Please. If you can, download this song. It is quite beautiful. Perfect for the new year.
I hope you had a great Christmas, and that (like me) you are looking forward to a marvellous new year. It is the first time I have had time off in years, and I have loved it. I am planning for more time like this – I did get a lot done, but I worked in a different way. It is great when we discover something new about ourselves, and I have. Hope you have too.
YOGA CLASSES are on the Web site These times include the times at The Church. I hope that even if you haven’t been in a while, you take the opportunity to come along on Monday. Make it part of your New Year Resolutions.
YOU TUBE CHANNEL: We have started a new YouTube channel, its free, and you can learn about the reasons behind the yoga that you do. I also am walking students through my tarot deck – THE REVELATION TAROT. To get there, google “Jahne Hope-Williams You Tube” . When we get 100 subscribers we will get an easy link, in the meanwhile, google and put it in your “favourites”.
I look forward to seeing you at yoga (and maybe for a Tarot appointment).
Namaste. Jahne