Good morning Yogis

I am off to yoga nice and early this morning.  Not a 6.30 class, a 9.30 class, but you would think it was a 6.30 class by most people’s response – “That’s so early.  Don’t you have a later class?”

Well the answer is YES, I have a few later classes, but no class will suit you if all you are looking for is a social get together.  You can do that anywhere, anytime and without any commitment to yoga (or anything else).  Other  much used responses – “You don’t understand, I have children” or “My children don’t like me to do yoga” or  “You don’t understand I have to get my husband’s breakfast”.  (I gather from this he doesn’t know where the kitchen is?) or “I just don’t feel up to it this morning”.  What does that even mean?

Get into a routine.  Don’t get into discussion with your mind (or your children – you are the boss of both), especially the mind that wants you to stay in bed.  JUST DO IT. 3 minutes of meditation 5 minutes of yoga stretching – done.  Or you could come here.  OR BOTH!

Truly, I have heard all the excuses in my years of teaching and I am hoping for something original – but more than that, I am hoping you will put the excuses aside and come to yoga, and then keep on coming to yoga. Once a week is not enough, unless you have a discipline at home.


Windarring Yoga –  Kyneton Tues. 1pm,  9.30AM in Gisborne (10 week term ending end of September).

STUDIO YOGA,  WOODEND: Although these are small classes I take them seriously – you will too.
Monday Hatha 1pm (full),  Wednesday Restorative 1pm, NEW MUMS+ONE 2.30pm,  FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am and NEW Hatha with Magic Circle 6.30 new classes start when I have the numbers on my WAIT LIST.  Email me to start.

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am every Wednesday (or a bit later)  by donation.   Arrive around 9.30 and we will start when we are settled.   I will be leaving around 11am..  I am not sure how long the class will last, or how long it will take to get everyone ready and moving, but we will be relaxed, and see how it goes.  Two students or more –  we always have a great class.  We are change makers.

>>>>>ZOOM DISABILITY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. Our zoom section is done.  If you want to join the class, you will have to wait for the next one towards the end of the year.    If you want to join our regular Monday zoom class,  you can, but you will need to email me to get the ZOOM ID.

If you are enrolled and started the zoom training, and/or the Disability course, there is a chance that I will get approval to accept my students for a period of placement with me. 

NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING – The last Sunday in September

YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH: last Saturday in September, 12 noon at Full Moon Cafe next to the Vic in Woodend. .  Please email me if you would like to come, and haven’t emailed or contacted me already..

MT.MACEDON GALLERY EXHIBITION:  Meet the artist (ME) at the gallery – Saturday 14th September, at 10am to 1pm. THIS SATURDAY


NAMASTE – JAHNE (An unusual Artist)