To all my students.

Please review the class times on the web site.

With regards to the “by donation” Uniting Church classes.  Christmas is over, schools is back…. no excuses.  If you don’t support the classes, then I will withdraw them, and continue at the home studio. Of course you are all welcome at either.   I will keep teaching the classes for a couple more weeks, but if there isn’t a stronger response, I will finish up.  Sorry about that gang.  But I need you!!!   

The Church Class has changed to an after lunch class, but we can make it a slower class, and we have bolsters etc to help you.

Thank you to the students who are returning to the Home Studio classes.  These are small classes, and I am looking at adding more as the enthusiasm rises.  We have invited  couples classes.  I can only take three couples per class, and one of these restorative classes is booked out already. Not bad!

There is a new heading – EVENTS –  on the web site.  Please log in and see what we are doing.

We are teaching PPPT Massage again.  The First workshop is on the 17th February.  To celebrate this I will be doing massages for those people who would like to experience our special  method.  The cost of a massage with me is $85.  Email me:


Let me know what you want, and i will try to provide it.  Namaste




Good morning Students and graduates.

Great Teacher training last Sunday.  One thing I did emphasise again was Hypermobility.  Please, Please take this into consideration when you are answering the modules.  I have done FREE videos on YouTube (subscribe if you haven’t already.  Google: “Jahne Hope-Williams You Tube”), books, workshops, articles…  I can’t think of anything else I can do to alert you to the importance of this subject.

At teacher training I volunteered once again to use the videos as a possibility of “Q AND A”.  If you email me a question, I will answer it on the video. Look at all the playlists.  There is not just one topic.  Hypermobility, teacher training, Yamas, purushatras – they are all there.

Everyone seemed interested, even enthusiastic – but I have not received an acknowledgement, nor have I received a question.  If you want more interaction I am offering it, but for it to be useful you will need to take advantage of this offer I think!

Don’t forget.  There is a workshop in Advanced PPT Sunday 17th February.

Look forward to seeing you all soon.  Namaste