eblast 10 November 2014

OOD MORNING PRECIOUS ONES  Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….   Dedicated to a tradition of excellence in teaching for more than 40 years, The Australasian Yoga Institute offers yoga teachers comprehensive and systematic training in classical yoga.  We teach yoga techniques for body, breath, mind and spirit in 200hr and 500hr certification programs.  Our programs include training in meditation, asana  
TEACHER TRAINING – NEURO MUSCULAR REPATTERNING I am making every effort to have Dr.Brett Jarocsz come and lecture/demonstrate to us at our next teacher training.  He is a remarkable ………(?) he is a doctor, and a chiropractor (A Fellow of his College), and many other things but you haven’t seen anyone work in the same manner as he does – or get such remarkable results.  We can all learn so much from this man, so please, make it in your diary and plan to come.     He will be here (unless something terrible stops him), on Sunday the 7th December from 2pm to 4pm.  Don’t straggle in at any old time.  Please plan to be early.  You won’t want to miss a minute.
PHOTOS FROM THE MISSION Thank you to those people who supported us on our quick whip around to raise money for bandages at the hospital in Honduras (my sister is a missionary there).  Thanks to you we were able to send off $300.  The missionary sisters sent us a thank you, and some photos so you can see where your money has gone – just skip over the picture of the huge hairy spiders.  All of the women in our family are strong and capable and  I just felt so connected to Sis when I saw a pic of her chopping wood.  Good on you Sis.      This is an ongoing mission effort for us.  If you can send some more dollars, please do (talk to Deb on Tuesdays or Wednesday to arrange).  We live the yamas, so,  you will know the money will go to where we say it will go, and be used for what we say it will be used for..  No staff or administration fees deducted at any point!  
Photos: www.flickr.com/photos/amigasdelsenor  PS:  You can’t send the money direct, although that would be easier – it has to go through the US Mission office for reasons of security.  
I WANT TO VISIT YOU… The RESTORATIVE YOGA TEACHER TRAINING on the 4/5 December is sold out.  If you wanted to come and were leaving it to the last minute, you have missed the boat.  However, I would like to come to your studio, your town and deliver training.  If you would like a workshop in your town, please let me know and we can organise it.  I was thinking maybe Melbourne CBD, Shepparton or Albury, Sydney, and Perth of course.  I have begun talks with various Essence producers hoping that we can introduce this therapy to their staff.  If we can get one such business to come on board, it would mean that I would be able to travel to you sooner and more often than anticipated.   I am thinking of going to Shepparton in February.  I will be advertising this for the general population, so if you want to come, you will have to get in and book early.  There will only be 10 places.  That is all I can teach at the one time.   I am also going to come to Sydney in the next few weeks, but only for a Thursday.  If you just want a chat, please ring Deb Tuesday or Wednesday and organise a spot on my timetable.  
YOGASLOW (RESTORATIVE YOGA) INSTRUCTORS TRAINING    THE WOODEND STUDIO  4th and 5th December, 2014 YOGA STUDENTS/TRAINEE YOGA TEACHERS Regular Price $1,395 for the practical studio sessions. Venue:  The Australasian Yoga Institute Studio, 37 Morris Road, Woodend.   DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSE Pay only $775.00 to do the course entirely on line.     At the course, you will learn all the skills you require to give a thorough teaching of all facets of movement of the RESTORATIVE YOGA EXERCISES (and philosophy).  We will also be incorporating the use of essences, crystals, and PPT massage to make it a totally stand-alone therapy for people who want to teach it exclusively in groups or one-on-one.   You will receive in the two days:  *A two day intense course instruction by Jahne Hope-Williams, pioneer of yoga teacher training in Australia.  *Workbooks  * Practical Assessment *A DVD  *A Theory Exam you can do at home.  After  your practical assessment you will be able to teach better than you ever thought possible. If you are doing our Yoga Teacher Training, then you can use this course as your elective.   Please register your interest by emailing me personally (or Deb) on yogafirst2@bigpond.com Pay pal, DD, credit card facility and time payment is available as always.  

