Dear Yogis,

The beloved Philip Adams has left our LNL airwaves, and I am taking a week off (to carry bricks as they say).  Both earth shattering but I am coming back on the 8th, and I am sure that Phil will find a way to engineer a return that suits him after a long holiday he well deserves.  As he only spoke to his one listener, Gladys, for his 33 years on air and she remained loyal, and now like me (60 years on the yoga studio mat) he has somehow to keep this little community awake and engaged.

You can keep this photo on your dresser if coming to yoga for an hour a week, isn’t possible in your increasingly busy lives. It probably won’t magically impart good health, but you can try.  A little bit of praying to whomever, even me, probably wouldn’t go astray.

Think of me.  I will be bicycling on my stationary thing about 100k a week as usual, walking, yogaing, meditating, and everything else that keeps me alive and alert (Philip runs around growing garlic, olives, raising cattle and collecting antiquities and chasing after his beloved wife Patricia).  What do you do?


Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm .  (Tuesday AM in Gisborne starting in the new term).

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Wednesday Restorative 1pm,  FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am (SEE ABOVE)

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am 17th July  by donation. Next term.  All my disability classes with have an emphasis (after time) on meditation/sound therapy.

>>>>>>>>>>ZOOM DISABILITY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. NEXT week class 4 –  6.30 zoom class. MONDAY.

TAROT/PAST LIFE ADVISOR/counsellor – Always available by appointment.
I am updating the Etsy booklets relative to my decks (and my new RED deck).  I will let you know when this is done.

HOT STONES MASSAGE – Our Winter offering once the new hot stones arrive – THEY HAVE ARRIVED!.  Weekdays and weekends by appointment only.

NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING – The Sunday June 30th at 2.30