Hi there Yogis,
New Class. Sunday at 4.30 – Restorative Class. Starting the 23rd April. It has been a long while since I have added another class, especially on the weekend. Remember at The Bentinck when we had Sunday classes. They were popular in the winter.. the nights close in early and it is a lovely wind-down and relax prior to the week – which are getting busier and busier.
Email me to book yourself in: yogafirst2@bigpond.com
Windarring Yoga – Tues x 2 +Thurs.
STUDIO WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm, 2.15pm Wed. Restorative 1pm.SUNDAY RESTORATIVE CLASS – This is a new class starting (?) 4.30 Sunday 23rd April
ZOOM WORKSHOP. Mondays at 6.30 on zoom. I am going to do the TEA BAG Preparation workshop today, 10th April. It may take an hour, it may take more or less, but there is a charge $7.50. If you want to come next Monday and learn how to prepare the tea bags, the hop on to the web site, www.yogabeautiful.com.au go to the bottom of the home page and pay on pay pal. When I see your name pop up I will put you on the list and send you the ID.
Please bring some used tea or coffee bags, a pair of scissors, an empty bowl, a bowl of water, and some towels to protect your keyboard if you are close to the computer. A paper and pen to take notes may be of advantage.
APPOINTMENTS IN THE STUDIO – I am available for massage, hand massage, Bach Flowers and Tarot in THE TAROT ROOM… you choose your combo and we will explore them together. $85 per session no matter how we put it together.
PATCHES/BORO: Recently I have been exercising my sewing skills. Making BORO jackets, mending, and repurposing evening dresses – even fancy patches. When you want to repurpose a favourite item of clothing, or even make a copy, then come see me (or email me a photo). If you want hand finishing, couture, fixing, mending….then I am your girl. If you want fast and cheap, then no not me – the person who does mending on the machine at any dry cleaners will help you – quickly. I plan to include some items in the MT.MACEDON GALLERY FASHION PARADE in July.
THE YOGA LUNCHEON: “THE FULL MOON SALOON”, Last Saturday in the month (April 29th at 1pm) – I have booked already. Please put it in your diary if you haven’t already.