eBlast 26 October 2017

YOGA NEWSLETTER 26th October 2017



The weather has been spectacular here. It is why we live here – the amazing spring, the cooler summers. This picture above is the wisteria on my verandah. The bees are just loving it, and the hum is loud as they go about their job. It is why the wisteria is a lush as it is. Every year it gets better as the bees do their work.

I will have a lot of honey I think when we next clear the hive. Last year we got much more than I expected, there seemed to be a load every time we went to the hive. I don’t spin the honey or remove the wax, or filter the honey – so what we get and what we use is absolutely pure. After years of make do and mend, half of our frames need replacing. We are in the process of doing that getting ready for the next run when flowers are fully out, and the bees working hard laying down a winter stock. I do leave them plenty to go on with.

The PPT Massage Refresher we did on Sunday focused on outside rather than inside the room too. We looked at herbs, and herbal essences, and how to bring them to our practice of Restorative Yoga therapy. Once you expand your thinking in this way you are really doing Restorative Yoga Therapy in the way that I intended it to be.

To assist you in this I am nearly finished my next (client driven) booklet. THE YOGA OF HERBS. To become a teacher and speaker about herbs is to become a channel of herb energy, becoming sensitive to the herbs.. One needs to communicate with the plant and see it as a teacher, in this way the Yoga is known.   AFFILIATES and those who would like to be. Thank you to those who responded… If you would like to Affiliate and start teaching teachers (you need to have graduated), then please email me and we will arrange a visit – or a chat depending on where you are of course. If you have a studio, it’s your next step.

Please use the email address yogafirst@optusnet.com.au for anything to do with accounts, or the usual yogafirst2@bigpond.com. To get to me. If you do want to speak to me personally, then email, make a time suitable for both of us, and then we can chat. If you do it this way, rather than just “wing it”, you can be reasonably sure I have time, and you will get my attention. POSTAL ADDRESS is not at my home – small mail box out in the open means that rain is an issue. Please address all land mail to the address it has always been – PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. Vic. 3441. Until you see a change written here in large letters, that is where it will be.


If you are waiting for a Registration, a largish package or an unusual shaped package from us and you only have a small mailbox with a small opening please make sure you visit you local Post Office with your COLLECTION SLIP in hand. We have had a cross customer or two in the last few month and it turns out that the post office held their items for almost two weeks waiting for collection. They were sent back to us. This incurs double postage – nothing you will want to do with today’s postal charges.
I have a new landline. 0354 274 383. But I prefer that you leave a TEXT for me on0402 088 170. (or email me directly at yogafirst2@bigpond.com) Thank you.

HYPERMOBILITY AGAIN.   The book and the DVD are available via ETSYwww.myyogabooks.etsy.com The more that I do in this field, and the more that I think about it, the more relevant it becomes to all of you.   INSURANCE
  PLEASE NOTE: If you are not teaching then there is no need for insurance. If you are teaching then you will need to be registered, and get insurance.

INSURANCE ALTERNATIVES. We are no longer closely involved with our teachers with regards to insurance…. AJGallagher seems to be the only one who will insure students who have not graduated but are teaching. I am looking at Dancesurance. They appear to insure students (trainees not yet graduated) cheaply, and, if you have a studio, they are really the only ones who insure this with understanding. Cost for Studio insurance? $276pa. No matter who you use. If you are a student MAKE YOUR STATUS CLEAR, if you don’t, and need to make a claim, you may discover (too late) that you are not covered.

RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY INSURANCE: Dancesurance have come through with a specialist insurance for our Restorative Yoga Therapy graduates. They can add this special insurance on to their ordinary insurance Dancesurance AT NO EXTRA COST. They have examined the course, they have looked at the caliber of the students going through, and made their decision. All you need to do is to supply a copy of your registration when you apply.

We worked hard to get to this point – but it is much better than I could have expected. So thank you Dancesurance. (Students – You can deal with them direct). A: 425 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna South Vic 3152
P.O. Box 4408, Knox City Centre, Vic., 3152

T: 1300 55 22 05
W: www.DanceSurance.com
E: Info@DanceSurance.com


PLEASE, PLEASE CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION. You need to be currently registered for your insurance to be valid, and you will need to supply a copy of a valid registration to be insure. Please check your insurance requirements – keep up to date. They change quickly.


From NEXT MONTH, we are going to fall in line with other organisations and ask people who are registered with us and wish to re-register to do at least one short course in the year as a continuing education requirement. I have been shocked by what teachers THINK they know, and teach from there. You need to keep up. You can do one of my little courses on ETSY, or someone else’s, doesn’t have to be onerous, just something to keep you on your academic toes so to speak.


To complete Level.3. the students need to apply and do the theory and exam. Those who have not done Teacher Training with me, need to do the full level 3 Exam and assessment. This is what the balance of payment is for – see the sitewww.restore.moonfruit.com. You may not pass the assessment first go. It is like teacher training. Module by module. Fewer modules, but more complex (for both of us).


Please note these have changed.

THE STUDIO – 37 Morris Road.

Tuesdays: 10 am Restorative.

Wednesdays: 12.30 I am making this a teacher training day. If you are a teacher, come. It may be easier for you than the monthly Sunday. Come to both!

Saturday: Philosophy 11.30 am, Restorative 12.30 pm. THE BENTINCK – on the corner of High Street and Romsey Road, Woodend.

Enter ONLY through the Romsey Road gate where you see the yoga sign. Do not park in the front of the Bentinck. The main two story building is not The Yoga Centre.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Hatha Yoga 6.30 pm

Wednesday: 5.30 pm Restorative.

Friday: NEW CLASS – Meditation (Yoga Nidra + CSF meditation included) this is suitable for beginners, and everyone welcome – new, advanced, non-yogis. Everyone welcome. Will do some restorative and gentle flowing movement to open the class. WE WILL ALSO BE CONCENTRATING ON CSF AND HYPERMOBILITY.

