Please transfer all your account queries to Jacky at If you want a direct answer from me, then as usual, All mail to go to PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. Vic. 3441.
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: We now have a You Tube Channel. In order to get a direct link, we need 100 subscribers. Please google “Jahne Hope-William YouTube” have a look at the videos and subscribe IT IS FREE. The videos that are there are tarot, hypermobility, Yamas, purushatras, teacher training and healing. It is worthwhile – and the subject matter is growing… will include more philosophy, more meditation guidelines as we go along. If you are reading this, and have not subscribed, it is your turn to do so.
Don’t forget. Ask questions via the email, and I will answer them on the videos. Preferably questions you can’t answer elsewhere, and questions you think other teachers would like the answers to. Not just things you can’t be bothered to do the research for?
Have you thought about this? Every single thing that we do in life we have learned from someone else. For this alone we should be grateful to our parents, our friends and our teachers (and everyone we meet along the way). But what do we do? We take it all for granted. We don’t even know when we are learning, or what we are learning when we learn it! We assume arrogantly that it is everyone’s job to show us. The steps to becoming a Buddha or a Boddhisattva are the same as learning anything…
FIRST: We have to want to learn. Jesus always asked “Do you want to walk” or “Do you want to see” before he did any healing.
SECONDLY: We have to RECOGNISE the teacher. It is not about liking the lesson, or liking the teacher. It is about recognising a skilful teacher.
THIRDLY: COMMITTING TO FOLLOWING THE PATH. It is not about judgement. Once you desire to learn, and you have met the skilful teacher, then your heart needs to be open to them, and you have to be willing to carry out the instructions. Not just the easy instructions, or the ones you like, or the ones that make sense to you. All the instructions. “Wax on, wax off”.
On another matter. I have been inspired by ZERO WASTE . I don’t think I can get there, at least not in a hurry, but I am going to make an effort. Most of my garbage is plastic, paper and cardboard. I buy most everything I eat fresh, but milk, butter, cat food, kitty litter and such all have BIG packets. Then there are the newspapers that litter the drive and the letter box whether I want them or not… and the bottles I use for detergents (I re-use these and buy in bulk), cleaning stuff and hand towels (and kleenex). All these issues have to be addressed. Slowly, slowly. Anyone care to join me?
PPT TRAINING DAY 17th February: This course provides enough information and technique that you can take it into your practice. I am waiting for some answers from IICT as I have applied to make it a stand-alone course. Right now it is tied to teacher training. AJG – The Beenleigh office, underwritten by Berkley, have allowed insurance specifically for this which they call massage and I am seeking to get their current ruling (the rules in every insurance company change every year and sometimes more, to reflect the market).. It should be called energy work, but you still need to know what you are doing because of the depth of the problems people will bring with them.
Let me know if you want to take part, and how far along you are in the process. Some have done the home study and not the workshops, some have done the workshops and not the home study – whichever you are, we can complete the process for you so you can start work. I will load the details on
DATE of the next Teacher Training: Sunday 3rd March 2pm to 4pm at my home studio (37 Morris Road in Woodend –There is no need to book. Bring writing materials, and be early. If you are teacher Training student then the cost of the afternoon is $20. This fee applies to everyone. (Visitors – not yet training – $30). We will be looking at the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid again.. relative to everything else that we do.
BENDIGO Teacher Training classes – Next class is Tuesday 5th February at 3.30pm. Crusoeden Health. Turn at the Metricon building on the highway in Kangaroo Flat just up from Bunnings on the same side.
HYPERMOBILITY (the course)
The new course is on the ETSY site.
Watch my FREE UTUBE CHANNEL. Hypermobility, Purushatras, and so on. There is lots there – do one video per day.. Google “Jahne Hope-Williams You Tube”.
Also on the videos. I am walking the viewers through the cards in my Revelation Tarot Deck. Google “Jahne Hope-Williams You Tube” to get there. I need 100 subscribers before we are granted an easy link.
YOGA AT THE STUDIO and the Church:
We are expanding and I am looking for VOLUNTEERS to help out in our workshops, and VOLUNTEER teachers who can help us expand even further. By Donation classes are starting at Riddells Creek Church 11am on the 8th January… You can start a “by donation” class wherever you live. Go talk to your Uniting church Minister (I have found they are receptive). It will make you happy, and expand your yoga outreach.
There is going to be big moves at The Uniting Church. The Op shop is moving to the Church hall, the Food bank is expanding, and a coffee shop will be operating called “bus stop 13” because the bus actually stops in front of the Church at stop 13, hence “Bus Stop 13”! It is going to be major, and we will be able to expose many more people to our yoga classes. I can’t wait.
At the present, Charlie is teaching the Riddells Creeek yoga classes at the Church. As soon as the kitchen is finished, we will offer free lunches there too.
More Restorative (Remedial) classes. Look at the web site for dates and times.
As soon as things quiet down for winter, we will start meditation and philosophy classes at the studio.
ART CLASSES: Every Tuesdays in January between 7 and 9pm. Please call and let me know if you are interested.
PLEASE, PLEASE CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION. You are a part of the Sangha – support us. You need to be currently registered for your insurance to be valid, and you will need to supply a copy of a valid registration to be insured. Please check your insurance requirements – keep up to date. They change quickly.
You will find them on our yogabeautiful web site. Click on “classes”.
ETSY, ETSY I write books to help you in your course. Please download them, and then please use them in answering your modules. HYPERMOBILITY – The Course…. A certificate course. If you teach yoga, you need this. No excuses.
MODULE DRAWINGS, DOWNLOADS. You will notice on the bottom of every assessment there is a reminder that drawings need to be done, and in your own hand, and downloads of any kind will not be marked. Every page needs to have your name, module number, and page number.
EMAIL/POST: Please use the email address for anything to do with accounts, or the usual to get to me. If you do want to speak to me personally, then email, make a time suitable for both of us, and then we can chat. If you do it this way, rather than just “wing it”, you can be reasonably sure I have time, and you will get my attention. POSTAL ADDRESS is not at my home –Please address all land mail to PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. Vic. 3441. Until you see a change written here in large letters, that is where it will be.
Don’t forget to Register if you are teaching even if you have not graduated (especially if you are teaching and have not graduated), insure and re-subscribe to the videos every 12 months. Don’t leave these to the last minute.
Love and Blessings
Newsletter sent out by The Australasian Yoga Institute,