Dear Yogis.

Another wonderful weekend (apart from the tree in my yard coming down in the wind).  Christmas, Christmas.  It gets better every year.  

CHRISTMAS DAY (25th):  OPEN DAY HERE AT THE STUDIO  I always have an open day (afternoon 2pm to 4pm) here on the 25th.  If you get a chance to drop in for a Christmas pie and a drop of bubbly or something, you are welcome.  I hope to see you.  37 Morris Road in Woodend if you have not been before.  Come straight around to the yoga room at the back of the house.  Last year the gang didn’t leave until about 7.30pm!  Every year is different.


SATURDAYS: THE TAROT/ART CLASS.  We had our last studio class on Saturday – we are back to zooming next week for 3 weeks.
SUNDAYS at 10am: STUDYING THE ‘GITA.  We take three steps forward and one back.  There is so much to know, and to understand.
WEDNESDAYS: Could be a craft class.  Starting with Lino Cuts (your call, could even be “SECRET BOOKS”, or  “Making your own Art Equipment”)
FRIDAY:  Free Pendulum/Tarot class 6.45 (Tarot Readings available thru Christmas Break – even on zoom)

*MASSAGE  over the Christmas Break.  Yes, 15 minute “Tension Tamers”  available if you don’t have an hour to spare.
*HERBS can be sent out, whenever you need them. I am almost finished the “Wild and Weedy” book which makes using herbs and foraging available for everyone with details and recipes.  A must for every kitchen.



If you’re suffering from neuropathy,  Cannabidiol (CBD) has shown to provide tremendous relief for a number of medical conditions and symptoms. However, studies into the effects of CBD on nerve pain are limited and in Australia the ingestion of CBD by humans is illegal.  Yes, nothing has changed – your pets can have it, but you can’t.  I was hoping the government would be looking at ways to raise money after covid,  and would have used legalising cannabis for humans even marginally as an easy way to do this – but they have not.  I suppose to raise money they could lift the government impost on wine and cigarettes, and may do so.

CBD and Nerve Pain
I hear a lot about this from both physicians and patients.  There is much controversy because there has been little or no study of this herb due to its illegal status since 1937.   For licensed doctors, they are NOT told there are 500+ different strains and strengths of CBD, there is no concentrated study in this country, and for CBD to be effective there is a need for it to be prescribed properly.  In Canada for instance you can go to your local “Cannabis Barista” who is trained and experienced in prescribing (at least this legalisation across America is one good thing to come out of Trump’s Administration – I hope Biden does not reverse it).

In my experience and in general, the limited amount of studies on CBD and pain  have shown that CBD can help reduce inflammation. In addition, CBD helps lower the buildup of immune cells in spinal fluid. Lower inflammation and immune cells may lead to a reduction in pain.

Nerve pain, also known as neuropathy, doesn’t work the same as other types of pain including inflammatory and central pain. Nerve pain affects the body’s nervous system. Patients may feel stinging, burning, or shooting pain in the affected area or throughout the body.

We know that CBD which works by building the endocannabinoid system in the body (unlike marijuana which deadens it), is achieving some wonderful results.  This is spoken of at length in many TED TALKS.

CBD studies in general are limited. CBD for nerve pain studies have not determined the exact effects of CBD. However, the research shows promise. CBD’s high chance of efficacy and low risk of side effects makes it a worthwhile alternative to traditional pain relievers and opioids.  I hope it is legalised in Australia soon.  This will end the independent importation of dubious oils, some with petroleum based carrier bases, which cause as many problems as the initial condition requiring the CBD.  Take care.


Although the Buddha woke up suddenly,  we do not need to regard awakening in an all-or-nothing way.  Life is a series of moments governed by the mind.  Each moment is a new creation which we inherit from something in our past and transform it to our present experience, thereby providing the seeds for our future.  A moment without greed, hatred or delusion is an awakened moment.. however, even an unawakened person can have an awakened moment.  As The Buddha says. “If one shows kindness with a clear mind – even once! – for living creatures, by that one becomes wholesome (Itivuttaka 1.27)

My suggestion after years of experience is this:  As we walk the path, let us not concentrate so hard on the destination, but carefully place one foot in front of the other and in this way move forward.  The path keeps us centred.  It may take us to the peak, but only if we have taken each step with care.  Every mindful moment is a moment in which we are awake.  If we can manage one moment of wisdom, we can manage another.






Dear Yogis,

Because covid cases are being discovered every day, and this I believe will continuously be the case for the next couple of years, I am wearing a face mask.  Maybe for the next 2 years I would think if one can believe “New Scientist”.   Unless like Southhampton in England we get a Government Minister is willing to test the whole Shire. Test EVERYONE in the Shire.  By the way, places which have instigated this have discovered the early return to work outweighs the initial cost of lockdowns…

Here is the facemask and I am making them for my clients and maybe for you.  I also have the size and design for guys and one for children.  In Australia they are $15 each and postage is included.  Doesn’t matter the size, the work required for each is the same. In fact the smaller they are the fiddlier they are.   I can also bead them for an extra $5 (like the one shown).  When I go out I get lots of lovely comments about the facemask. Who would bother with boring blue…? Not me!!! For Trumpites I am going to make a black one.  To order yours email me and I can organise DD and delivery.