$5 Saturday: Hatha 10 am. This is a $5 CLASS!!! – our usual summer time $5 yoga class starts again and I invite you all to come along. Mats provided of course. No booking required. Your class pass is not valid at this class. YOGA class prices at either place, Bentinck or Studio are $15 per class, $135 for a 10 class pass or $100 unlimited for one 4 week month (no extensions – once the month is up the pass is done). Your present passes will be valid until they run out. Restorative Yoga Therapy Consult (including the massage) with Jahne $155 first consult, $125 thereafter. Health Fund Rebate available.

Please note that at the Bentinck, the Medical Clinic that we have all been waiting for is nearing completion, however, more work is being done on the driveways and ambulance bay. If it is full, park opposite. Walk carefully, workmen leave building materials about.


The next will be on Sunday 5th November, 2pm to 4pm at my home studio (37 Morris Road in Woodend). Please join us for Teacher Training 2pm to 4pm. There is no need to book. Bring writing materials, and be early. If you are a distance ed. student then the cost of the afternoon is $15. If you are a visitor you are most welcome to the teacher training segment. If you are not formally a student teacher with us then the cost is $20. Come.

ANYTIME PARKING – Park your car either on the white gravel around the front of the studio, or if this is full, then there is an empty drive and front yard leading to a shed directly opposite us. Park there and in a way that others can too. Don’t just abandon your car in any driveway, naturestrip or the road. There is no need to park way up the hill, though you can if you want to.

Bendigo Teacher Training classes – every fortnight from 3.30 to 5pm at Crusoeden Body. I will be teaching there. Next TT falls in Cup Week, so we are doing it the following Tuesday 14th November… Turn at the Metricon building on the highway in Kangaroo Flat. It is a traffic light intersection, just up from Bunnings. Crusoeden is the building behind Metricon building, and faces Church Street. It’s easy to find. Cost: $15 per class for everyone who attends – thank you.

(Directors – Jayne Boyle  – crusoedenbody@bigpond.com). Regular classes held –please email for timetable.


  Why haunt libraries for information on the chakras, yamas, and other yoga philosophies relevant to the course. It is all on ETSY. 

For you who have never used ETSY please visit. It is fabulous and oh so EASY. You will find all our books, our DVD’s and CD’s on ETSY. (The Paul Grilley DVD’s are on our web site shop). Please go to www.myyogabooks.etsy.com. Or www.yogabeautiful.com.au. for the Paul Grilley DVD’s. If you are new and haven’t read about YAMAS, CHAKRAS then I have distilled them for you. Go to myyogabooks site as above and have a look – especially at the new book and DVD on Hypermobility. I am loading our new Restore/Relax guided meditation on USB, and available on ETSY. If you can’t come to Friday then get one of these and you can do it anytime.

  The Revelation Tarot new extension to the deck is loaded and ready for you. To shop for the tarot go to www.myyogabooks.etsy.com. I have made some lovely pouches for your tarot cards. These are also available on etsy. TEA LEAF READING, PENDULUM and I-CHING POSTERS   This is my doodle from last nite. I sat at the desk, and started filling in an idea I had for a poster, and here it is. I had done some sketches previously, but the finished product is much better than I expected probably because I was just doodling and never expected it to turn into anything. I will get it copied on beautiful paper, and printed in sepia. Not really suitable for a download… although if you wanted A4 black and white, then I could do it for you. As usual go to www.myyogabooks.etsy.com Not there yet, but it will be this afternoon or tomorrow. There is the PENDULUM POSTER/BOARD already loaded on ETSY. This looks amazing under glass, the TEA LEAF READING POSTER almost there, and the next one in my head is THE I-CHING PENDULUM POSTER/BOARD. I can’t wait for that one to emerge. It will come when it comes (like the tarot).
  EMAIL NUMBER. There was a problem with the server, but this has been fixed until the next time – For anything, anything at all please email me at yogafirst2@bigpond.com. If you do not your emails may get lost. For money matters please email yogafirst@optusnet.com.au Do not ring unless you have not got email (some people living and working remotely don’t have computers), or you have an urgent question. Email, leave your number and I will get back to you.

So at the moment my TEXT number is 0402 088 170 – preferably leave a text or email. I will return your calls when I can – I am not a slave to either the computer or the phone, so you may find that emails or TEXT (which I always recommend) work out best. The mail address is PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. Vic. 3441. 

I am always as close as your email, and there are those who ring and manage to find me near the phone … Don’t forget to Register, insure and re-subscribe to the videos.  Don’t leave these to the last minute. Love and Blessings,  Jahne

Newsletter sent out by The Australasian Yoga Institute,

Posted in Uncategorised

eNewsletter 30th June 2017


Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….

Dedicated to a tradition of excellence in teaching for more than 40 years, The Australasian Yoga Institute offers yoga teachers comprehensive and systematic training in classical yoga. We teach yoga techniques for body, breath, mind and spirit in 200hr and 500hr certification programs. Our programs include training in meditation, asana. GOOD MORNING DEAR STUDENTS
EMAIL CHANGE: Please use yogafirst@optusnet.com.au (anything to do with accounts), Or the usual yogafirst2@bigpond.com. If you do want to speak to me personally, then email, make a time suitable for both of us, and then we can chat. If you do it this way, rather than just “wing it”, you can be reasonably sure I have time, and you will get my attention. POSTAL ADDRESS is not at my home – small mail box out in the open means that rain is an issue. Please address all land mail to the address it has always been – PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. Vic. 3441. Until you see a change written here in large letters, that is where it will be.

We don’t have terrorists in this country – we have TELSTRA AND NBN.

I am being held to ransom by the NBN crew… Hundreds of you out there I know… That feeling of helplessness is hard to describe. 


