Dear Yogis,

What King of Pentacles Meant for me Today.

We are getting close to The Wearable Art Exhibition (July 15th), and I am so busy – I didn’t realise what a strain it would put on my day to day.  But I haven’t caved!

The King of Pentacles has appeared today to ask me what parts of life require discipline and determination to see through – well gang, I am sure you can guess.  The Fashion Parade of course.  Then a special commission? Each of us has moments in our lives where we are challenged, where hard work is necessary, even if it’s unpleasant, tedious, or nail bitingly anxious.

Because this card is so closely associated with prosperity, this card tells me that  hard work will pay off. I must allow the “King of Pentacles” to help me find the strength within to accomplish everything I need.  Having done that,  I rest in the knowledge that I will be rewarded.

Luckily this card tells me that I don’t have to do everything entirely on my own, however, because the King of Pentacles also represents compassion and teamwork. There are other people in my life who care for me, and who have offered, or who may be able to offer a helping hand.  For instance one of my treasured students spent time yesterday sweeping leaves – not an onerous job, but at this time, a long one.  Thank you “lovely one” I appreciate your offer, your time, and now look out my window to a tidy yard.

If any of my students would like a reading, please make a time with me.  I have had a couple of double headers this week.  Mother and daughter, best friends.  I didn’t think they would be good, but surprisingly they are!  I love this opportunity, and if you decide to come with a friend, it can be 2 hours of reading, and costs $170.  Please email: for an appointment.

I have put more cards into the Mt.Macedon Gallery – these are special because they have a print loosely attached which you can frame.  At $9.50 for a small framable print, they are a good buy, especially in these times.  If you go to my web site you can purchase a pack of 5 cards for an excellent price and postage is paid in Australia.


Windarring Yoga –  Tues. x 2 +Thurs. x 1.

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) 2.15 (full) Wed. Restorative 1pm.  Thursday 10am? Please book.

ZOOM WORKSHOP.  Mondays at 6.30 on zoom. “A Year of Living Biblically” and “The Source”.  We are still waiting for girls to be ready and for books to arrive.  So, I will definitely make this NEXT MONDAY, not today – and it will be whether you have the book or not.

THE YOGA LUNCHEON:  The last Saturday in the month at 12noon (yes a time shift). I have booked to go to  The Full Moon in Woodend.  Warm, “homey” and great food.

THE WEARABLE ART EXHIBITION:  Sunday July 15th, Jubilee Hall Macedon. 1pm to 3.30.  tickets at