Dear Yogis,

The year as far as the schools are concerned has not started yet, however,  we are settling in with new classes, the classes that are already operating and settled and hopefully some trainee teachers in the new year.  We already have a couple of students as keen as mustard, and working hard.

I am always surprised that people come to yoga and tell me they have been to yoga classes for years, but they know nothing about the breathing, and wave their hands and body around as if that was all that was needed.  It takes some convincing that they actually have a diaphragm, and certainly in most cases it has been years since they even thought about CORE.  No wonder every second person has a back ache.



I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for good things this year, lots and lots of good things
and to suit my determinedly cheerful mood
I’ve put together a number of beautiful “just for you” pieces.
They’re delicate, subtle, and almost ethereal – some of them are ethereal
saints, angels, and so on.

– but for the most part, they are family pieces

and I can do pieces of your family too, just send an image.

For 15% off your order, please use the code NEWSLETTER25 when you place an order.


This is a pendant from a painting by an Old (Renaissance) Master painter.


It is of Mary the Mother of God (that Mary).  Quite beautiful.  

A pendant, ready for you to add the ribbon, or the chain.  It could even be hung in a frame
I only have one, and once that is gone, then no more.  You will have an original a one of a kind
however, I can do a portrait of you especially for you – a Valentine perhaps.
COST: $75 including postage in Australia

Go to Etsy to order this and more.



Windarring Yoga –  Kyneton Tues. 1pm.  9.30AM in Gisborne

STUDIO YOGA,  WOODEND:  Open 10th January, at 10am for restorative yoga and then ongoing classes in the following week for the rest of term. Monday 1pm, Wednesday 1pm and Friday 10am

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am every Wednesday  by donation. Please arrive close to 9.30 and we will start when we are settled.  I am also considering having one at home studio – there has to be an alternative for people who for whatever reason either can’t come every week at the same time, or won’t go to St.Mary’s Hall.

I am going to start another class in chair yoga (no wheelchairs possible) at the studio.  Same conditions.  By donation, chair and pilates ring style,  yoga.  Still with breathing yoga, and meditation/omming.  Just the same as the Wednesday class in the Norma Richardson Hall..

ZOOM YOGA PHILOSOPHY CLASSES AS USUAL See above.  Two changes, two Tuesdays 14th and 21st then Mondays, 6.30 as usual (unless the class prefers Tuesdays).


ART EQUIPMENT CLASS:  on Sunday February the 9th at 2pm (cost $65) please book.  Only 3 places left.  

YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH:   at The Full Moon Saloon starting again in the new year, 25th January at noon..  I am booking it today.  Let me know if you want to join us.


 I am looking forward to 2025.    NAMASTE – JAHNE