I need your help with some understanding here.  It has come to my attention that NA (Narcotics Anonymous) , in an attempt to encourage people who are not able to know or imagine God, even “A”  God, to ask their members, (people who are taken through  12 Step Training,  and people who go to their meetings) to imagine that a Chair is God.   How can this be?  How can anyone who is recovering from a life trauma of any kind think that they will be helped in any way by a chair, even a very beautiful chair?  

I put this on Facebook and I had a Priest comment to the effect that the chair could transform and become something ‘wondrous”.  I forgot to ask what planet this otherwise gentle and lovely man was on.  We are talking here about people in deep trouble – In the main the people I am concerned about, the people I work with,  are NOT philosophers.  Neither are they people who have even a nodding acquaintance with their spiritual selves.  They are people who are ready to quit this world.  Will a chair, no matter how comfortable, be able to help them? Will this chair give them a greater understanding of themselves or help them find a way out of their dilemma, give them a reason to question their reality, and even stay alive?  I think not.   They need some guidelines, they need a path, they need a light on the path, but in my experience, it does not lead to a chair.

My daughter works for an organisation which helps people who are in recovery find meaningfulemployment and become qualified bicycle mechanics.  The bicycles they work on are rather lovely when they are repaired and cleaned up by the clients (they even get one to keep), BUT no matter how much they would like them to be God, THEY ARE NOT.  The paint work is great, the seats are comfortable, and the employment is fantastic, but the bike itself had nothing to do with it.  No matter how necessary the bike was to the client’s recovery it still is not God.

The bike is NOT GOD, neither is a chair God, and I can’t see how it would be helpful to imagine that this is the case! 

If you have some ideas, I would be interested to hear them.

HYPERMOBILITY….  YOGA AUSTRALIA has asked me to talk on hypermobility in Melbourne in February.  They know as I do that this is essential in your yoga teaching. So you can catch me in September at the Theosophical Society Theatrette, or, you can keep watching this space to find out other dates and times, especially February….  I can come to you to give a talk too –  depending on dates and time. This week I learned from one of my students who also goes to a physiotherapist that they too have just realised that collagen is a factor in hyper mobility, and that they can’t FIX IT.  The student told me that she said to the physiotherapist “You decided that today!  My yoga teacher told me that months ago”. Apparently physiotherapist are working on some kind of test so that it can be decided whether or not you have a problem of wrongly coded collagen. We already have one something that you can see and evaluate – it is called HYPERMOBILITY.
I have started a new e-booklet on Hypermobility.   It will be finished by the September seminar.   VIDEOS: Please note. When you first signed up you were given a password to access the videos. There is lots more on them than you may anticipate, so go for it… watch them. They will answer a lot of your questions, and they will save you having to do some questions a second time.. If you want to get your Restorative Yoga Therapy Certification at Level 2 and move on to level 3, then you will need to do your LEVEL 1 FIRST. You need that certificate BEFORE you can do Level 2. Please pay attention. For previous students: If you have done the last workshop, loved it and would like to repeat it (every class is a little different)  you can for a small fee, I would love you to join in and share your experiences since your workshop.


“THE RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY ALLIANCE” – is a project we are currently working on, using The International Yoga Therapy Assoc. as our model. It will take us years to get to their level of perfection – but it is something you need. It will be an organisation aligned to The Australasian Yoga Institute. A branch of The Institute which will be inviting papers, focusing and sharing the more therapy aspects of what we do in Restorative Yoga. Not a medical model, but certainly a healing model. I have begun the steps needed for my own registration at the highest level of the American/International peak body (I am registered already), so that I can encourage my graduates to do the same.

“MASSAGE ALLIANCE” – I am still working on this.  It seems a logical outcome of our work aligned to Restorative yoga therapy.  I do it in the context of a journey to the heart of listening, and not as a stand-alone hands on “Fix-it”. I sit with the client and let the forces of life do the work. Massage used in this way is remarkable, and makes everything else you do in a session deeper and and more meaningful. Certainly the style of massage that we do here, much aligned to our therapy, will be taught at Level 3 Restorative Therapy.


WITH REGARD TO STUDENT INSURANCE AND REGISTRATION.  From the 1st July there will be changes, BIG ONES I BELIEVE….  I am working to make it a positive step.  The insurance company will be looking after the insurances totally.  Watch this space.  Registration will be mandatory if you want insurance, and will be STUDENT or GRADUATE level.  This will reflect on your insurance policy.  The cost of the insurance will also change, but I don’t quite know how or to what extent yet.  Watch this space.

WHEN YOU SHOULD INSURE:  We based the course on graduating students in an average of 18 months to two years.  Keeping this in mind we thought (because you would not be teaching until you finished the course)  you would not need insurance for those two years, so we gave you the first 12 months insurance and registration free, and ditto for the second – if you were not yet teaching. However, this is changing as more people who are teaching already are joining our course to get registered and insured.   If you are not teaching then you don’t need to be insured, and you will be registered when you graduate.

If you do start teaching whilst you are still working on the course, then you will need STUDENT REGISTRATION in order to get STUDENT INSURANCE.  These are an extra cost and you should factor them in, as you must also factor in your videos which are also a yearly subscription.  The first year is paid for in your fee, but from thereon it is up to you to renew.  This is not an unusual ask.  WE do not hide the fact, however, when I ask you to read the applications and other information SLOWLY, we anticipate that you have done that, and won’t be surprised.  Keep in mind that we are providing the skills for a career for around $3,000.  That is extraordinary.  A charge for Registration and Insurance and  $275 for a yearly video subscription is nothing in the light of that.

Why Register with THE AUSTRALASIAN YOGA INSTITUTE?  Thank you all the students who have responded to this call.  Registration says you are a member of our school (and proud to be so), and at the very least the income received from the cost of registration allows us to give out scholarships, and help others in their desire to teach.   It is not mandatory, but it is recommended, and we encourage you to do it.   How do you  support and encourage your lineage? – or do you perhaps dream up a more glamorous version, something featuring India perhaps?  We have a wonderful lineage that goes back through the Gita School to India and Tibet.  My Heart Guru, Margrit Segesman the founder of the Gita school (a very important part of our lineage)  was sent to Australia from India and Tibet to teach yoga by her Heart Guru, but she never disclosed who that was – seeking to break the “guru tradition”..  When you register you are not just supporting our endeavours, you are acknowledging the wonderful teacher that Margrit Segesman was…and yoga is.  A living tradition.  Support us by being a fabulous teacher, and in time Affiliating with us, and taking our traditions into a complete Teacher Training School of your own.

