Dear Yogis,
Monday: 1pm STUDIO Yoga Class (full), 6.30pm FREE BREATH CLASS.
Tuesday: 7.30pm RUMI CLASS All welcome – this is for everyone who is interested in the most beautiful, spiritual love poetry ever written. Loved and quoted around the world by millions of devoted readers..
If you need to catch up with your payment (PLEASE) for any class, zoom or studio, or haven’t been before, please go to – the home page and click on PAY VIA PAY PAL, which takes both debit and credit cards – you don’t need an account.
Tonite is the first nite of the BREATH CLASS. It may not be what you think. Yes, we will learn how to breathe, but we will also learn how to use this breath to enhance our lives, our creativity and our thinking. The breath isn’t just “something” – it is the beginning of EVERYTHING!
FREE BREATH CLASS: Mondays at 6.30pm
Because it is new and challenge for some who think that a. they know how to breathe (most don’t), and 2. yoga is all they need (part smart) I am offering this class FREE FOR A MONTH – which in the case of March is FIVE Mondays (from the 1st to the 29th). I will send out an ID to everyone who possibly will enjoy it, and hope that you respond.
Tony Robbins coined the phrase: “If you stay in your head you’re dead”. It is something I think about – OFTEN.
When I received my new iPhone courtesy of a student (a million thanks), I had been unwilling to change to iPhone and couldn’t see the value. On handing the phone to me the student told me how fabulous it was, told me all the things that could be done, how “connected” I would be, how perfect the photos were, and how you could play with and manipulate images… After that PR rap I asked her WHY, if the phone was so good, and wasn’t in any way not responding, and in perfect condition inside and out, why was she getting a newer version – which was almost double the price! So much for simplicity.
Turns out the one I had been given only held 5,000 photos, after that it got a bit difficult! Five thousand photos in a couple of years!! Only Annie Lebowitz the Society Photographer, takes more one would think. I reminded the student that the phone had a DELETE button, and taking hundreds of photos of every little thing, and selfies (or multiples of any photos) you may never use is hardly a reason to swap phones. Where is simplicity in all of this? I have only taken about 10 selfies in my life and even these are surplus to requirements – but then I am older, and hardly a judge. But it did cause me to think..
We call a picture we take of ourselves a “selfie”, but it doesn’t capture the self at all. It only looks at externals and doesn’t show what is going on inside at the time the flash goes off. It doesn’t show the viewer your soul – your mind – your feelings – your longing. It is all about what is floating on the surface of the real you.
Have you noticed as you look back at your 5,000 photos, that they tend to exaggerate the amount of fun you seem to be having. Trips that could have been very “ordinary” can be made to look fabulous in a properly shot selfie. It doesn’t however change the reality for us. Sometimes it can seem to others (thanks to your selfies) that your life is one big party. It can also seem that you are more glamorous, fun loving or attractive in a popular way, than you actually are. They are often not honest representations of who you are, or what is happening. It is often the “Kardasian” version.
Selfies have a way of turning our lives into something more than they are. You may be standing in front of a jaw dropping view, but all the viewer sees is your artificial smile. Instead of focussing on what really matters, what is really important, here you are trying to look like you are having fun, in front of this, and in front of that!
In life, if we are taking “selfies” all the time, we could be missing out on the good bits (or the GOD BITS). Missing out on the blessings that have been right in front of us whilst we were looking at ourselves. I am sure that you have learned in your teacher training, and working with people, that most blessings can only be reached by digging below the surface. We have to cut through the distractions to get to the essence. If only you could take a picture of yourself and capture the nature of your soul. The soul is always calling but few of us are listening.
MAYBE OVER THE TIME IN OUR CLASS CALLED “THE BREATH”, WE CAN GET CLOSER TO OUR SOULS (NO SELFIES REQUIRED). Until you do, you will never know who you are, or your true calling.