Dear Yogis,

I am going to learn AUSLAN because I am losing my hearing.   I have been paying attention to others in the same boat – not just those losing a little hearing, but people like me who have been losing everything except the “central sounds”.  This makes students traversing a philosophy based yoga class, a harder call than most.

If you are just lumping along lifting weights and running on a treadmill, well you don’t even need to feel to do that – but yoga is different.  We don’t just care about the HOW we take time to understand the WHY.  The folk I teach at Windarring have a smattering of Auslan, one or two of the support workers are studying it, so I am in the right place to learn and practice. When I know enough to teach it, I will.  In the meanwhile I am doing an AUSLAN summer school at the Polytechnic in Collingwood.  It should be interesting – what else would I be doing?.

I have always tried to face my shortfalls (coming faster as I get older), and make them into an advantage, bearing in mind that you could be experiencing the same as me, but maybe pretending you are not. To stave off alzheimers we are told learning a language can help, well, Auslan is a language with a physical , external expression.

I am looking forward to seeing (and hearing) you at our break up get together on Sunday afternoon (Woodend time).  Please bring a plate – preferably with something on it.  

BOOK RECOMMENDATION:  “Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind”.  Revealing a person of endless compassion.   The journals of Maura “Soshin” O’Halloran. ISBN 1 85538 452 3




(Christmas? Our last yoga class Friday 20th December at 10am  – First 2025 class Friday 10th January at 10am)

Windarring Yoga –  Kyneton Tues. 1pm,(last class the 24th December!)   9.30AM in Gisborne Until the17th December..

STUDIO YOGA,  WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full),  Wednesday Restorative 1pm,   FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am.

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am every Wednesday  by donation. Please arrive close to 9.30 and we will start when we are settled.

YOGA PHILOSOPHY CLASSES AS USUAL ZOOM. Monday 6.30pm.    For an ID please email.  We are studying chakras as they relate to everyday life and tarot.

YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH:   at The Full Moon Saloon starting again in the new year.  January.   

CHRISTMAS LUNCH – 15th December in the Studio, Woodend.   at 12’ish.  Come when you can (after Mass?). My art studio will also be open if you want to pick up something nice….different.  Some flower studies – me painting flowers, who knew?