Right now – TODAY, mark in your diary when your registration and insurance are due – Registration and insurance should be applied for YEARLY on the same day (it is easier this way).   – at this time contact us if WE (this office) have not contacted you. THE AYI COURSE VIDEOs.  A necessity.  Please make notes, notice how long you spend…. Write it down. As it says in your initial emailed information pack, from the very first one with how to set yourself up clearly noted, please make a journal note of all the yoga you do in a day, and that includes the videos. A computer is just a computer, and whilst we make every effort to get them to comply with our will, they sometimes don’t. If you have a daily journal and mark down in it all the yoga you do and watch, and then on a monthly basis transfer the totals to your passport, you will have a hard copy record, and a computer record.


You might be able to still get the book (and many others) second-hand from the bookshops below. I would advise you to buy a few so that you can amortize the postage cost across a number of books rather than one.

    Cost Plus Mail        
  UK 1/ Revival Books Ltd $4.94 $5.90 USA 2/ Goodwill Books $1.50 $12.99 UK 3/ Awesome Books $9.89 $6.47 USA 4/ Hippo Books $5.50 $11.50 USA 5/ Hippo Books $5.50 $11.50 USA 6/ Goodwill Books $1.00 $17.00 USA 7/ The Book Women $5.00 $14.75           As Suzuki Roshi once said “if something is not paradoxical it is not true”.


$15 per class or 10 classes for $135 (and UNLIMITED ONE MONTH FOR $100 – great value if you come often) 

Keep in Mind that Jahne’s Massage is available in between yoga classes, and by appointment only.

THE BENTINCK Enter through the Romsey Road gate, and park either side of the drive.

THE HOME STUDIO Park on the white gravel, in the small open yard opposite the house if no-one else has, or on the nature strip. No need to bring props – mats etc unless you want to – everything is provided.

    6.30 PM Yoga with JAHNE
  10:00 AM Restorative
  6:30 PM Hatha with Nic
  12:30 PM Hatha (sometimes TT depending on arrivals)
  5:30 PM Restorative, 6:30 PM Hatha
  6:30 PM Hatha Yoga with Jahne

11:30 AM PHILOSOPHY for Yogis
12:30 PM Restorative 10:00 AM Hatha
4:00 PM Philosophy     OUR YOGA CLASSES You will note there are less – I need to write, and there are not enough hours in the day, so what is less popular GOES… and that is yoga classes.  Hardly anyone is committed.  Students come once month and call it”regular”.   They don’t understand that I prepare for a class, then do the class.  It takes time and energy.  Worthwhile if students in numbers come to class.  I have been doing this for most of my life.  50 years in fact.  These are not the usual “teeny-boppy” sort of class, they are about CHANGE.  Change the mind, change the body.  If you are NOT wanting to change, to grow, to get better and better.. (every day in every way), then these are probably not the classes for you.  And, you don’t need to wear lycra.  Every class is more difficult for me the teacher because I know more, want to help you more, and can see more.  So if the classes are not what you anticipate, relax, go with the flow, and grow.

THE TIMES IN RED. From 2017 those classes in red above are at my home studio. So if you want to come to the home studio for your class please book. I need to know your name, the classes/s you want to attend and your email so I can confirm, as the classes will be limited and SMALL. Please email your booking and your details to yogafirst2@bigpond.com

PRICES: The class prices at either place, Bentinck or Studio are be $15 per class, $135 for a 10 class pass or $100 unlimited for one 4 week month (no extensions  – once the month is up the pass is done). Your present passes will be valid until they run out.  Massage $85 per session with Jahne.

At the studio: Could you please park on the white gravel I had made especially for you. If there is no room on the white gravel or the naturestrip, then opposite us is a space we have been given permission to use. Just drive in. Please, don’t park on the road, or in other peoples driveways or naturestrips unless there is absolutely no parking available at the studio and opposite. 

At the Bentinck: there is work going on to build our new medical Centre. We dealt with the driveway, and in a few days cement is going to be laid for the ambulance parking.


The next will be on Sunday 2nd July,  2pm to 4pm  at my home studio (37 Morris Road in Woodend). Please join us – there is no need to book. Bring writing materials, and be early. Follow the Japanese Path at the side of the house. There is a notice on the door if you have trouble with direction. If you are a distance ed. student then the cost of the afternoon is $15. If you are a visitor you are most welcome – and if you are not formally a student teacher with us then the cost is $20. We have had the most wonderful trainings, there is nothing like them. Please do come. Park on the white gravel around the house, and in the open yard opposite. 

TEACHERS: I plan to give a class on THE SHAMAN DEATH MEDITATION training. This is about dying to your old self, and being reborn. Please let me know if you are interested. I could give it after the teacher training although it will take a full two hours I think (or close to). If you are interested let me know. I will charge $65 for Teacher Training plus the meditation training, or just $15 for the teacher training. If you are coming to both it will take from 2pm to 6pm, although you are welcome to come to just one or the other. Remember to bring paper and pen to both. 

TEACHER TRAINING in the CBD: I am considering doing the Restorative Yoga Therapy workshop in Melbourne CBD.  If you would be interested in doing this workshop (which is an important part of the course)  if this was an option for you, please let me know. yogafirst2@bigpond.com  (For people who have done the workshop and would like to do it again,  repeat it – you would be welcome for just $50).