ATTENTION!  ATTENTION!   THE 30 DAY GF. SUPER SMOOTHIE CHALLENGE . SUBSTITUTE 1 MEAL A DAY FOR A SMOOTHIE – THAT’S ALL…. A FANTASTIC DE-TOX FOR THE RETURN OF YOUR PRE-SUMMER FIGURE. All is takes is blender, your favourite greens and 10 minutes in the kitchen daily.  A fast food that beats all other fast foods both speed and nutrition wise.     If you don’t have a blender or a juicer…. here is a great POWER BREAKFAST Half a cup of store bought apple juice, half a cup of Herveys carrot juice (pure and only $1.97 a carton at Coles) Half a cup of plain yoghurt (Greek is good) and 1 teaspoon of alfalfa powder or equivalent.  Dissolve the powder in a little warm water, then add the other ingredients and stir briskly.  That’s all there is too it.  You can add other things to it too, but its up to you.  No machines required.   I have been using the 30 day challenge to spruce up my body.   I do have some health issues (don’t we all) and it was important that I address them.  This is helping me do that.  I did have a banging headache for a couple of days, which I had expected, but it wasn’t pleasant.     As well as the smoothie challenge, I am drinking a lot of prepared juices (from the supermarket – I don’t own a juicer), heaps of water – AND I AM WALKING AT LEAST 5K A DAY AND TRYING TO GET MY TIME DOWN TO HALF AN HOUR.  FORGET THE 4 MINUTE MILE – I AM NOT A SPRINTER.   I am going to talk about my progress on a new blog called www.happyhealthyyoga.blogspot.com if you want to follow my progress and thoughts about the SECOND BRAIN (your colon).   Seen in “AdBusters” A picture of a male model peering down his Calvin Klein boxer shorts with the slogan: “Obsession: For Men”. 

  “YIN YOGA” and “FIVE TIBETANS”  Greeting CARDS Are now available on the web site and on Etsy www.myyogabooks.etsy.com

“YOUR ELECTRO MAGNETIC BODY”. THE GEOMANCY (PENDULUM) CORRESPONDENCE COURSE(S). The Short Course – THE PENDULUM FOR BEGINNERS. RELEASED NOW!!! The cost is $38.50 for the E Book, although you can request a hard copy with a board and pendulum for $57.50.  I know I did get it back to front in the last news letter, but this is the price on Etsy.  If you want a certificate for doing the course, you can get one after doing a set essay.
Why do we choose to be miserable?  Is it because we want to be accepted by our peers or our civilisation?  Do we really need to win the approval of strangers in order to live among them?  
THE PENDULUM BOARD If you have a pendulum, and would like a fabulous “SKRYING” BOARD then we have a hard copy in stock as well as the downloadable version.  $7.50 I think.  If you want to hard copy then postage will be on top of that.  Have a look on the web site shop later in the week – Deb will put it in the shop  www.yogabeautiful.com.au 
Go to my website and pick up a copy of the yamas whilst you are there. You will be glad you did!  As soon as I have time (and inspiration) I will put a “How-To”on Utube and the videos so you can access it.

NEXT TEACHER TRAINING CLASS –  The next will be on Sunday 7th December at the Bentinck.   Plan to hang around afterwards for a biscuit, a cup of tea and a chat.   THE AGENDA FOR THIS TEACHER TRAINING CLASS?  Dr. Brett – Neuro Muscular Repatterning.  If you  are serious about  our courses you need to come to a class with me as often as you can.   Prepare some questions.  Bring paper and writing materials,  relevant texts and work to refer to if you want me to answer questions about what you are doing or reading.  Don’t be vague.  Some questions require one-on-one.  If you require this, please take me aside afterwards and we will chat.  I don’t run off right after class.

