I paint angels.  I have done this ever since I can remember.  

After 9/11,  I painted 1000 angels.  Now the world has once again slipped into the dark side.  When I heard that small children in the Israel/Palestine conflict were being asked to write their names on their bodies before going to school so that if they didn’t come home they could be located (or bits of them could be located) I was shocked.  It is a wicked thing.  Caring is not enough.  We have to act, and my 1000 ANGEL PROJECT II is my way of response.  Raising the spiritual level of our conversation, thoughts and ways of being.

You may remember my first Project “THE 1000 ANGEL PROJECT” and it took a number of years to complete.  I don’t just paint angels, Every morning without fail I spend time with them.  It is a precious time and one that I can now indulge, and spend more time than I ever have in our treasured dialogue. The angel to the left is a rather large one, and I am painting both large and small.

My angels help me with the everyday issues of life. For those of you who ask such questions, I am not trying to be equal with God or trying to be God – although I have prayed with the intention of feeling the presence of God.  This is not the same.  My angel is a Divine being and like us has the “vibration” of God that is unique to us all.  In some way we are all angels.  You might know this intellectually, but for whatever reason have not found your Divine Partner.  You may have read of Saints and the Holy ones who lived and spoke with their angels and thought “they are special, gifted, holy – they can do this but I can’t”.

You are reading this because you are willing to try again… You are willing to explore this magical land.  When you do make contact your Angel may say “bless you, where have you been? – I have been waiting for you”.

My paintings could be your way of speaking with your angel.  They have gone to hospitals, hospices, schools…and of course CHILDREN who always respond in wonderful ways to the energy of Angels, and in every country around the globe.  You can donate one to a school, hospital, or person close to you.  Caring is not enough – as before I donate my angels.  For every three I sell, I donate one…  

I look forward to hearing from you.  Perhaps you can help? Hop on to the drop down menu “ANGELS” above from time to time to see the angels in progress,  and of course you can buy from me or from etsy.  I am just building a stock before I go on line, but you can waitlist.   It’s Christmas soon and you can gift, or donate your angel to someone in need.  Email me.   yogafirst2@bigpond.com 



ZOOM GITA Monday evening at 6.30pm and for the next 3 weeks (you’ve missed one).  Although there is no charge, if you can, I would appreciate a small donation (or a big one!).  To donate go to the web site www.yogabeautiful.com.au and click on PAY VIA PAY PAL

Windarring Yoga –  Tues. x 2 +Thurs. x 1. (some Fridays)

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Mon. 2.15, Wednesday Restorative 1pm

NEW:  CALM AND CLEANSE YOGA:  No takers on Thursday and Saturday so I get to paint!!!  Thank you – Actually I am going to make a set of runes….

THE YOGA LUNCHEON:  As always the last Saturday in the month.  The next (our Christmas Luncheon)  at 12noon the 25th November – PUT IT IN YOUR DIARY NOW.. I have booked for us to go to  “The Full Moon” in Woodend.  Warm, “homey” and great food. I love the Nachos – with chicken – with prawns – vegan, or Mexican.  Any of them are great.

SEE YOU IN THE STUDIO (and at the yoga lunch at the end of the month)