I will be doing lectures at The Theosophical Society Theatrette in Russell Street (Subject – “Hypermobility JHBS/ED-T and how it changes your yoga and yoga teaching” theory and practice.).…  September 23rd, 1.30 to 2.30 then 2pm to 4 with afternoon tea in the break.  Please write in your diary.

TEACHER TRAINING IN EUROA: Now trainees in Euroa, Shepparton, Albury and surrounds will be able to do their teacher training with Heidi. We will keep you in the loop as this progresses. Please contact Heidi  (Director – Heidi Van Maanenberg – ask@byoga.com.au).

TEACHER TRAINING IN BENDIGO: Bendigo Teacher Training classes – every fortnight from 3.30 to 5pm at Crusoeden Body. I will be teaching there on Tuesday 4th July.  Turn at the Metricon building on the highway in Kangaroo Flat, Big METRICON sign on the building you turn at – also its a traffic light intersection, just up from Bunnings. Crusoeden is the building behind Metricon building, and faces Church Street. Its easy to find. Cost: $15 per class for everyone who attends – thank you. (Directors – Jayne Boyle  – crusoedenbody@bigpond.com).  Regular classes held – please email for timetable.

TEACHER TRAINING SOON IN TARADALE. These are still in the planning stages, but TARADALE Yoga School is not far away.  But if you are in the surrounding areas, please let me know and I will pass your interest along – in the beginning I will be sharing the TARADALE TT classes until we get them up and running..   yogafirst2@bigpond.com DO YOU WANT TO AFFILIATE WITH US and Teach Yoga teachers?  If you are a graduate with us, have a studio already, and are at the point of considering teaching others to be yoga teachers, then please contact me and we can introduce you to our procedure for this. It is not like Macdonalds, it is not a franchise, you are always in charge, you make what you make, and I teach the modules just like you have done. It works – when you win, I win. Let me know if you would like a chat with me. Email me and let us set up a scheduled phone call – give me a few options for when you are available. Email: yogafirst2@bigpond.com

MASSAGE:  What I do is not exactly massage.  More complex than just rubbing the body with oil (or as someone said to me “fish-slapping”).  It is more a combination of relaxation and cranio-sacral therapy.  We are having wonderful results, reaching new milestones for students.  If you want a booking please email me, and give me a couple of options.  There are not many times available.   I feel like Dolores Cannon – she had bookings twelve years out when she died.  I haven’t got there yet, but it is squeezed up right at this moment….  Book early.  

GIFT VOUCHERS for The Australasian Yoga Institute.
Vouchers are available (all year) for $135 or $70 class passes, and massage $95 one hour or $50 half hour. Please contact me and we will arrange it. Email yogafirst2@bigpond.com Trying to climb the ladder of success? Forget the ladder. In yoga, everything is right here on the ground. IN THE THE SHOP AT “ETSY” 


IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YAMAS AND CHAKRAS – my own little books are on etsy. Why spend hours looking for the information when you can pay from under $10 for these books and have a very valuable easy-to-read reference and resource www.myyogabooks.etsy.com. If you get them and read them they will help you with many of the concepts that you are having trouble with especially in your modules. Go to “CHOOSE LIFE”, a home based on-line restore and recover program. YOGA NIDRA USB on ETSY.  For those of you who want to do yoga nidra like we do (like I do). Now you can. I have done a USB stick so you can plug it in and have a wonderful, long meditation whenever you can. Please go to my growing shop on www.myyogabooks.etsy.com  YIN YOGA/ANATOMY/MEDITATION DVD’s –Please indulge in ALL three
They are the best, and will form the backbone of your yoga references. As I have told you before when I bought mine they cost $100 or so each. I thought that this was a good investment, and I still do. We have had to increase the price TWICE – everything everywhere is going up, and we have held this price for a number of years. Now $57.50. At this price we are accounting for currency increases and decreases, and they are still cheaper than I paid for mine initially. Look at Ebay – everyone is about the same. At twice the price they are still worth having. With Christmas coming, please order yours today. I don’t have many left and I am waiting for more stocks to arrive in the mail – at this time of the year they sometimes get caught up in customs. www.myyogabooks.etsy.com

I am at present writing a booklet on HYPERMOBILITY.  It will be available on ETSY before the seminar in September.

REGARDING THE OFFICE: Thank you all so much for living the Yamas. Now, direct that wonderful energy to looking for the time your registration and insurance is due…let us know when you change address and emails
ATTENTION: EMAIL ADDRESS. There was a problem with the server, but this has been fixed until the next time – For anything, anything at all please email me at yogafirst2@bigpond.com. If you do not your emails may get lost, as I am gradually going to get rid of the other email addresses…. Do not ring unless you have not got email, or you have an urgent question. Email, leave your number and I will get back to you. Phones?  We are being re-organised, even here…. So at the moment my number is 0402 088 170  – preferably leave a text or email. I will return your calls when I can – I am not a slave to either the computer or the phone, so you may find that emails or text (which I always recommend) work out best. 
I am always as close as the post or the email, always working to make things better, dig deeper. Why? So you can be the best you can be. Email me, talk to me, send me photographs (send me questions). I look forward to hearing from you.  For more wonderful, delicious thoughts log on to our Web site www.yogabeautiful.com.au and tune in to our videos daily.

ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  Namaste Jahne

Contact me here.
This email was sent out by
The Australasian Yoga Institute/Yoga First.

Posted in Uncategorised

eNewsletter 20th July 2017


EMAIL CHANGE: Please use yogafirst@optusnet.com.au (anything to do with accounts), Or the usual yogafirst2@bigpond.com. If you do want to speak to me personally, then email, make a time suitable for both of us, and then we can chat.  If you do it this way, rather than just “wing it”, you can be reasonably sure I have time, and you will get my attention.  POSTAL ADDRESS is not at my home – small mail box out in the open means that rain is an issue. Please address all land mail to the address it has always been – PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon.  Vic. 3441.  Until you see a change written here in large letters, that is where it will be.

