Well lovely ones,
Did you miss yesterday 4/4/4! that won’t happen again for a while. Plus this is the year dedicated to the Archangel Michael. I thought every year was!
Another weekend self-isolating. Well, its not “self”-isolating when everyone is isolating is it? A retreat is self-isolating – a choice. This is quarantine. I hope you have been keeping up with the blog and facebook especially in regard to the sense of smell and Covid. If you notice that yours is diminishing, please self-isolate, it is said to be an indicator of the presence of the covid virus, which alters the brain, not just the respiratory system.
What wonderful things have you done at this time? (Isaac Newton discovered Calculus when he was quarantined for two weeks due to the Black Plague). I had lots planned in the garden – nothing as fabulous as calculus – but it has rained almost non-stop, although I did get a great walk in yesterday, and am hoping that the rain will ease at about 5pm today (Sunday at time of writing) and I can get a walk in today. The rain has shown up some fundamental drainage problems which need attending to before winter – nothing that moving to Bermuda wouldn’t fix! I did however, clean the pond. Not just a cursory clean, a major one – so the pond at least is winter ready. In the process I discovered there is a spring under the pond, which does answer quite a few questions about how the water behaves there.
I am expecting the plumber in the morning. I told him to bring an outboard motor or oars!
Talking about the garden. You can regrow, carrot greens, celery, onions fennel, romaine lettuce, garlic greens, lemongrass and basil in water from the roots or in the case of basil, from a “branch”. Don’t throw these veggies away when you top and tail. Save the tail, sit it in water, and it will grow. I have about 4 celery plants I have grown from the bottom of a bunch of celery. It is handy.
Foragers unite! I hope that you have been popping in to check on the posts at www.wildnweedy.blogspot.com. I did put up a post for a fantastic (make it yourself) vodka skin cleanser I put together, inspired by one I used years ago and can no longer get. Cheap as chips, and super effective.
I am puddling along with the angels… one per day. They are changing and morphing every day, and I am not sure where we shall end up. But I am enjoying them. The hardest thing is to sit with the empty canvas and just “do it”.
I meet my guide each day, together with members of my family who have passed over. I understand that they are always with me, I am never alone, but the pendulum does help me to make contact, and will help you too. It needs practice. I am working on pendulum charts which I will put on etsy. You can meet your guide with a chart you make yourself, but some people like charts they can download. So, I am here to help.
I have many interests, not just one, not just yoga. Yoga has served me well but neither yoga nor the tarot has been without detractors. I was surprised a year or so ago when a (valued) yoga student informed me that because I did tarot, she could not continue with yoga with me. Why? The people she worked with were unhappy about it! All this, even though she had loved it and been a wonderful contributor on every level herself to that point. What a disappointment.
Then there was the Church Wardens (and the Bishop) not long ago, who said that they could not accept my charity gifts because I practised and taught Tarot. Even some art subjects I have chosen have caused people to walk out of exhibitions (flowers?). I have always thought that the people who made these pronouncements (and death threats), took action because I threatened a belief they held strongly…strongly enough to go against the beliefs THEY said they held. “Love thy neighbour” being just one such belief. Whether their actions have been right or wrong doesn’t matter to me – I know who I am.
Thank you to all of my lovely readers, who in-spite of my rich and varied life have continued to join me on the journey. Who knows what will come next – certainly not me. Although this quiet time means we do have time to hold the mirror up, and examine who we are, and where we are going.
This is a terrific time to go into your files, find where you are up to, and get up to date. Make sure you have insured, make sure you are registered. If you are working on modules, use this time to get ahead. The videos need to be resubscribed if you haven’t done so. We had videos of yoga ten years ago, and they are still there, the message is still the same. Check them out. Subscribe. Let me know how I can help you. Email me: yogafirst2@bigpond.com
www.myyogabooks.etsy.com All our E-Books, the Tarot, Paintings, Recipe books and so on.
www.wildnweedy.blogspot.com Foraging, Survival, Recipes for kitchen, health, beauty..
www.yogabeautiful.com.au Everything yoga, and the yoga blog (including this one).
Stay well, and warm. Namaste. jahne