Dear Yogis,

What is it that runs the world?  Have you ever though about this? What causes it to be like it is?  The answer I believe is BAD THOUGHTS.  Not just thoughts but bad thoughts, and the actions they cause.  First one thing followed by the other. It has been some time since you watched this video. It’s time to be changed.


At the beginning of it is the thought.  Thinking is where it all starts.  How many thoughts do you have?  Not just simple snapchat thoughts, but questions, decisions, statements, beliefs – larger thoughts.  The thoughts that can move you enough so that you take action in a moment of weakness, anger or passion.  My teacher told me that we have sixty-five of these thoughts in the time it took him to snap his fingers.  Sixty-five.  Do you understand that every single one of those thoughts leaves an imprint clear and lasting on the screen which is your mind!!  That is a BIG THOUGHT is it not?

These imprints CREATE YOUR WORLD.  These imprints cause you to do every action you do, see every person you do and the details of your life  down to the minutest item imaginable, every minute, every second of every thing you will ever experience in your lives.  THESE THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR WORLD, and every other world you may inhabit in every lifetime and every parallel lifetime.!

Every thought plants a seed, and when seeds grow they make plants.  Good seeds make good plants, bad seeds make bad plants.  From this we can say with a fair amount of certainty (and from a Buddhist point of view – although I think Jesus spoke of it, but more obscurely), that if we have a harmful thought no good can come from that, and it could never create something pleasant in your life.  Conversely good thoughts produce fine results. (“As a man thinkest, so is he” – The Bible)

You have to take into consideration that a watermelon seed for instance once planted produces a plant which produces millions of seeds.  Mental seeds are the same as physical seeds.  If that watermelon seed was not a good seed would it produce even hundreds of good seeds?  No. If we think of this in terms of our mind and our life, the tiniest imprint creates results maybe millions of times bigger than the original, and is responsible for major events in our world and in our lives which we had not anticipated and may not welcome.

Another thing.  From a mental point of view,  once a seed is planted the result is inevitable.  Good seeds get good results, bad seeds get bad results and seeds always grow into something bigger than themselves.  Once planted and nourished they grow.  Painful things in your life come from something painful you have  thought, spoken or done to another being.  Not some painful thing, every painful thing.

Sometimes these seeds ripen within the mind and cause us to experience things in this lifetime, but sometimes we carry these seeds with us through death and beyond.  So this life you are now experiencing can be the result of seeds you planted in many previous lifetimes.  We call this cause and effect KARMA.

This is a huge subject… to be consumed in small bites, and to be continued…..



Dear Yogis,

Unfortunately we don’t have weekly classes anymore.  We used to, but life got busier, and the classes became smaller until we don’t have them, so this newsletter is the only way that I can reach you regularly.  No matter what I speak to you of, it is inspired by Spirit.  I can’t sit down and write without the help of spirit – I would just be sitting with an empty mind.  I know that feeling really well when I try to force things, or write what I think you should know – EMPTINESS.   How could I do it EVERY DAY? Not the same message daily, but a new message every day.

Today is a let’s do the “everyday” paying attention time.  I don’t know how these messages will match up, but I do know they will.  I am not determining the messages, so pay attention, and just keep them in the back of your mind.  Today. Covid and Extraterrestrials.  Firstly we are going to talk about what you can do to change your body in this time of covid.   The following is research gathered from what science is saying about Vit D3.  It is not the only change you should make, but it is a change you would be smart to make.


There are many people analysing what is exactly happening in this pandemic.  Things we personally can change.  By analyzing publicly available patient data from around the globe, scientists have discovered a strong correlation between vitamin D levels and cytokine storm — a hyperinflammatory condition caused by an overactive immune system — as well as a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and mortality.  It appears from current research that the majority of people who die from covid,  die from this cytokine storm, not the destruction of the lungs from the disease.  By taking appropriate supplementation, we could (according to research in this direction), cut the mortality rate in half.  It won’t protect people from catching the virus, BUT, it may reduce complications and prevent death.  It may also may explain mysteries such as why children are less likely to die – their immune system is not fully developed and they are less likely to overreact as ours do.

PLEASE NOTE: you should not take excessive doses of vitamin D, which might come with negative side effects. There is much more research to know how vitamin D could be used most effectively to protect against COVID-19 complications. Science cannot tell us the best dose, but they do know that we should have an appropriate supplementation.


If you name something, you will find it.  Before it is named you don’t know what you are looking for.  It is a bit like Poirot going into a house for a clue in a murder.  If he doesn’t have an idea that he is looking for a murder weapon will he find it?  Sometime detectives say “when I see it I will know it”.  You might find something, it could be the wrong thing which fits with a current hypothesis however, it must make the search a whole lot harder (this is a little of what is happening in Covid, right?)

An amazing step forward in extraterrestrial exploration happened this week, and you may not have noticed – Researchers,  supported in part by the NASA Astrobiology Program have proposed a new vocabulary for astrobiology research concerning the search for life beyond Earth.  By looking for “LYFE” instead of “LIFE”, they have expanded the search to include the possibility of something we haven’t seen before.

