSOPHY CLASSES 2 hours – $20  – MONTHY PASS $175 (unlimited Hatha and Relaxation).  – YEARLY PASS (if paid by 1st of February ) $1,550 unlimited Hatha & Relaxation  – RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY CONSULT (1 hour) with Jahne. $125
Can include Bach Flower Essences especially designed and formulated for each client. 10 (consecutive weeks) Restorative Yoga Therapy class pass $1,150(Health benefit Rebate MAY be available depending on your fund. Doctors/Health professionals referral required) Please note that at the Bentinck, the Medical Clinic that we have all been waiting for is nearing completion, however, more work is being done on the driveways and ambulance bay. If it is full, park opposite. Walk carefully, workmen leave building materials about.


The next will be on Sunday 5th November, 2pm to 4pm at my home studio (37 Morris Road in Woodend). Please join us for Teacher Training 2pm to 4pm. There is no need to book. Bring writing materials, and be early. If you are a distance ed. student then the cost of the afternoon is $15. If you are a visitor you are most welcome to the teacher training segment. If you are not formally a student teacher with us then the cost is $20. Come.

ANYTIME PARKING – Park your car either on the white gravel around the front of the studio, or if this is full, then there is an empty drive and front yard leading to a shed directly opposite us. Park there and in a way that others can too. Don’t just abandon your car in any driveway, naturestrip or the road. There is no need to park way up the hill, though you can if you want to.

Bendigo Teacher Training classes – every fortnight from 3.30 to 5pm at Crusoeden Body. I will be teaching there. Next TT falls in Cup Week, so we are doing it the following Tuesday 14th November… Turn at the Metricon building on the highway in Kangaroo Flat. It is a traffic light intersection, just up from Bunnings. Crusoeden is the building behind Metricon building, and faces Church Street. It’s easy to find. Cost: $15 per class for everyone who attends – thank you.

(Directors – Jayne Boyle  – crusoedenbody@bigpond.com). Regular classes held –please email for timetable.


  Why haunt libraries for information on the chakras, yamas, and other yoga philosophies relevant to the course. It is all on ETSY. 

For you who have never used ETSY please visit. It is fabulous and oh so EASY. You will find all our books, our DVD’s and CD’s on ETSY. (The Paul Grilley DVD’s are on our web site shop). Please go to www.myyogabooks.etsy.com. Or www.yogabeautiful.com.au. for the Paul Grilley DVD’s. If you are new and haven’t read about YAMAS, CHAKRAS then I have distilled them for you. Go to myyogabooks site as above and have a look – especially at the new book and DVD on Hypermobility. I am loading our new Restore/Relax guided meditation on USB, and available on ETSY. If you can’t come to Friday then get one of these and you can do it anytime.

ALMOST COMPLETE. “THE YOGA OF HERBS – SPEAKING AND TEACHING ABOUT HERBS”. It includes a list of ayurvedic herb identities (VPK), and the tarot. You will have a lot to speak and teach about after you read this. It also includes pages to download to advertise, teaching plans. Everything you need to take a class. THE “SPIRIT REVELATION” TAROT

  The Revelation Tarot new extension to the deck is loaded and ready for you. Now ready to be released is the SPIRIT REVELATION TAROT. This tarot has a picture of my angels on the back, but the front, where the image would be – is EMPTY. No image..!! That’s right. No image. It is about letting the spirit speak to you without relying on a picture to make it happen. I think you will find this a challenge. There are twelve cards in the set, plus an instruction fold out, and a small pouch. Because these are very special spirit cards, they come in a box, and therefore the postage is more. To shop for the tarot go towww.myyogabooks.etsy.com. I have made some lovely pouches for your tarot cards. These are also available on etsy. 

NB Because there are 10 Angels on every cards, that means there are 120+ angels going out into the world every time I sell a deck. I completed the “1,000 ANGEL PROJECT” last January, and now I am started on the “10,000 ANGEL PROJECT” . This will help. For those who haven’t heard the story, I started after 9/11. I dreamed the towers falling before the day, and saw the angels rising. I vowed to send 1,000 angels into the world. It took me until last January. TEA LEAF READING, PENDULUM and I-CHING POSTERS

  This is my Tea leaf Reading poster. Being printed as you read this on beautiful paper, and printed in sepia. Not really suitable for a download… although if you wanted A4 black and white, then I could do it for you. As usual go to www.myyogabooks.etsy.com Not there yet, but it will be soon. There is the PENDULUM POSTER/BOARD already loaded on ETSY. This looks amazing under glass, as does the TEA LEAF READING POSTER.   EMAIL NUMBER. There was a problem with the server, but this has been fixed until the next time – For anything, anything at all please email me at yogafirst2@bigpond.com. If you do not your emails may get lost. For money matters please email yogafirst@optusnet.com.au Do not ring unless you have not got email (some people living and working remotely don’t have computers), or you have an urgent question. Email, leave your number and I will get back to you.

So at the moment my TEXT number is 0402 088 170 – preferably leave a text or email. I will return your calls when I can – I am not a slave to either the computer or the phone, so you may find that emails or TEXT (which I always recommend) work out best. The mail address is PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. Vic. 3441. 

I am always as close as your email, and there are those who ring and manage to find me near the phone … Don’t forget to Register, insure and re-subscribe to the videos.  Don’t leave these to the last minute. Love and Blessings,  Jahne

Newsletter sent out by The Australasian Yoga Institute,