This book is still travelling,  keep it moving along, the list is longish.   And…..If you would like to be next on the list of 108 people, please email me… yogafirst2@bigpond.com  
THE ELECTIVE To those of you doing the Teacher Training.  Here is the low-down on the elective.  By the way you can do the latest course The Bhagavadgita as your elective.  Thereby getting two birds with one stone.  Finishing the elective, and learning the heart of yoga.   The Elective (30 hours)…. 1.    ..cannot be something you have got a certificate for in the past.   2.      ..is not just an essay, I have to see that you have put 30 hours into its production – whatever the topic.   3.    You are training to be a professional and it should show.   If a yoga sequence or therapy is your elective, there should be a GOAL, a method and an OUTCOME (and – it goes without saying – a bibliography).  It is not enough just to explore.  Remember, you are a yoga teacher in training.   Keep these points in mind.  Work out early on what you want to do, your topic, then start collecting data so that when you are ready to go you already have a head start.   It is not easy – it wasn’t meant to be.
“Sanctified by the asceticism of wisdom, disengaged from attachment, fear and ire, engrossed and sheltered in Me, many being have attained My nature”.  (‘Gita Ch.4v10)   PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – “JAHNE’S YOGA UNIVERSITY” I am constantly  urging you all to take on the Bhagavadgita course – even if you don’t at first understand it…  it takes patience (and no panic).  I personally must have sone something right in my course through Oxford University, as I have been asked to review my tutors translation of the Gita.  Quite an honour.  I am excited (but now I have to do the work!!).   Within our school there are three levels of YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. *THE BHAGAVADGITA (and YOGA PHILOSOPHY) which is like a Certificate or Diploma Level,  RYTA 200 which is our “degree course”  and     *HYT/AR500 the “masters”.   1.   THE BHAGAVADGITA (YOGIC PHILOSOPHY)  This study is optional.  There are no modules to return – this is a personal practice.  However, if you want a certificate, then you will have to do an assignment at the end of the assigned course time.   If you would like to know more, please contact me on yogafirst2@bigpond.com    2.  RYTA200 –  THE BASIC YOGA COURSE This is where you start your yoga life.   It is not just the asanas – it is about the philosophy and takes about 12 to 18 months.  After you have completed this course you can be insured, and teach anywhere in the world.   3.  HYT/AR.500  YOGA THERAPY COURSE   However,  If you are not familiar with the Bhagavadgita, then you should do the short course on the “Gita” first – even in concert with, or before the 200 hours course. If you are through your course, or travelling well, then yes, please consider the new course “HOLISTIC YOGA THERAPY/Addiction and Recovery 500.  Yes, its is a 500 hour course.  The 200 hour course is a mandatory prerequisite  – whether you have done it with us or somewhere else.  If you have just done a quickie course which sailed over philosophy, then you may have to revisit that.   Please apply to me personally if you are interested. yogafirst2@bigpond.com   4.  RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY TRAINING A complete, stand alone course that will enable you to go on and be a RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPIST. Please apply to me personally if you are interested. yogafirst2@bigpond.com and I will put you on the list for our next course closest to your home or studio.
“People don’t grow old.  When they stop growing, they become old”. (Anon)

