Don’t forget that Saturday afternoon at 2.30 we will be having an information session here about Cannabis Sativa (Hemp).  We will be introducing product – seeds, oil and powder,  and talking about how it can make a difference to your life.  The students who are using it daily and as suggested,  are reporting major changes to their body and their minds – although science is hesitant to do so at this point.   It is so simple, and tastes amazing.  Not just everyday yogis are loving it, people in recovery are noting big changes,  fitness junkies, body builders, long distance runners are all reporting changes with little effort.  Just adding the products to their meals.  I got enthusiastic because of the changes I saw, and i am telling you.   My dermatitis is all but gone, my skin is plumped and different, my gut is stronger, my meal choices are different…  and I don’t feel hungry. I am calmer, but more energetic.  You need to know about this.  I am only selling an idea.  What you do with it is up to you.  Do come.

I have put my latest hemp recipe book on ETSY.  It’s the one that we will be working through at the cookery class.  If you plan to come to class, get the book.  “Jahne’s KANNABIS KITCHEN”.  Great name?  I thought so.  Great book.


MASSAGE:  You all know that I teach massage, have done it and taught it for years and years – at least 40 years.  I can hardly remember when i started. There were few Australian places to train, and  I have been approached by an organisation I trained with in London in the 1980’s to teach massage  in Woodend. They did their homework, and they love how we teach, and what we teach – foundations, foundations..   It means that when you train with me, you will get an International Qualification.  For those people who have done the PPT, you can update your qualifications and you won’t need to do the full course.   We are working on the nuts and bolts.  i will keep you all in the loop.


Have a lovely day. Hope to see some of you on Saturday.

Namaste.  Jahne






Please transfer all your account queries to Jacky at

If you want a direct answer from me, then as usual, yogafirst2@bigpond.comAll mail to go to PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. Vic. 3441.

 I keep on bringing this to your attention…The GREAT BELL CHANT, by Thitch Nat Hahn.




The more I read, the more I experience, the more I study, the more I am convinced that the endocannabinoid system is the key.  I am sure when you really get into it you will also start to join the dots.  I feel like the mother in “Caruso’s Oil” – seeing the relationship between the symptoms and the cause, getting a glimmer of how it can be changed with a simple ingredient,  and as usual, going against the tide.  I believe the simple ingredient that can help us understand hypermobility, is hemp (which does not include marijuana) in all its forms. I am learning just as you are.  My advice.  Keep an open mind and explore.  Don’t be part smart.  Be brave enough to put your head above the parapet.

I am writing more and more, and changing my diet.  It is not as depressing as drinking gallons of celery juice, and not about doing away with the nice things in life.  Adding hemp to your diet is adding taste, calmness, clarity,  not taking it away. Read my books

HEMP INFORMATION SESSION:at The Yoga Studio in Woodend at 2.30 this coming Saturday the 20thJuly.  By donation.

HEMP COOKERY:Classes by request coming up in August.  A recipe book will accompany the class.  Limited places available.  Please indicate your interest.


SCHOOL HOLS……..are finished.  The new term has started, so get back into your yoga.  It may be cold outside, but the studio is warm.  We don’t do yoga on the deck in all weathers so the cold is not a reason to stay away.  Ainsley Meares did yoga on the deck in minimum (or no) clothes even on the coldest Melbourne days, and it didn’t end well.  He should have known better, but I must say he did take everything to extremes. It really is not what yoga is about.


PHONE CONSULTATIONS:  If you would like to book a phone call with me.  We can explore your yoga business, expanding your studio, expanding your practice or asana /philosophy concerns –  I am looking forward to hearing from you.  There is a cost, it is a consultation the same as any other – an hour is an hour: $85 for an hour.


MASSAGE:  I love anything hands-on, and now I have the hemp, I will be using the creams and balms in my massage consultations.  I know how they have worked with me, and I know they will work with you.

DON’T FORGET THE MASSAGE COURSE COMING UP IN AUGUST – we do have some students who have booked in. Tuesday evenings 7pm to 9pm.  Let me know if you are interested.



All on the Web Site.  Go to for classes.

COST:    Yoga $20 per Class Or  CLASS PASS – $135 per 10 CONSECUTIVEclasses (students of the studio for 3 years or more).   New students: $165 per 10 class pass (normally $200)  After 3 years as a student, the cheaper rate will apply.

UNITING CHURCH CLASSES (FREE or by donation)   Next door to the Police Station, Forest Road, Woodend.   Monday:12noon FREE lunch and 1pm YOGA



DATE of the next Teacher Training:   Sunday 4thAugust 2pm to 4pm  at my home studio (37 Morris Road in Woodend.   There is no need to book. Bring writing materials, and be early. If you are teacher Training student then the cost of the afternoon is $20. This fee applies to everyone. (Visitors are welcome – even those not yet in teacher training – $30).

BENDIGO Teacher Training classes– Next class is the 9thJuly at 3.30pm. then 6thAugust.  Crusoeden Health.  Turn at the Metricon building on the highway in Kangaroo Flat just up from Bunnings on the same side.


WERRIBEE MASTER CLASS.  I have been asked to conduct a Restorative/Hypermobility Master Class in Werribee.  This will be a month or two off yet, but we will get there, and will advise you on the dates when they are decided.

PARKING HOME STUDIO – 37 Morris Road, Woodend.   Please, Please – Park on white gravel in front of the studio.  I had it made especially so that it would be easier for you! If there is no room, then park in the drive-way directly opposite in front of double grey garage rolladoors. Not in front of neighbours driveways please.



