Dear Yogis,

FANTASTIC!!! THE SUTRAS STUDY STARTS TONITE AT 7.30pm.  Email me for your ID – I will post them out this afternoon.  If you haven’t caught up with your payments, please do so now.  It’s easy, we have everything in working order.  To pay, (please check your payment schedule – are your payments up to date.) go to the web site and click on either DONATE or PAY VIA PAY PAL at the bottom of the page.

On a personal note… I am working through,  and almost finished a number of projects.  I usually have four books on the go at once (THE GNOSTIC GOSPELS, JESUS THE MAN, DAMASCUS, and a magazine on writing from NEW ORLEANS), in the same way I usually have more than one project happening.  I am almost finished my ADVANCED HOMEOPATHY CERTIFICATE – BACH FLOWER REMEDIES, (I just have the case studies to do), The MINDFULNESS PROJECT, the current REVELATION PENDULUM BOARD, and catching up with a SILHOUETTE PORTRAIT I promised. Oh, and getting three Pendulum boards printed (not as easy as it sounds).

CONSULTATIONS:  Zoom Bach Flower remedies – $35 per session (plus $5 postage) and at the moment I will post your remedy to you.  Tarot, Pendulum etc $85 per session (about an hour) Email me for a chat, and we will make a zoom, email or phone call time. Email:

BACH FLOWERS: The flowers are wonderful at the moment and I will be out there collecting to make remedies – maybe you are doing the same.  Gorse, broom, wisteria, oak, ash…(the pic to the right is my verandah).

My hero is the Late Mr.Von Moger.  He died many years ago but I will never forget him.  He didn’t have consult times, people just arrived and mostly the queue snaked out of his front gate.  He only took a few minutes per client (really) – often didn’t even speak,  and the remedies were perfection – he didn’t ask what was needed, he just knew..  $20 per person was what he charged.  This to me is what service is all about. At the moment I can’t open my door like he did, but you can email and zoom me.  Keep note that for $35 you will not get a long “counselling style” consult, and I will post your remedies.


Because I am working every day with my pendulum and boards in order to make new boards, “the other side” is always close by, and I am constantly chatting with my family and friends who have passed.

There have been a number of deaths in our community this year, thankfully those who have (recently) gone before have been there to be the “ushers” for the new arrivals.  One whom I worked with before his death and after,  helped me to understand more of what happens.  I know he had difficulty transitioning but we have to realise that time there,  and time here is quite different. And whilst I may think that transitioning took quite a long time,  it was no time at all for him.

I used to grieve when people died, but I don’t any more.  I feel like cheering at funerals – more often than not, a difficult time has come to an end.  Listen up people – please, there is no need to visit the grave! The person you are going to visit is probably in the car, and rides back home with you.  It would be better to light a candle, put the flowers you were taking to the grave in a vase, and speak to the person who is probably right there with you. If you have regrets, they don’t, they know everything.  Just talk about how you feel as if they were in the room and sitting next to you.  Guess what, they are! They know everything, but it will make you feel better perhaps.  Please, don’t go into debt or feel that you should get a big, fantastic headstone.   If you want to do that, realise it is for you, and not for them.  However, it is totally OK if you want to do that.

Oh yes, pets.  Every pet you have ever had in any life – past or present – is waiting to totally love you to bits on the other side.  When you pass, guides and family always have a hard time making their way through the throng of pets to get to you.

You may feel lonely, but you are never alone.  Everyday you can feel the love and support from the other side if you would just sit still long enough for your loved ones to come through to you.  All you have to do is to recognise this connection when you see it, feel it or hear it.. that’s it.