HYPERMOBILITY….  You will all be pleased to know that I am just putting the finishing touches to a (very “me”) video. No bells and whistles, just me talking about hyper-mobility and demonstrating the Sacro-Cranio Connection moves. This DVD is mean to be viewed in conjunction with the booklet, but it will come first. The Ebook will not be far behind.  I have got the illustrations done (which accompany the DVD).  So you will be able to move forward in your teaching once you have seen this. Please, please don’t expect a flash production. It is just me, talking at the camera, demonstrating as in the videos you have watched for years. It means that I can charge the minimum with no production costs other than printing, packaging and posting, which is enough in itself.

COLLAGEN: DEMENTIA/ALZHEIMERS.  I feel marginally stupid. For years and years I have been taking SHARK CARTILAGE. I take it because of its effect on cartilage and muscle, but I never thought about the collagen aspect. People have always said what great skin I have. If they could have seen the scars left by acne they would have thought differently. But without me thinking much about it, the scars have gone, my skin is reasonable, and I still have all my marbles. And I am still doing heaps of yoga classes a week. For my age that is not bad, and I think I have collagen to thank for quite a bit of that. The collagen I take is pure, it is from virgin waters, and is ethically collected. No sharks are killed specifically for the product and it would be put in landfill otherwise.  We will be putting it on our shop site… I have the price of the capsules – $34 for 60 (a whole lot better than the $49 the chemist charged me!), plus I have to get the postage and packaging price on top of that. I apologize ahead of time for Australia post – it will cost more than we think, and take longer than we think to get to you. Thankfully, we rarely lose anything.

RESTORATIVE LEVEL 3 will be dealing with these issues above as well as others that will all go towards helping you to be a better therapist. If you have not almost completed the teacher training course then you won’t have the anatomical and philosophical vocabulary to understand what we are doing. So work on your course, do the Restorative level 1 and 2, and keep this in mind for the next step.  Come to my talks, and book for a workshop with me. Or book for a one-on-one to see how I work.  There are four students ready for the level 3, believe me, I want this as much as you do.  It is top of mind.
The Theosophical Society has asked me to give a talk on hypermobility in Melbourne on the 23rd of September.  YOGA AUSTRALIA has asked me to talk on hypermobility in Melbourne in February. I believe that this is essential in your yoga teaching.  So you can catch me in September at the Theosophical Society Theatrette, or, you can keep watching this space to find out other dates and times, especially February….

My  e-booklet on Hypermobility?   It will be finished by the September seminar.   VIDEOS: Please note. When you first signed up you were given a password to access the videos. There is lots more on them than you may anticipate, so go for it… watch them. They will answer a lot of your questions, and they will save you having to do some questions a second time.. If you want to get your Restorative Yoga Therapy Certification at Level 2 and move on to level 3, then you will need to do your LEVEL 1 FIRST. You need that certificate BEFORE you can do Level 2. Please pay attention. For previous students: If you have done the last workshop, loved it and would like to repeat it (every class is a little different)  you can for a small fee, I would love you to join in and share your experiences since your workshop.


“THE RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY ALLIANCE” – is a project we are currently working on, using The International Yoga Therapy Assoc. as our model. It will take us years to get to their level of perfection – but it is something you need. It will be an organisation aligned to The Australasian Yoga Institute. A branch of The Institute which will be inviting papers, focusing and sharing the more therapy aspects of what we do in Restorative Yoga. Not a medical model, but certainly a healing model. I have begun the steps needed for my own registration at the highest level of the American/International peak body (I am registered already), so that I can encourage my graduates to do the same.


WITH REGARD TO STUDENT INSURANCE AND REGISTRATION. From the 1st July there will be changes, BIG ONES I BELIEVE….  I am working to make it a positive step. The insurance company will be looking after the insurances totally. Watch this space.  Registration will be mandatory if you want insurance, and will be STUDENT or GRADUATE level. This will reflect on your insurance policy. The cost of the insurance will also change, but I don’t quite know how or to what extent yet. Watch this space.

WHEN YOU SHOULD INSURE:  We based the course on graduating students in an average of 18 months to two years. Keeping this in mind we thought (because you would not be teaching until you finished the course) you would not need insurance for those two years, so we gave you the first 12 months insurance and registration free, and ditto for the second – if you were not yet teaching. However, this is changing as more people who are teaching already are joining our course to get registered and insured. If you are not teaching then you don’t need to be insured, and you will be registered when you graduate.

If you do start teaching whilst you are still working on the course, then you will need STUDENT REGISTRATION in order to get STUDENT INSURANCE. These are an extra cost and you should factor them in, as you must also factor in your videos which are also a yearly subscription. The first year is paid for in your fee, but from thereon it is up to you to renew. This is not an unusual ask. WE do not hide the fact, however, when I ask you to read the applications and other information SLOWLY, we anticipate that you have done that, and won’t be surprised. Keep in mind that we are providing the skills for a career for around $3,000. That is extraordinary. A charge for Registration and Insurance and  $275 for a yearly video subscription is nothing in the light of that.

Why Register with THE AUSTRALASIAN YOGA INSTITUTE?  Thank you all the students who have responded to this call.  Registration says you are a member of our school (and proud to be so), and at the very least the income received from the cost of registration allows us to give out scholarships, and help others in their desire to teach. It is not mandatory, but it is recommended, and we encourage you to do it. How do you  support and encourage your lineage? – or do you perhaps dream up a more glamorous version, something featuring India perhaps?  We have a wonderful lineage that goes back through the Gita School to India and Tibet. My Heart Guru, Margrit Segesman the founder of the Gita school (a very important part of our lineage)  was sent to Australia from India and Tibet to teach yoga by her Heart Guru, but she never disclosed who that was – seeking to break the “guru tradition”.. When you register you are not just supporting our endeavours, you are acknowledging the wonderful teacher that Margrit Segesman was…and yoga is. A living tradition.  Support us by being a fabulous teacher, and in time Affiliating with us, and taking our traditions into a complete Teacher Training School of your own.

