Dear Yogis,
Thank you to those who came to our Thursday Lunch yesterday. The numbers are getting back up, the meeting room is making sense, and I am so pleased. Since covid I have been worried that I would have to end these get-togethers, but no, you are coming back. It is an opportunity to meet yogis (and friends) in a non denominational, social setting. I love this opportunity to meet in a casual, relaxed manner (and the food is good too).
The lunch reminded me of The Celementine Phrophecy – everyone who crosses our path has a message for us (“Nothing can happen that is not the will of God – Trust this).
Those who left early did not get time to sit and talk to one of our number who is a “Trapeze Artist”. Not when she was 21, RIGHT NOW. I had the opportunity to spend time with a fascinating person, and I had a great chat with someone who is just going for it, and living the life of her dreams. She also makes the special leather shoes that enable her to do this amazing skill – and it is a skill. You could learn to do it too – if you would put in the time and determination she brings to this performance craft.
EXCITEMENT!!!! I am holding a FREE ZOOM Doll making session on Friday next at 7pm –
Please make a date with me. The ZOOM ID is below. If you want to see my latest doll, find out about how make them, how you can make them (they are simple), then join me on this zoom session.
I don’t just celebrate those passed, or those facing trauma, I also make joyful dolls – by the time of our zoom session I should have one of my little weddings dolls finished – they can be made from wedding fabrics of a past wedding, or used as a cushion for a future ceremony. You could even make “R.U.OK?” Dolls
The little dolls like the one in the picture can be made in all different ways – cats ears, bears ears, no ears… I/you can also embroider initials on the front of any of the dolls. I don’t use a machine for this, they are all embroidered by hand. My doll faces are painted because I like doing this, but you could use a needle and thread. I will show you how. I really do look forward to seeing you – remember, Christmas is coming, and this could be an opportunity to make a doll or two for people you love. (I am now a “doll and bear tragic” – I bought three new bears this week. Rescued them from the OpShop. I will clean and re-stuff them, re-dress them, and pass them on.
If you are a CCP Graduate and you can’t sew, then pass the task to someone who can. Funeral Celebrants need to have these little dolls in their “tool kit”, in the same way that ambulance officers, or members of the Church do.
Time: Sep 2, 2022 07:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 4147 1252
Passcode: 669183
THE YOGA CLASSES – please book before you arrive. They are small classes and one unplanned extra may not be able to join