These Beautiful little implements to the right…. have been long time residents in my cutlery drawer, and (unsuccessfully) lusted after by my daughter-in-law.  I didn’t part with mine, but I have found some to introduce to you.  *The big tea-infuser has an unusual “injector” mechanism to accept and release the used tea leaves. *The straw like implements are just that. Metal straws/spoons.  Once you have used them you will carry one with you.  *The White bags are re-usable, compostable tea bags.  Fill them with your favourite leaves from your garden or bench top.  Use the bags, wash them and then put them in the compost.

TEA INFUSER $15 + $2.50 post,  METAL STRAW $8.50 each + $2.50 post and TEA BAGS $7.50 for 15 tea bags postage free. THE FACE MASKS $15 or $20 beaded (let me know if it is for female, male, child so that I can choose a suitable fabric) .   As above, email me at to pay via DD and I will organise delivery. We will soon have a new shop on our web site and PayPal available.

THE URINE THERAPY:  I have had feed back, and I hope that you all don’t find the waste from your own body repulsive, unless of course it is.  My urine, I hasten to add, is sparkly clear.  It is no hardship to take homoeopathically although I would not like to drink gallons of it, but I could.  It does not take a special sort of person. Just a curious one.  I use it in every which way – only because I can feel a difference.  My motto with everything is this “if it doesn’t work don’t do it”.  But you have to give something like this a trial run before you know if it works or not, and before you can discard the idea.

CBD AND COVID. Last year I devoted quite a lot of time to discovering more about the endocannabinoid system… and will continue to do so.  And so should you.

Coronavirus Causes Cannabis Demand Surge.   COVID-19 hasn’t just forced researchers to look for novel ways to treat the virus, but also prompted consumers to increase their demand for cannabis, especially on the dark web. A UN  report suggests that a lack of access to black market dealers has led to an increase of online sales through the darknet.

According to researchers, some high-CBD strains “down-regulate serine protease TMPRSS2, another critical protein required for SARS-CoV2 entry into host cells.” Further research is required to determine a strain’s effects on a larger scale. Researchers believe extracts could be used to develop inhalants, mouthwash, and throat gargle products for clinical and at-home use.

Igor Kovalchuck said, “Imagine a cell is a large building. Cannabinoids reduce the number of doors in the building by approximately 70 percent, which means that access is severely limited. So you have a better likelihood of fighting with [COVID-19].”

The pair of researchers focused on marijuana strains with high CBD because they believe people will be able to handle higher doses without experiencing the psychoactive and impairing effects of THC. CBD elicits more calm and clear-headed effects.

Worldwide Cannabis Research.  Canada isn’t the only place cannabis research is being performed to determine cannabis’s effects against the novel coronavirus. Israeli researchers have started clinical trials of CBD as a treatment to repair cells damaged by COVID-19.

Researchers hope to deliver the CBD-loaded exosomes via inhalation, which in turn could produce anti-inflammatory effects in the infected lungs. Another Israeli study aims to use CBD along with corticosteroids to treat those with COVID-19. A preliminary study on 10 patients with coronavirus is underway.

In Philadelphia, FSD Pharma has been approved to begin a clinical trial to test the effects of synthetic cannabinoids on the treatment of COVID-19. FSD plans to use micro PEA, an anti-inflammatory nutraceutical used to treat influenza and the common cold, to treat coronavirus.   Additionally, a marijuana research company called Cannasoul Analytics is formulating a medication taken through direct inhalation intended to suppress damaging immune responses without impairing immune function.

Cannabis in all its forms (especially CBD) is becoming recognised as a very interesting and accessible solution to the long term effects of covid.  It is a route that is available worldwide.. but not readily available in Australia due to the continued criminalisation of CBD/cannabis.  We need to decriminalise cannabis at the very least so that we can study the endocannabinoid system in the body and  cannabis in all its forms.  This understanding is necessary in order to prescribe it effectively..

Here at the Studio we hold regular information sessions on the Endocannabinoid system  and  using and cooking with hemp oil, seeds and meal (we can all start there).  Our books, and etc can be found on  

Cooking? try “KANANBIS KITCHEN” and “The CerebroSpinalFluid” on etsy.   I think that understanding the endocannabinoid system  is VERY important.  We work with it every Restorative Yoga Session we do, and we do lots.  It is THAT important.

You can make a difference… speak to your local MP.  Impress on him/her the urgency of this situation (if they don’t realise it already).