Dear Yogis,

Don’t forget that our yoga luncheon happens this coming Saturday at 12 noon.


DELVING INTO THE SANSKRIT GITA..  During covid we wandered through the Bhagavadgita TWICE by popular demand, but I have not heard a whisper about it since.  Well, I have not forgotten and i keep reading, remembering.  Sanskrit is the language of the Vedas, the largest body of teachings devoted to the attainment of self-knowledge and is more easily available by studying Sanskrit, even the baby steps as you start learning.  I studied Sanskrit years ago, and i suppose if i  started again it would still be in my mental library somewhere.  If you want to learn find  good teacher, or learn via Oxford University on line – I am sure they have a course.  I studied the Gita with them and loved it although it was difficult..

The opening words of the Gita in English are “On the sacred fields of Kurukshetra….”  In Sanskrit the opening words are two compounds Dharma-kshetre, kurukshtre making Dharma the first word of the Gita.  Dharma – right living – is the key to the whole of the Gita.  What is the last word of the Gita? Mama Dharma, my decree, my law, my religion, my morality, my order that sustains and holds up everything.  In the 700 verses between these two words we find the essence of Vedanta.  Kshtre means “in the field” and the third word “kuru” carries the sense of “the doer”, making the Gita’s opening words “in the field of dharma, in the field of doing…”  Working with these words kshtre, kshtre dharma kuru  means “.. in field after field act righteously..”

The Gita encourages us to ask “how did my battle to live righteously go today?”  The word yoga then has the meaning “to prepare the mind”.  Until your teacher appears, follow the Gita path and live well: “kshetre kshetre dharma kuru…”.

GITA ZOOM STUDY: Mondays on zoom at 6.30, starting this coming Monday –  please let me know your interest so i can send you the zoom ID.



Windarring Yoga –  Tues. x 2 +Thurs. x 1. (some Fridays)

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Mon. 2.15, Wednesday Restorative 1pm

NEW:  CALM AND CLEANSE YOGA (Monday. one vacancy in the 2.15 class) Thurs. 10am and Sat 2.30 starting the first week in November (next week!) 

ZOOM STUDY – Monday 30th October, 6.30.  I have been asked to play again in the Gita, so we will.  

STUDIO SEWING BEE – Sundays at 2.30

TAROT READINGS AT THE STUDIO – Look forward to hearing from you.  You can even come on the weekends, and I can do “doubles” – you and mum, maybe you and a friend. BRAILLE Tarot deck and usb – a course on tarot reading for the blind is on the way…

THE YOGA LUNCHEON:  As always the last Saturday in the month.  The next at 12noon the 28th October – PUT IT IN YOUR DIARY are all welcome.   I have booked for us to go to  The Full Moon in Woodend.  Warm, “homey” and great food. I love the Nachos – with chicken – with prawns – vegan, or Mexican.  Any of them are great.


SEE YOU IN THE STUDIO (and at the yoga lunch at the end of the month)