Dear Yogis,

Thank you to those students who have visited me in the last week – I still have a few more morning teas to negotiate – I feel like my friend Annie who always had a diary bulging with teaching and social times….  She did plant her tulips in pots, did a bit of weeding, and reading and watched “the young and the Restless” on telly hoping at some point to understand it!  She didn’t have time to craft or paint although she supported the arts and frequently purchased from shops and exhibitions.  

Every Monday Wednesday and Friday (unless I “forget”) I have been writing to you (it takes time) – with virtually no response, apart from people emailing me asking dates and times I had reported on that  day i.e. obviously they don’t go near the newsletter or blog.  It is easier to ask me rather than having to actually read – that also goes for people who haven’t tried researching google when they have an art or yoga query.  One of my wonderful Windarring yogis recently volunteered to do the Christmas reading in Church.  Because she hadn’t done much “big reading”, I had to divide the lesson into sentences rather than paragraphs, then she was able to both read it and cope well.

It reminds me of the newspapers that were on offer when I was much younger.  There was the Age, the Herald Sun, the Truth and the Independent.  You could tell who the readership of each was by the column size.  The Independent had articles – two columns, half page and was serious reading, factual with books reviews, court reporting and politics. The Sun had 6 columns and a “page 3 girls” – a bare breasted female. The Age had 4 columns and a large tabloid size, designed for “intellectuals” – but hard to read on the train because of the size.  The Truth had 8 columns, and larger type face for people who had less experience reading. It rarely told the truth, and was like the American “Enquirer’ and contained sensational stories.

If a newspaper was to start up today (hard copy) it would have to have sensational headlines, pictures, and lots of columns because of the lack of attention span. I see piles of newspapers as I go shopping at Coles and IGA.  I think those still on offer are attention grabbers, rather than purchased to read (other than the Financial Review, which people carry but don’t read).   Apparently science has compared the attention span of teenagers and goldfish, and the goldfish won.

“I believe you can’t teach love of writing, of stories…This is not teachable although loving, reading parents does help. In the same way you cannot teach people to be talented. It’s like trying to teach people to be taller. I’m sorry, there’s nothing you can do about it.” 




ZOOM GITA Our first for the year…Monday  evening at 6.30pm.    Although there is no charge, if you can, I would appreciate a small donation (or a big one!).  To donate go to the web site and click on PAY VIA PAY PAL

Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm a joint class –  Kyneton and Gisborne combined.

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Mon. 2.15, Wednesday Restorative 1pm  TEACHER TRAINING Sunday 21st January at 2.30

LITTLE STUDIO/GALLERY:  Opening PREVIEW Friday the 9th February at 5.30 – all my students welcome.  I will have my newest series showing there in the original with prints and cards.  Especially a series on the Dalai Lama, and Tensin Palmo who is an amazing joyful creature whom you may remember from her  book “A Cave in the Snow”.

THE YOGA LUNCHEON: Will update as soon as we have a date for the next one.

SEE YOU IN THE STUDIO and in the gallery.