Dear Yogis,

I was a stiff and a bit achey after digging trenches in the rain since about 5 o’clock yesterday morning.  Thank goodness that all is well here now, and the gutters have subsided, and the sun is making an appearance! I did get absolutely drenched, however, I am drip-dry.  I managed to draw the water away from my house, effectively, and thanks to the SES I do have 5 sandbags just in case the water swelled around my front door, which it did on Thursday last.  I was so happy that friends and yogis have emailed, and called in from yesterday evening, just to see if I was OK, even when they had their own houses to rain-proof.  Thank you anyone reading this who checked in, it made me feel a whole lot better.

I hope you are surviving the wet, and as usual you all know that you can come here if the water rises where you are. My house can be warm and dry.  The power went out a number of times yesterday, but I am well equipped war-time style.

I have been thinking of my friend Annie who died aged 93, still happy, still in her own home, still living life to the hilt (we all thought she was about 70 something).  I think it was because she didn’t have the stress we do.  She had no children – they are always a worry.  Her house was on the side of a hill so no floods…  She didn’t own a computer, didn’t have internet, only used a very basic mobile for emergencies, and had a small portable gas cylinder heater in her tiny, tiny house (the kind you might use on a verandah), and a camp stove. Her Fridge had a little box freezer 1950’s style, but the miracles that came out, well I can’t do it and I have a big freezer and a fridge.   Her students came to her… so apart from basic shopping and going to good wineries for her wine, (and Mass on Sundays in her later years), life was calm.  No wonder she lived to 93 and looked 73!

I am chatting at a Rotary meeting in Kyneton.  Most Rotary clubs have avoided yoga (or me!!!), but Kyneton contacted me, so I am definitely going to be there (unless a flood stops me).


If you want to learn how to teach a class of special needs students, then you can learn with me.  I have taught these communities for a lot of years now, and I can teach you to do it too.

With staffing problems at these facilities going forward,  I am sure you will be in demand.

I am chatting with management at Windarring to see if we can put in place a volunteer (work experience) placement with me when I am there teaching.  This could be done at other facilities, but I am taking baby steps. If you want me teaching where you are – let me know. We will be doing zoom of course. I even dreamed about it!  Email me at

Don’t just sit around bewailing the fact that there are too many yoga schools, or too many teachers, or things you haven’t got – get with the plan.  As they say regards to dating “if you want to catch fish you have to go where the fish are”.  Most situations are the same.  If you want to teach yoga, go to where yoga teachers are embraced.  Learn to teach the “Special Needs” Communities.  



My favourite bear (the little man on the left) you have seen before.  He now has a partner, and two little bears… If only real life worked out as well you might think.  However, with all the doom and gloom, it is great to be playing with dolls and bears – It makes me happy, and could make you happy too.

I make bears, I MEND BEARS, and I renovate bears to gift to people who don’t have one and would like a friend.  You may think it is foolishness, but I would say you obviously haven’t got a bear.  If you have a bear you want mended – send me a photo, tell me what you want done, and I will give you a quote.  One bear I am working on came with heavy machinery inside – it was awful…  Once the metal and plastic was removed I discovered the fur was rather lovely, and I will put up a picture when she is fixed.   Obviously someone thought that machinery was better than imagination – I don’t think this is the case!


Fees FROM 3rd October (new term) $220 per term. (The Term – 3rd October until the week starting the 12th December).

Monday –  1pm class,  2.15 class as usual.  ZOOM FREE Teacher Training 6.30pm (all welcome).
Don’t forget the free lunch at the Uniting Church in Forest St next to the Police Station. 12.30 Mondays.
Tuesday 9.30 and 1.30 Teaching at Windarring
Wednesday 1pm Hatha and 2.15 teacher training as usual
THURSDAY – Goodbye free day!! 1.30 Windarring.
 11am ADVANCED ART class, followed by 2.15 Hatha yoga as usual.

SUNDAY NEXT -Mt.Macedon Art Gallery. 11am to 12noon.
There is a great drawing exhibition happening  (Artist – Jo Naseby)

SUNDAY BOTANICAL ART CLASS.  2.30 TO 4.30 started last weekend.  It is fabulous, well Ab/Fab as we did have just a little glass of champers and some wonderful Danish cheese…..  Do come.  ($75 for the remaining 3 classes)