Dear Yogis,

If only you were as excited by the Bhagavad-Gita as I am,  you would not miss an opportunity to read it and discuss it with other interested students.

Along with the “Tibetan Book of the Dead” (and even the “Egyptian Book of the Dead”), they are books to prepare you for life and for death – which is not something you can put off to a more “convenient” moment, and even if you don’t like to think about it, it comes to us all.

Huxley, Ginsberg and even RamDass felt that they,  in taking hallucinogens, had received a preview of heaven and even met God.  Later they realised that preview was available to them in the Gita also,  without the cost of losing jobs and mind.

Many writers and even scientists working today credit mushrooms of various kinds with giving them such amazing experiences that they felt compelled to write about them, research them and explain them to themselves and then their students and the public.  You may not feel like replicating the experiences, but you can get a taste by reading the Gita for instance….



ZOOM GITA :  Monday  evenings at 6.30pm.    Although there is no charge, if you can, I would appreciate a small donation (or a big one!).  To donate go to the web site and click on PAY VIA PAY PAL

Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm a joint class –  Kyneton and Gisborne combined.

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Mon. 2.15, Wednesday Restorative 1pm  NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING Sunday 25th February at 2.30

LITTLE STUDIO/GALLERY:  Opening PREVIEW Friday the 9th February at 5.30 – all my students (and friends) welcome.  I will have my newest series showing there in the original with prints and cards.  Especially a series on waxed tea bags of the Dalai Lama. The large paintings of Collette, Krishna and Ganesha will both be finished and available at this time also.

THE YOGA LUNCHEON: Saturday 24th February,  at The Full Moon Saloon. Woodend at 12noon.

SEE YOU IN THE STUDIO and in the gallery.