Dear Yogis,
There’s a lot on this month. Don’t miss out.
THE WOODEND MONTHLY ART MARKET has its inaugural opening on the 22nd February. If you want a table, please email me and I will send you the information.
THE OLD KYNETON AUCTION ROOMS GALLERY – I am having an opening there on Friday the 15th March at 6pm to 8 pm. Do come along and join me. Will there be champers? of course there will!
Windarring Yoga – Kyneton Tues. 1pm. 9.30AM in Gisborne
STUDIO YOGA, WOODEND: Monday 1pm, Wednesday 1pm and Friday 10am
DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am every Wednesday by donation. Please arrive close to 9.30 and we will start when we are settled. I am also considering having a class at home studio – there has to be an alternative for people who for whatever reason either can’t come every week at the same time, or won’t go to St.Mary’s Hall.
I am going to start another class in chair yoga (no wheelchairs possible) at the studio. By donation, chair and pilates-ring, breath yoga (pranayama), and meditation/omming. Just the same as the Wednesday class in the Norma Richardson Hall.. Probably on on Monday afternoon.
ZOOM YOGA PHILOSOPHY CLASSES AS USUAL : Mondays, 6.30 as usual. Next monday – “Purushatas and Your Life”.
TEACHER TRAINING MONTHLY CLASS. Last Sunday in the month at 2.30 at the studio. NONE IN FEBRUARY.
ART EQUIPMENT CLASS: Please book for the next art class. MAKING YOUR TAROT DECK.
YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH: Probably the 23rd of February (yes, a Sunday). Book with me if you want to join us.