It is a confusing time.  During the lock down we were all so close (on zoom), we had to be.  Now time and space have collapsed and we have all gone our separate ways, and yoga once again has become a weight loss exercise!  Not in this studio.  I am here for you – holding the space.

After nearly a year and a half of knocking on the door so to speak, there is the possibility that Windarring is opening its doors to clients of mine who have a disability and or wheelchairs which means they can’t come to our studio.  I am in conversation to see if we can organise guidelines to make yoga time with me at Windarring possible.  I have tried before and failed, but perhaps persistence pays off….

TAROT/ART/SEWING – on the creative front I have been so very busy BUT we still have room for you.  One of my friends, a Tarot/Astrology/Crystal reader and I are going to open the doors towards the end of the year and have a CHRISTMAS festival.  We would have held it earlier, but, we are both pretty busy.  Christmas will allow us to make gifts, gift vouchers, and others bits and pieces around our readings.   Keep reading this space to hear more as we firm the date up.

A FESTIVE QUILT – Over the weekend I picked up a lovely thing which has/will become a quilt.  I saw it, couldn’t decide and went home, the next day I had to work but I decided I needed it.  I left a note under their door, and magically they read it and held the quilt for me.  I have got half way to making it beautiful with a gorgeous peacock coloured silk binding.  I am not sure i will be able to part with it, the colours are perfect for my bedroom.  But, after I have lived with it you may decide you need it too, or one like it.  Now I have seen how it was made (quite different from the usual), I can make one for you.




Windarring Yoga –  Tues. x 2 +Thurs. x 1. (some Fridays)

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) 2.15 Wed. Restorative 1pm.  

ZOOM WORKSHOP.  Mondays at 6.30 on zoom. “A Year of Living Biblically” and “The Source”.  The class is going off to do their own thing on Mondays until next term – Croatia, Bali, Van excitement and more.  If you want to join the group next term – plan for it.

THE YOGA LUNCHEON:  As always the last Saturday in the month at 12noon (yes a time shift). I have booked for us to go to  The Full Moon in Woodend.  Warm, “homey” and great food. I love the Nachos – with chicken – with prawns – vegan, or Mexican.  Any of them are great.

TAROT READINGS AT THE STUDIO – Look forward to hearing from you.  You can even come on the weekends, and I can do “doubles” – you and mum, you and a friend.

UPCYCLING, RENOVATING.  If your treasured items need re-imagining and mending, come see me – please make an appointment first.. I am pretty booked until October (unless you are a regular who needs a skirt/pants tweaked), so keep that in mind.  I am thinking of having a STEAMPUNK STRUT close to Valentines day 2024, get back to me if you are interested in taking part.

The hat to the left is by McQueen, rather harking back to Marie Antoinette… she started the craze for “big hair”  with scenes included.

SEE YOU IN THE STUDIO (and at the yoga lunch)