Right now – TODAY, mark in your diary when your registration and insurance are due – Registration and insurance should be applied for YEARLY on the same day (it is easier this way).   – at this time contact us if WE (this office) have not contacted you.  THE AYI COURSE VIDEOs.  A necessity.  Please make notes, notice how long you spend…. Write it down. As it says in your initial emailed information pack, from the very first one with how to set yourself up clearly noted, please make a journal note of all the yoga you do in a day, and that includes the videos. A computer is just a computer, and whilst we make every effort to get them to comply with our will, they sometimes don’t. If you have a daily journal and mark down in it all the yoga you do and watch, and then on a monthly basis transfer the totals to your passport, you will have a hard copy record, and a computer record.


You might be able to still get the book (and many others including STRUCTURAL YOGA THERAPY) second-hand from the bookshops below. I would advise you to buy a few so that you can amortize the postage cost across a number of books rather than one.

    Cost Plus Mail        
  UK 1/ Revival Books Ltd $4.94 $5.90 USA 2/ Goodwill Books $1.50 $12.99 UK 3/ Awesome Books $9.89 $6.47 USA 4/ Hippo Books $5.50 $11.50 USA 5/ Hippo Books $5.50 $11.50 USA 6/ Goodwill Books $1.00 $17.00 USA 7/ The Book Women $5.00 $14.75           As Suzuki Roshi once said “if something is not paradoxical it is not true”.


$15 per class or 10 classes for $135 (and UNLIMITED ONE MONTH FOR $100 – great value if you come often) 

Keep in Mind that Jahne’s  Massage is available in between yoga classes, and by appointment only.

THE BENTINCK Enter through the Romsey Road gate, and park either side of the drive.

THE HOME STUDIO Park on the white gravel, in the small open yard opposite the house if no-one else has, or on the nature strip. No need to bring props – mats etc unless you want to – everything is provided.

    6.30 PM Yoga with Jahne
  10:00 AM Restorative
  6:30 PM Hatha with Nic
  12:30 PM Hatha (sometimes TT depending on arrivals)
  5:30 PM Restorative, 
6:30 PM with Jahne
  6:30 PM Hatha Yoga with Jahne

  11:30 AM PHILOSOPHY for Yogis
12:30 PM Restorative
  10.00 AM Hatha
4.00 PM Philosophy
      OUR YOGA CLASSES You will note there are less – For 50 years I have turned up with hardly a holiday to deliver the best classes I can come what may. Right now – things are getting in the way with you coming to class. I am told life is getting busy. Teachers across the land are telling me there is less commitment. Less YOGA FIRST attitude. So I am cutting down the classes and concentrating on writing.  Perhaps it is the right time for me to do this. At my age my own teacher was still taking classes, but life was different then, and she was not able to write until she retired. I can do both thanks to you, my students. I am cutting down my classes, and I am spending that time writing. I have important things to write about – yoga and dementia/alzheimers for instance… I am also encouraging people who really need me to come to my home for one-on-ones, which of course reflect the skills Icam learning with the research I am doing. Yes it costs more, but you will be able to get a health benefit rebate (if your health insurance goes that far).

THE TIMES IN RED. These are at my home studio. I will also welcome one-on-one consultations concentrating on Restorative Yoga Therapy, particularly in relation to dementia or alzheimers. If you have a history of this in your family, maybe you would like to come see me. I think we can make a difference, but there will be work to do.

The times in BLACK are at The Bentinck…

PRICES: The class prices at either place, Bentinck or Studio are be $15 per class, $135 for a 10 class pass or $100 unlimited for one 4 week month (no extensions  – once the month is up the pass is done).Your present passes will be valid until they run out.  Restorative Yoga therapy Consult (including a massage) with Jahne $155 first consult, $125 thereafter. Health Fund Rebate available.

At the HOME studio: Could you please park on the white gravel I had made especially for you. If there is no room on the white gravel or the naturestrip, then opposite us is a space we have been given permission to use. Just drive in. Please, don’t park on the road, or in other peoples driveways or naturestrips unless there is absolutely no parking available at the studio and opposite. 

At the Bentinck: There is work going on to build our new medical centre. We dealt with the driveway, and in a few days cement is going to be laid for the ambulance parking.


The next will be on Sunday 6th August,  2pm to 4pm  at my home studio (37 Morris Road in Woodend). Please join us – there is no need to book. Bring writing materials, and be early. Follow the Japanese Path at the side of the house. There is a notice on the door if you have trouble with direction. If you are a distance ed. student then the cost of the afternoon is $15. If you are a visitor you are most welcome – and if you are not formally a student teacher with us then the cost is $20. We have had the most wonderful trainings, there is nothing like them. Please do come. Park on the white gravel around the house, and in the open yard opposite. 
TEACHERS:  THE SHAMAN WARRIORS DEATH MEDITATION training was amazingly good.  This is a consultation that can be done with me one-on-one. If you have issues that need resolving. If you are stuck, and can’t move forward, then, this is the consult for you. In the training the girls were sobbing. At the end they said they felt powerful, in control – looking forward to moving forward. If you think this might be for you, then please, let me know, make a booking (one and a half hours minimum)  – come see me. 

TEACHER TRAINING in the CBD: I am considering doing a  workshop in Melbourne CBD.  If you would be interested in doing this workshop (which is an important part of the course)  if this was an option for you, please let me know.  yogafirst2@bigpond.com.

I will be doing lectures at The Theosophical Society Theatrette in Russell Street (Subject – “Hypermobility JHMS/ED-T and how it changes your yoga and yoga teaching” theory and practice.).… September 23rd, 1.30 to 2.30 then 2pm to 4 with afternoon tea in the break.  Please write in your diary.

TEACHER TRAINING IN EUROA: Now trainees in Euroa, Shepparton, Albury and surrounds will be able to do their teacher training with Heidi. We will keep you in the loop as this progresses. Please contact Heidi (Director – Heidi Van Maanenberg – ask@byoga.com.au).

