YOUTUBE CHANNEL: THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE SUPPORTED our channel. It has become more like a Vlog, rather than just an opportunity to teach. In order to get a direct link, we need 100 subscribers. Please google “Jahne Hope-William YouTube” have a look at the videos and subscribe IT IS FREE. The videos that are there are tarot, hypermobility, Yamas, purushatras. It is worthwhile – and the subject matter is growing… will include more philosophy, more meditation guidelines.
I write books to help you.. Please download them, and then please use them. I have recently put a pocket pendulum and guide on the site, plus a set of Five Tibetan greeting cards. You can also see them and buy them on my art site
TAROT: Also on the videos. I am walking the viewers through the cards in my Revelation Tarot Deck, and still working on the book.. I am starting to introduce my next 13 cards. As soon as they are printed they will be on ETSY. Google “Jahne Hope-Williams You Tube” to get there. I need 100 subscribers before we are granted an easy link.
More Restorative (Remedial) classes. Look at the web site for dates and times.
You will notice from the CLASSES on the Web Site that we now have meditation (by donation for our introduction) on Tuesdays at 11am and Sundays at 9.15. Please come. I will be doing yoga nidra plus healing singing bowls.
In Term 2, I will be adding a salt diffuser to the room where we do meditation so that whilst students are concentrating on their breath, the added salt in the air will be helping their respiratory systems.
At his therapy centre “Innisfree”, the late Mike Belstead introduced me to the value of Salt Therapy which helps the body remove the accumulated toxins trapped in the body which block you from attaining the longed for spiritual gain, and mental clarity. Salt therapy, also called halotherapy, is a holistic method that reproduces the natural micro-climate of a room by dispersing salt in diffusion. Clients of my yoga studio are welcomed into our meditation sessions where they lean back and relax for 1 hour of salted relaxation.
Himalayan Salt is said to be one of the purest forms of salt found on the planet. Roughly 200 million years ago the salt deposits were overlaid with lava creating an untouched and pristine environment from pollution, thereby preserving the purity of the salt. Today these pink salts have been known to have incredible health benefits and combined with meditation assist with… enhancing the immune system *increased energy & allertness
increased focus and concentration * reduce susceptibility to colds and flu * increased lung capacity * Migraine headaches * Sinus Infections * Allergies and hay fever * Reduction in the severity of asthma attacks
Salt Therapy has also been known to aid in the natural healing properties of our bodies treating a variety of skin conditions including: eczema, psoriasis, acne, or persons receiving cosmetic surgeries
To book your class (Tuesday 11am or Sunday 9.15am) – email me at
ART CLASSES: … every Tuesdays between 7 and 9pm. Please call and let me know if you are interested.
Whatever class you join, whenever you come, you will always be welcome. Do join us for yoga, relaxation, meditation – whatever – we always look forward to seeing you…
Namaste – JAHNE