It’s Sunday in December, not even Christmas,  the planned exhibition is in February, and already I have run out of “Little Studio” hanging space!  The work has morphed from miniatures to large, large paintings, primarily because people have been donating canvas to me – I did sort of say to the universe “show me where I am going with this”, and the canvases started to show up – so that’s the answer.  As the Buddha said “do what’s in front of you”.   So, no plans, just do.

I am selling my work to people who ask along the way which means that I can afford to keep on following the Universe – I am looking forward to where I end up.  I think I can still hold my gallery exhibitions here, but let’s see – I just may not have room, or i could do it by invitation and on-line.  I am learning… What occurs to me is to paint THE COMING OF THE COSMIC CHRIST (>>>>first come the angels….).

The next painting will be of the “Mother and Child” in angel form.  I am looking forward to what will emerge.

If you need me, you will find me painting Unicorns, Angels, and Painting Angel Altar pieces  – there will never be enough or enough time to paint more..  My Little ANGEL GALLERY will open the week before Valentines Day – a Day of love and forgiveness.  Everyone needs a personal angel altar piece… just as a reminder that there is a peaceful way.


YOGA CLASSES AND STUDIO TIMES…..  Last yoga class for the year.  Monday 18th December.  

ZOOM GITA Monday evening at 6.30pm.    Although there is no charge, if you can, I would appreciate a small donation (or a big one!).  To donate go to the web site and click on PAY VIA PAY PAL

Windarring Yoga –  Tues. x 2 +Thurs. x 1. (some Fridays?).  Last class 22nd December, first class for ’24 is the 2nd January

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Mon. 2.15, Wednesday Restorative 1pm

THE YOGA LUNCHEON:  The last one for the year was on Saturday.  Will update as soon as we have a date for the next one.

SEE YOU IN THE STUDIO and in the gallery.