TEACHER TRAINING IN BENDIGO: Bendigo Teacher Training classes – every fortnight from 3.30 to 5pm at Crusoeden Body. I will be teaching there on Tuesday 8th August. Turn at the Metricon building on the highway in Kangaroo Flat, Big METRICON sign on the building you turn at – also its a traffic light intersection, just up from Bunnings. Crusoeden is the building behind Metricon building, and faces Church Street. Its easy to find. Cost: $15 per class for everyone who attends – thank you. (Directors – Jayne Boyle  – crusoedenbody@bigpond.com).  Regular classes held –please email for timetable.

TEACHER TRAINING SOON IN TARADALE. These are still in the planning stages, but TARADALE Yoga School is not far away.  But if you are in the surrounding areas, please let me know and I will pass your interest along – in the beginning I will be sharing the TARADALE TT classes until we get them up and running… yogafirst2@bigpond.com DO YOU WANT TO AFFILIATE WITH US and Teach Yoga teachers?  If you are a graduate with us, have a studio already, and are at the point of considering teaching others to be yoga teachers, then please contact me and we can introduce you to our procedure for this. It is not like Macdonalds, it is not a franchise, you are always in charge, you make what you make, and I teach the modules just like you have done. It works – when you win, I win. Let me know if you would like a chat with me. Email me and let us set up a scheduled phone call – give me a few options for when you are available. Email: yogafirst2@bigpond.com

I AM LISTENING”.  What I do is quite complex. Yes, I use the tarot; yes, I use yoga; and yes, we do energy work and massage– but you and I decide on the mix as we go. We have a goal, a way to get there, and an outcome..maybe then you are done. I have achieved success, and the outcome required, in literally 5 minutes (honestly). The client was blown away and paid me in full plus a tip…! Most people take longer. Nothing is set in stone. But you will be able to move forward. If you are stuck, if you are in recovery, if you can’t see a good road ahead –  then come see me. We will look ahead together.

GIFT VOUCHERS for The Australasian Yoga Institute.
Vouchers are available (all year) for $135 or $70 class passes, and massage $95 one hour or $50 half hour. Please contact me and we will arrange it. Email yogafirst2@bigpond.com Trying to climb the ladder of success? Forget the ladder. In yoga, everything is right here on the ground. IN THE SHOP AT “ETSY” 

The new DVD on THE SACRO-CRANIO CONNECTION will be loaded soon, just waiting on bits and pieces of printing.


IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YAMAS AND CHAKRAS – my own little books are on etsy. Why spend hours looking for the information when you can pay from under $10 for these books and have a very valuable easy-to-read reference and resource www.myyogabooks.etsy.com. If you get them and read them they will help you with many of the concepts that you are having trouble with especially in your modules. Go to “CHOOSE LIFE”, a home based on-line restore and recover program. YOGA NIDRA USB on ETSY. For those of you who want to do yoga nidra like we do (like I do). Now you can. I have done a USB stick so you can plug it in and have a wonderful, long meditation whenever you can. Please go to my growing shop on www.myyogabooks.etsy.com. YIN YOGA/ANATOMY/MEDITATION DVD’s –Please indulge in ALL three
They are the best, and will form the backbone of your yoga references. As I have told you before when I bought mine they cost $100 or so each. I thought that this was a good investment, and I still do. We have had to increase the price TWICE – everything everywhere is going up, and we have held this price for a number of years. Now $57.50. At this price we are accounting for currency increases and decreases, and they are still cheaper than I paid for mine initially. Look at Ebay – everyone is about the same. At twice the price they are still worth having. With Christmas coming, please order yours today. I don’t have many left and I am waiting for more stocks to arrive in the mail – at this time of the year they sometimes get caught up in customs. www.myyogabooks.etsy.com

I am at present writing a booklet on HYPERMOBILITY.  It will be available on ETSY before the seminar in September.

THE KITCHEN/THE HOUSE: I had one of our students (the architect Heather Wright – used to have a city practice, now works locally) come in to give me some new ideas for my house. It was invaluable. It is amazing how clearly someone with no prior knowledge of how I work in my house, can walk in and “get–it”. I am not sure the cost, but I am really looking forward to what she recommends. The kitchen and the office being main focus. She is going my way – and this I am sure is quite a departure from the city houses she is used to working with. But she took things slowly, and I am sure we will be able to work together. We are on the same page. As she walked in the door I said “No glitzy, no streamlined, no open plan, and no WHITE!”  That is me. Colourful, marginally cluttered, organised gallery workspace with a living area. When it is done we will have an opening perhaps when I am ready to share. I am preparing for the next 30 years… no changes to loft bed though – I love it too much.

REGARDING THE OFFICE: Thank you all so much for living the Yamas. Now, direct that wonderful energy to looking for the time your registration and insurance is due…let us know when you change address and emails

ATTENTION: EMAIL ADDRESS. There was a problem with the server, but this has been fixed until the next time – For anything, anything at all please email me at yogafirst2@bigpond.com. If you do not your emails may get lost, as I am gradually going to get rid of the other email addresses… Do not ring unless you have not got email, or you have an urgent question. Email, leave your number and I will get back to you. Phones? We are being re-organised, even here…. So at the moment my number is 0402 088 170  – preferably leave a text or email. I will return your calls when I can – I am not a slave to either the computer or the phone, so you may find that emails or text (which I always recommend) work out best. 
I am always as close as the post or the email, always working to make things better, dig deeper. Why? So you can be the best you can be. Email me, talk to me, send me photographs (send me questions). I look forward to hearing from you.  For more wonderful, delicious thoughts log on to our Web site www.yogabeautiful.com.au and tune in to our videos daily.

ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  Namaste Jahne

Contact me here.
This email was sent out by
The Australasian Yoga Institute/Yoga First.

Posted in Uncategorised