Dear Yogis (No internet today – so a day late with newsletter)

Wow.  What an amazing yoga/Bowen Massage Studio.  Why haven’t I used it for this before – it has just been waiting for me to see it better, properly.  Instead of squeezing into a cold smaller room at the front of the house, here is a big sunny room overlooking the garden, totally perfect for both yoga and BOWEN (with some Tibetan Spinal Pulsing! – formerly PPT Massage).

I used it this afternoon.  The sun was streaming in the window, it was perfect, especially as for Bowen no undressing is required.  So, if you want to come see me (Bowen is magnificent and is about doing without doing, very yogic), please make a booking.  The cost for 1 hour is $85 – rarely do we need more than an hour, although with a cup of tea it could take a little longer. Bad back, Tennis elbow, sore neck, headaches, stiff neck, dodgy hips, ankles and knees…and more.  Bowen is the go.

I was in the first ever Bowen Classes for practitioners in Melbourne.  In fact worked for them as a consultant.   I know it well.  Join me and discover the gentle, effective world of Bowen.

The email is the same  Email me and we can work out a date/time.  I can be available on most weekends.



Windarring Yoga –  Kyneton Tues. 1pm,  9.30AM in Gisborne (10 week term ending in September).

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Wednesday Restorative 1pm,  FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am (or a bit later)  by donation.   Arrive around 9.30 and we will start when we are settled.   I will be leaving around 11am..  I am not sure how long the class will last, or how long it will take to get everyone ready and moving, but we will be relaxed, and see how it goes.  Two students or more we always have a great class.  We are change makers.

>>>>>ZOOM DISABILITY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. Our zoom section is done.  If you want to join the class, you will have to wait for the next one towards the end of the year.    If you want to join our regular Monday zoom class,  you can, but you will need to email me to get the ZOOM ID.

ZOOM YOGALATES MAGIC CIRCLE CLASS starts Wednesday Sept 11th at 6.30.  A hugely popular studio class, let’s try zoom so everyone can come.  This is a very strong class where you will build stamina, physical ability, muscle strength and breathing.  Of course you can do it gently, or tough – it is entirely up to you.  $70 for 4 classes plus you need to purchase a Pilates Magic Circle Ring from Kmart $10 or Temu $7.50, before you come to class.  You can’t do this class without one..  Woodend Kmart often runs out, so doing Click and Collect is usually the answer.  Temu posts without charge (usually).

NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING – The last Sunday in August.

YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH: Last Saturday in the month 12 noon at Full Moon next to the Vic in Woodend. .  Please email me if you would like to come.




Dear Yogis –

This is a reality check re this Institute.  The reason we are still here is the registrations and to a lesser extent, the classes and teacher training.  Because i will only teach teachers to be the best they can be, not just hand out meaningless 200 hour qualifications for a fee, we don’t sign up in groups as we used to when we were THE ONLY  school in Australia teaching yoga by distance. I still teach teachers who can travel the world, and can teach anyone, anywhere.

It is registrations more than anything else that has made it possible for me to keep paying the various insurances, and remaining available for my students, and viable.  I do not charge for “every little thing”.  I hate squeezing students for money, and even the monthly teacher trainings in the studio are using my time. Every little bit helps keep the doors open. 

It is not just a matter of signing up.  Schools who have not focussed, or who have reduced and reduced the registration costs to try and keep their students engaged are no longer with us.  The IYTA for instance – a large institute who just couldn’t keep up with the increasing expenses.  My painting, everything adds to this fund.  However, without registrations I would have closed the doors ages ago.   SO PLEASE, PLEASE REGISTER.  If you think it doesn’t matter, it does, and it keeps the doors open for everyone.

Some teachers came to us when nothing else was possible for them.  Graduated, then because they had a certificate went to India or other Institutes for specialised certification , and totally forgot that this Institute made it all possible, and gave them the key.  From here they went on to found quite marvellous schools – they pretend that it all happened in India.  It did not, it happened here first.  I can only ask one thing.   If you started here, register with us, we are your sangha.  Make what you had possible for others.

I  rely on you, as do all the students……


Windarring Yoga –  Kyneton Tues. 1pm,  9.30AM in Gisborne (10 week term ending in September).

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Wednesday Restorative 1pm,  FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am (or a bit later)  by donation.   Arrive around 9.30 and we will start when we are settled.   I will be leaving around 11am..  I am not sure how long the class will last, or how long it will take to get everyone ready and moving, but we will be relaxed, and see how it goes.  Two students or more we always have a great class.  We are change makers.

>>>>>>ZOOM DISABILITY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. Our zoom section is done.  If you want to join the class, you will have to wait for the next one towards the end of the year.    If you want to join our regular Monday zoom class,  you can, but you will need to email me to get the ZOOM ID.  

NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING – The last Sunday in August.

YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH: Last Saturday in the month.  Please email me if you would like to come.



Good morning Yogis,

Although there is no date or time, I am looking forward to organising a yarn bombing class – where or when I don’t know.  Yarn bombing is so relaxing. You can knit but it doesn’t matter if you are not looking, not concentrating, drop a stitch, or stitches mysteriously come and go and the end result doesn’t make sense.  I remember when i was a teeny tot and my mother was trying to teach me to knit.  She wasn’t a natural teacher, and she got very frustrated when I didn’t understand.  I dropped a stitch and she was upset – I tried to calm the storm by saying I wanted it to look like that and “it was an elephant”.  It seemed to do the trick.

In yarn bombing your piece can have lots of “elephants” it doesn’t really matter.  Bright colours, unusual shapes can all be made into something ant attached to something.  It is the perfect “sport” for the diverse-ability communities, and in NSW the Deaf/Blind community has taken it on big time.

Last time we did it via the library (tourists came from all over Victoria to see the results).  We had to desist because someone from the “sustainability” fraternity complained that we were disturbing the possums and wildlife generally.  If we actually were, I think lots of people would wrap their trees in colourful creations if that was all it took to deter possums.

At the end, the pieces are made into rugs, beanies and etc and given to charity.  Nothing is wasted.


I have incorporated Pilates “Magic Circles” into the class, and they are very popular.  It’s a “love/hate” relationship.  They are challenging, but worthwhile. No matter where the classes are, I take the circles, and they are received well.  In fact at Windarring they are hilarious… we have such fun – I don’t think that happens in a regular class.


Windarring Yoga –  Kyneton Tues. 1pm,  9.30AM in Gisborne (10 week term ending in September).

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Wednesday Restorative 1pm,  FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am (or a bit later)  by donation.   Arrive around 9.30 and we will start when we are settled.   I will be leaving around 11am..  I am not sure how long the class will last, or how long it will take to get everyone ready and moving, but we will be relaxed, and see how it goes.  Two students or more we always have a great class.  We are change makers.

>>>>>>ZOOM DISABILITY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. Our zoom section is done.  If you want to join the class, you will have to wait for the next one towards the end of the year.    If you want to join our regular Monday zoom class,  you can, but you will need to email me to get the ZOOM ID.  

NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING – The last Sunday in August.

YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH: Last Saturday in the month.  Please email me if you would like to come.