Dear Yogis,
Hope you are enjoying the long weekend. I am still working through all the “holidays” we had during covid. I would like more hours in the day, not less days in the week…. I don’t pay much attention to holidays, but I know I am in the minority. I had a success this weekend – I entered some tea bag art in The Lions ClubArt Show. I have rarely sold anything at one of these shows, but I have this time.
A couple of months ago I suggested that we shared a tarot CARD A DAY but I was the only one who shared in spite of quite a good response to the request. “Yes”, is easy to say, however, stopping long enough to draw a card and think about it obviously isn’t. I on the other hand, have not only taken a card from the pack each day, I have painted it and now I have quite a collection of cards on tea bags. I could do a reading email every day… PLEASE, if you would be interested, please let me know. If you would like a personal Tarot Counselling/Reading on zoom or in the studio the same – PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
I just loved my card today. THE TWO OF PENTACLES (The Juggler). I am sure those who know me will acknowledge it says so much about how I have always lived my life – JUGGLING – The material and the spiritual. Until Covid I did quite well, but covid threw me out of balance. It is only now with the “card a day discipline” that I am getting back on track. I have changed from my cards to The Rider Waite Deck because they are colourful, very descriptive, and there are 78. That number always threw me before, but now I welcome it. When giving a reading I can read, 3 cards, 9 cards, the “card a day” or the complete deck or various spreads. It is a matter of choice.
A juggler is shown on the Two of Pentacles, working hard to keep his two coins in motion. The man is dressed in a red circus-style costume, with a big red hat on his head (which more than likely makes it even harder to juggle), mine is black and always reminds me who I am – maybe channelling Willie Nelson as I client said?….rather than making things harder. The man looks like he is having trouble keeping the two balls in the air, and could be on the point of becoming unbalanced. So, what happens next? A turbulent ocean can be seen in the distance, with two ships trapped in the ups and downs of the waves.
Juggling is not as easy as it looks. To catch whatever you’re tossing while you juggle, your muscles must respond almost automatically. You need to develop such confidence in your body that you can catch a ball or a pin with only a look in its direction and toss it up again . You may not be relaxed, but you look relaxed. It’s almost as if your body is operating independently, pursuing a purpose you’re not fully aware of. Remember wrong voices make for wrong choices.
This is the card of maintaining equilibrium. Jugglers must maintain their money, their assets, their work, their lives in the air at all times, never fumbling. What happens if he doesn’t comply? Who is to say? It’s all he knows. This juggling is how he lives, and is necessary for his survival. Perhaps a patron is paying his salary so that he can juggle effectively. Maybe this juggling is a side line and he is just practicing, and needs to keep juggling for his own mental well-being. Juggling may be a distraction.
Whatever the cause, as I read it, the two of pentacles wants you to maintain balance in some aspect of your life, never putting one item ahead of the other.
I have been reading the writings (musings) of SETI I a long dead Egyptian Pharaoh, and at the same time researching the writing and paintings of the Late Ainslie Roberts, a very spiritual artist Australian who was one of the first to paint Aboriginal Legends. Seti and Roberts, centuries apart both had near death experiences, both worked and lived out of these experiences – Seti took it a bit further and reappeared in the life of OmmSeti (Margaret….) in the 1930’s and continued to do so for many years. You only have to look at Robert’s paintings, particularly my favourite about the Stars and the Moon, MOON FIELDS to understand that he too was profoundly changed – Imagine a field of orbs and all the stories around these even in our culture. Roberts may or may not appear to others, but he certainly does in his paintings – they are a testament to his spiritual nature. I think that Seti, OmmSeti and Roberts were each jugglers of the material and the spiritual.
Just a reminder of times and changes. I will be doing a zoom INTRODUCTION TO DISABILITY YOGA. When I learn something useful, that add to our studio skills, I bring it to you… and I am doing it again here. I will keep you posted. I am still working on the book, it will be a biggie, about 60 A4 pages to download.

CLASS TIMES: (Windarring – Tues x 2 +Thurs+Fri).
STUDIO WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm, 2.15pm Wed. Restorative 1pm .
FREE ZOOM HERBAL WORKSHOP. Mondays at 6.30 on zoom, but not this week – public holiday and we are busy.
ZOOM – YOGA FOR DISABILITY – Please register your interest – Maybe a Thursday or Friday evening zoom would suit us all. Let me know or I will make an executive decision. The zoom will include the book chapter by chapter.
APPOINTMENTS IN THE STUDIO – I am available for massage, hand massage, Bach Flowers and Tarot… you choose your combo and we will explore them together. $85 per session no matter how we put it together.
THE YOGA LUNCHEON: “THE FULL MOON SALOON”, Last Saturday in the month (March 25th at 1pm) – I have booked already.