Dear Yogis,

It was a weekend mostly in the garden…  The weather was lovely (as it is today) but we do need rain.  I have built the most lovely winter kitchen garden.  I plant most of my vegetables in tubs because I can feed and and manure “to order” for each plant, and move them around if they need a different climate, I can also net them easily having to protect plants from possums, cats and birds..  As well as protecting the greens from the big leopard slugs and snails.  At the moment I am winning.

Last year one of my students kindly planted broad beans for me, and they still haven’t surfaced – I kept hoping and therefore missed a crop.  However, I planted a heap of seeds about two weeks ago and they are already about 6 inches out of the ground, and a couple even more.  I nip off the top leaves to add to my salads, they are easier and better to eat than the actual beans I think.

Zucchinis and strawberries have enjoyed the move around.  I have had mini zucchinis every day for the last few weeks, and I have a heap of strawberries, although it hasn’t really been warm enough to ripen them.  I also cherish my weeds which thrive no matter the weather, and have herbal properties – you just need a little knowledge.  Dandelions are a favourite.

This proves that you can have a garden – even if you don’t have space or if like me you have terrible soil.

Of course I have been painting (fractals), and am so intrigued about what has emerged, I have even been drawing and meditating about them. Quantum jumping I think it is called.  Einstein said that we existed across 12 dimensions – there are probably many more, and quantum jumping introduces us to one of those selves who is doing successfully what we are aiming for. It can save a lot of frustration – as Jesus said, “Those who can hear, let them hear”.



ZOOM GITA :  Monday  evenings at 6.30pm

Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Wednesday Restorative 1pm

TAROT ADVISOR – Always available by appointment.

NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING Sunday 28th April  at 2.30

THE YOGA LUNCHEON: Saturday 27th April, 12 noon in the back room at The Victoria Hotel in Woodend. You are all welcome, but please let me know if you would like to join us if you haven’t emailed me already.


and – you can always make an appointment to see me at my studio gallery.