The search for life in the Universe is one of NASA’s primary goals, and a key element of this endeavor is to understand what we are looking for. Life as we know it on Earth shows a remarkable amount of diversity, from microorganisms to multicellular animals. Yet every living organism on Earth today can be traced back through history to a single common ancestor. In this way, terran life provides only one example of biology.(Not many have accepted that the Covid Virus is LYFE, and deserves to live as much as we do – we have to learn how to SHARE the planet with the virus.  We do not need to kill it, and we should protect against it killing us by strengthening our resistance). 

In painting a more general picture of what life is, the researchers developed the term “lyfe” and outlined ‘four pillars’ of the term’s definition. These four pillars (dissipation, autocatalysis, homeostasis, and learning) can be used to identify any system that could be defined as living. Based on this criteria, the authors discuss Life (e.g. life as we know it on Earth) as a single instance of the broader phenomenon dubbed Lyfe. The terran example, Life, uses a set of molecules and reactions that are specific to our planet, but are not necessarily the same ‘toolbox’ that Lyfe could employ beyond Earth.

The NASA team believes that this new classification system could be used to more clearly define the questions that shape astrobiology research, from origin of life studies to the search for habitable exoplanets. They pose the questions, 1.  are astrobiologists “developing a historical narrative to explain the origin of life (on Earth), or a universal narrative for the emergence of lyfe,” or/and 2. are they “seeking signs of life specifically, or lyfe at large across the Universe.”

This photo to the right,  is one I took of “ORBS” on an Ancient Aboriginal Site in Queensland.   I have had many such visitations, but this is the only time I was carrying a camera.

I hope these musing keep your mind busy today – goodness (Spirit)  knows what tomorrow will bring.  I am really looking forward to our first Teacher Training next week.  


“LIVE LONG AND PROSPER”  (Dr.Spock – Star Trek….)




Dear Yogis,

Yesterday I got so caught up in the book “SELF KNOWLEDGE” Sri Sankaracharya, I lost track of time, and  I rushed the end of the message which could take weeks but won’t.

The Key is this:  A liberated soul lives in the body as long as the momentum of past actions that have produced it endures.  He dwells in the physical body and may experience disease, deformity, old age, decay which are the characteristics of all physical forms… He may be blind, deaf and deformed in many ways.  He may feel hunger or thirst or be  victim of grief or sorrow, however, he is never overwhelmed by them,  understanding that they are momentary characteristics of the body, the senses and the mind.  He never imagines them to be real, although he is able to enjoy the performance to his heart’s content.    In the Vedas it is said: “He who sees nothing in the waking state, even as in dreamless sleep; who though beholding duality does not really behold it, since he beholds only the Absolute; who though engaged in work is really inactive – he and no other, is the knower of Self.  This is the Truth.

When I was a tiny tot, I lived in the beginnings of a suburb way out in the back blocks. At the one room school, there was one “schoolyard tree” (Australian peppercorn) little or no grass, but lots of rocks and pebbles.  We couldn’t build cubby or tree houses so we laid out floor plans with pebbles, and play acted games of “mothers and fathers” in these imaginary houses.  They were so real to me then and now,  that when I walk through my house, it is as if I was still there, in the imagination, doing and being, and having, but all in a dream.  Everything seems dreamlike and not real.  Nothing much has changed.  I remember walking with my dad and asking “why do people want things – they aren’t real”.  He didn’t understand the question, and therefore couldn’t give an answer that satisfied.  I have a glimmer now, and often trip myself up.  However, that being said,  it is incumbent upon us that having asked and received, that we care for what we have (including the body), and when the time is right,  let go – happily.

SELF KNOWLEDGE (The Vedas):  Verse 48.   “The Tangible universe is verily Atman; nothing whatsoever exists that is other than Atman.  As pots and jars are verily clay and cannot be anything but clay, so to the enlightened, all that is perceived is the self”.

According to Vedanta a cause is non-different from its effect, just as gold is not different from gold ornaments or jewellery, or clay from articles made of clay.  What differentiates cause from effect is just the name.  The realisation of the identity of the Self with the universe enables a wise man to cultivate fearlessness, and love for all.  The need for vigilance is imperative at every step of the spiritual life.  Obstacles will be on your path at every stage until the goal is reached.  The higher the aspirant reaches, the more subtle the obstacles, and the more subtle the goals.

HYMN TO THE DIVINE MOTHER FOR FORGIVENESS OF TRANSGRESSIONS:                    (Hymn of Shankaracarya) Verse 8.  

I do not ask Thee, O Mother!

Riches, good fortune, or salvation;

I seek no happiness no knowledge.

This is my only prayer to thee:

That, as the breath of life forsake me,

Still I may chant Thy holy name.

This prayer was the last words of Ghandiji as he was assassinated one morning walking to prayer. He always said that he would give his life gladly,  with his last words the name of God.  And so it was.  I am sure you have all heard the chant by Krishna Das “God is Real” (from the CD “Door of Faith”) which echoes and builds on Ghandi’s feelings about the Word of God/the Name of God so we all can share .

How to become free of past karma? Meditate, Meditate, Meditate.  If you haven’t done it before, or find it difficult – start with 3 minutes.  Not while you garden, or play golf or whatever.  It is about sitting still.  If you follow Ghandi’s path, he repeated a mantra all day every day and felt it was necessary for life and spiritual growth.  A mala or a Red String is a good reminder.