YOGA CLASSES – Classes now being held at the Bentinck  THE NEW HOME OF THE AUSTRALASIAN YOGA INSTITUTE. Cost:  $10 per person per class (or $100 a 12 class pass:  non–transferable).  $15 mum plus little yoga bub. $20 per family (mum, dad and two primary school children.  Young adults $10 each). “Innisfree at the Bentinck” Residents only –  no charge.  Visitors/public charges as above BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL.  Enter from the Romsey Road Junction with High Street Woodend – the start of the Romsey Road.   If you are looking for times and days, then please go to the web site.  You will find everything there.  www.yogabeautiful.com.au  
THE SHOP and ETSY  www.myyogabooks.etsy.com GREETING CARDS – YIN–YOGA AND THE FIVE TIBETANS.  In packs of five, these are perfect whether you want something less-christmassy, or just want to say hi or thank you.  They come with envelopes in a pack of 5.  Hop on over to Etsy to get yours. 
  “YIN YOGA” AND “FIVE TIBETAN” Greeting Cards – blank inside.  These are also on the yogabeautiful shop   THE YAMAS:  This was the first book on the site and EVERYONE should have a copy.   THE UN-MEDITATION COURSE:  New on the site.  A short course for beginners.  $27.95   YOGA SWINGS:  Have arrived.   If you want one for your studio, please reserve yours now.  Colours – *blue and grey, grey and black or pink and orange.   $150 plus postage   THE REVELATION TAROT:  This is back on our site.   Cards made and sent with love.   HOW-TO BOOKLET…..If you are “fence sitting”,  read  ” HOW TO BECOME A YOGA TEACHER BY HOME STUDY” $2.99 and it is available by emailing deb or me and we can make sure you get a copy.  
THE CHAKRAS – A COLOURING-IN BOOK and a REFERENCE BOOKLET – CHAKRA CHARTS:   A great Christmas gift for someone. The cost is $43.50 and we will post it anywhere in Australia free postage.  Or go to my website and you can paypal it.
CHAKRA BOOKLET: I have just submitted a booklet on the Chakras with small reproductions of the Big Posters to colour in. This booklet will help you understand the CHAKRAS, and to accompany the CHAKRA CHARTS, It is on Etsy now.   I move with the infinite in nature’s power.  I hold the fire of the soul.  I hold the life and healing”. (Rig Veda)   REGISTRATION/INSURANCE   www.yogabeautiful.com.au We are giving you total choice now, although it may be a bit more expensive….. REGISTRATION AND INSURANCE HAVE BEEN UNCOUPLED.  YOU CAN BUY THEM SEPARATELY.  DEARER, BUT IT SEEMS THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT.  WE AIM TO PLEASE  
YOUR TEACHER TRAINING YEAR (or so): If you are a trainee Yoga Teacher who has been working on the course for more than a year please understand that your course fee only gives you FREE classes with me for your first training year – the first 12 months only.     Imagine if what would happen to our Institute if  you took three years to finish your course and you could still come to classes free for the entire course.  We do our fee calculation based on 12 months of free yoga classes.   Your training fees cover you for a year, after that we ask you to pay $10 per class.    “If you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up”. (Dostoevsky)  
VIDEOS:  THEY ARE NOT OPTIONAL – THEY ARE NECESSARY! Only $275 per annum. Please look down the list of the videos before you try to do stick drawings, or organise your journal.  I have shown you what I recommend..  All you have to do is download.  I even did a video on ‘The Gita.  Good feedback thus far – thank you. Please.  Email us and Debbie will make sure that you are logged in promptly. yogafirst2@bigpond.com

“BAGS OF LOVE” – NUT MILK BAGS/JELLY BAGS/CHINESE HERBAL BAGS/TEA BAGS You need these at this time of the year.  You can steam puddings in them, hang puddings in them, make mulled wine….etc etc…. Lots of orders coming in for the new bags. Christmas puddings, velvety egg nog, custard, etc etc all need straining in our wonderful little bags.    This is such a small, portable, useful kitchen aid.   Why don’t you try it!   To buy the bag,  log on to the shop at www.yogabeautiful.com.au to get details/prices etc, try www.bagsoflove.moonfruit.com YIN YOGA/ANATOMY/MEDITATION DVD’s – all with Paul Grilley SOLD OUT AGAIN and waiting for the next shipment.  Should arrive this week.    They are the best and will form the backbone of your yoga references.     As I have told you before when I bought mine they cost $100 or so each.  I thought that this was a good investment.  I think half that is a steal! And that is what we are selling this for www.yogabeautiful.com.au
JAHNE’S MENTORING SESSIONS… Because Jahne has been teaching yoga teachers for more than 40 years, and running a business the Buddhist way for much longer than that (and successfully) she is often asked for advice. Asking course questions is free. This does not mean IDLE Yoga questions “just because you want to know” – She could spend her whole day answering those and getting no-where, in spite of the fact you may think your life will not end if they are not answered.        REGARDING DEBBIE –  If you want to speak to Debbie about any aspect of the courses – she has done them, please remember that she only comes in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  On those days she is available on Ph: 0354 273 518.  I am always here, and available preferably on email or text because I teach and am not always at my desk.  Don’t hesitate to email me and I will answer your email or text as soon as I can..
THE LAST WORD:  Remember.  When the student is ready the teacher will come (or when the teacher is ready the students will come).  
For more wonderful, delicious thoughts
Log on to our Web site www.yogabeautiful.com.au
and tune in to our videos  daily.         ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  

Namaste Jahne

Contact me here.
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