I write books to help you. What will you find on ETSY? YAMAS, CHAKRAS, HYPERMOBILITY, THE FIVE TIBETANS AND TEMPLATES and more.  There are lots of books there to help you in your progress with yoga., and more on Hemp.


HYPERMOBILITY (the course) – The new course is on the ETSY site.

Watch my FREE UTUBE CHANNEL.  It is amazing how Hypermobility and the endocannabinoid system fit together. Please watch the youtube channel, or get the hew books on ETSY.


RESTORATIVE (REMEDIAL) YOGA. The “strawberries and cream” of yoga.

More Restorative (Remedial) classes.  Look at the web site for dates and times. I am building and building on this…  It is what passionately interests me as it links with hypermobility and now, HEMP.



THIS IS IMPORTANT.  We are your lineage.  You can pretend you didn’t train with us, you can go for cheaper options, but it is denying your lineage.  WE ARE YOUR LINEAGE, your yoga family. No-one else can be.   PLEASE, PLEASE CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION.  You need to be currently registered AT THE LEVEL AT WHICH YOU ARE NOW – STUDENT OR GRADUATE for your insurance to be valid, and you will need to supply a copy of a valid registration to be insured with AON.  If you insure as a graduate when you are still a student it may cause problems if there ever was a claim – it is possible you may not be insured because you didn’t tell the truth about your qualification.    You also need to forward a current first aidcertificate with your application and CPE when necessary (see below)

Please check your insurance requirements – keep up to date. We have moved to AON insurance.  You will be able to insure on-line BUT you will need a current (student or graduate) Registration to prove you are a member with us to get the advantages that a big firm like AON can offer.

CPE:  To bring us in line with INTERNATIONAL requirements rather than just Australian, we will only be requiring you to do your CPE every 3 years, do it round about the same time you do your first aid which is also a 3 year requirement.



I write books to help you in your course.  Please download them, and then please use them in answering your modules.HYPERMOBILITY – The Course…. A certificate course.  If you teach yoga, you need this.


MODULE DRAWINGS, DOWNLOADS. You will notice on the bottom of every assessment there is a reminder that drawings need to be done, and in your own hand, and downloads of any kind will not be marked.  Every page needs to have your name, module number, and page number.


EMAIL/POST:  Please use the email address  for anything to do with accounts,  or the usual to get to me.  If you do want to speak to me personally, then email, make a time suitable for both of us, and then we can chat.  If you do it this way, rather than just “wing it”, you can be reasonably sure I have time, and you will get my attention.  POSTAL ADDRESS is not at my home –Please address all land mail to PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon.  Vic. 3441.  Until you see a change written here in large letters, that is where it will be.


Don’t forget to Register if you are teaching even if you have not graduated (especially if you have not graduated), insure and re-subscribe to the videos every 12 months.   Don’t leave these to the last minute.



Love and Blessings


Newsletter sent outby The Australasian Yoga Institute,


How do you like the new logo?  In designing it this way I hope to imply that HEMP is a lifestyle issue which links with yoga.  (It is not MARIJUANA and you won’t get high – I thought I would re-iterate that).  Hemp is a highly nutritious food supplement with a complete complement of Omegas and Protein.  You cannot get high from hemp.. and it can help rebuild your body at every level by building the endocannabinoid system.    To learn more and get some recipes.  Please go to and download GET HEALTHY WITH HEMP.   

IDEAS FROM MY DESK:  It occurred to me that the only place where “luck” comes before “work” is in the dictionary, and moving with this new idea takes work.  Introducing any new idea takes work.  I love the history of hemp, and am spending a lot of time each day to learn how it can help us to improve our lifestyles on every level.  As a business I have always operated from an entirely different perspective than most companies, yoga or otherwise.  I have always responded to need rather than creating them.

To me, the desire to have control over my own life, regardless of the politics operating in my community or country I see as very much part of the human spirit in all of us.  What I realised over time that being a yoga teacher and doing all it implied,  opened the doors to my heart.  I have always tried to inspire you all, to show you that working life can be a pleasure instead of a dreaded thing, exciting.   I do this mostly by education.  By encouraging you all to stretch your abilities and certainly to challenge your imaginations.  I am very interested in minds.

I think that a few fundamental beliefs have empowered me..

  1. That you have to have fun at your “job” your yoga at whatever level you are comfortable with
  2. That if your work is yoga, that is where you should put your love
  3. That where possible you have to go in the opposite direction to everyone else – do it differently

Add to this that I have an holistic view of my business.  I do not focus on profit (although we all have to live), I try to be a force for good, and work for the welfare of my students, for my community, and ultimately for the future of the planet.  Sure I make mistakes, we all do, but I keep going in the direction of my dreams.  I am making every effort and using most of my time to educate people and help them reach their full potential.  It is not enough to make a financial profit – we must also make a spiritual profit.

“The passions are the only advocates which always persuade.  The simplest man with passion will be more persuasive than the most eloquent without”.  – Descartes

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS  are nearly done.  Yoga classes (Restorative) start up again this Saturday at 10 and 12.30.  Class Times are under “classes” above.

HEMP COOKERY CLASSES Starting mid August, and a HEMP information session at Crusoeden Body in Bendigo at the end of the month. Look under “EVENTS”.



Have a great weekend.  It is cold here – snowing up the Mount, and looks like snow here.

Namaste.  JAHNE