Whilst we were seeking past lives, we identified with THE FOOL. This is the first card in the deck, and represents the “voyager” (you) on life’s path. In this our Past-Life meditation on the Fool we imagined that we could follow the overself, and look backwards in our past, forward into our future, or make any little detours on the way.
Choose one of these cards each day. It is a plan and needs to be worked through in order. I have tried to make one step logically follow the other.
Carry the “card of the day” with you, write down you impressions in a small journal, taking notes during the day as impressions come to you. These are steps needed to get to your goal
CHOOSE THE MOUNTAIN do not fear the climb. It is not the height of the mountain which will stop us, it is the stone in our shoe.
CHOOSE THE EMPRESS for Focus. You have done the past life meditation in the front chapters of the TAROT book.
You know who you have been, how this effects NOW, and this information puts you in a good place to move forward into your own success in this lifetime. TheEmpress uses intuition… but she needs her EMPEROR, just as Yin needs Yang.
CHOOSE THE EMPEROR Having played with past lives, seen the influences, the failure, the successes, we are ready to make a Doable Plan, and follow the Plan.
CHOOSE THE ANGEL OF SWORDS to cut through things that no longer serve you
CHOOSE THE LOVERS You can do nothing if you have no relationship with yourself. Everything you have been good and bad, has led you to this point. Embrace it.
CHOOSE THE HERMIT and know that the stillness of the cave is as valuable as moving in the world. The Hermit wherever he is, is attached to the universal life force… he is not blindly going out into the world.
CHOOSE THE WORLD to look outside the usual paths for your success – do not be afraid of the world. It is working for you – enjoy the surprises.
CHOOSE THE CHARIOT knowing the road ahead, keep a hand on each spect of the journey whilst moving forward. Only with action can you fulfil your goals
CHOOSE STRENGTH to protect and grow your work and your successful ways.
CHOOSE THE HIEROPHANT who moves with action to turn words into knowledge, and worlds into progress.
Use these cards in this way to master your PASSIONS, PROCESS, and PRODUCTION and in this way move forward into the ABUNDANCE which is your birthright. Most major religions have some prayer which tell you to “ask and you will receive”. Most people don’t ask.
If you need help with your past life to find out WHO YOU REALLY are, the influences that have brought you to here, I can do this. I can give you the date, the time and the place you were born in your last SIGNIFICANT LIFE. The life that influenced this life most. Email me to enquire. yogafirst2@bigpond.com
ZOOM: Mon. 6.30 Gita, Tues. Herb workshop 7.30, Friday 6.45 Tarot on holidays until 29th April.
STUDIO: Mon. 1pm (full), Wed. 1pm Restorative (full), Friday 1pm Hatha, SATURDAY 1PM RESTORATIVE YOGA.
MONTHLY LUNCHEON: Thursday 28TH APRIL at 12noon at “The Vic” in Woodend (If you are running a bit late, relax, it’s OK – drop in for dessert).
CONSULTATIONS: Tarot/Bach/Bowen or a combo – by appointment only. $85 including remedy (including postage if zooming) Past-Life including your past birth place and time. (or QHHT taught by Dolores Cannon) $250 via email or in the studio. The yarot/email reading includes Time, date, place of the prior life. To discuss, email yogafirst2@bigpond.com
(TANTRIC) HERBS – HERB BAGS. $53.50 for 7. Each bag will last at least 2 days steeping. This includes a Bach Flower Essence given to complement the tea. This is not a usual tea, it is a Herbal remedy taken as tea in a tea bag – I cannot emphasise enough how essential I believe these are for your well being. I take them myself EVERY DAY, and feel fabulous. I think over time we will all get some form of covid, but I believe my herbs will help me through. If I send them to you add $6 for postage.
Please make a zoom consult ($85 for the zoom including your tea or your Bach Remedy). I would prefer to see you so we can be sure the herbs will suit you and help you on your road to wellness. You can email if you don’t like zoom… and YOU CAN ALWAYS DROP IN FOR HERBS TO ADD TO YOUR COLLECTION – DRIED, FRESH OR TO GROW…. A studio consult may include PPT MASSAGE or BOWEN, the herbs, tarot counselling… whatever is needed. Email me for your next step yogafirst2@bigpond.com.