Dear Yogis,

During Covid we studied Rumi – what a wonderful journey that was.  I found this and popped it in as a reminder that seemed quite appropriate seeing we are studying the Gita (again), and looking at the Gita Cards (which make the study easier).

I Have finished the painting  (oil pastel drawing) “WE COME FROM THE STARS”.  Keeping in mind that in the Qur’an it is said that every soul has a star, I have painted this with that idea in my mind.  No-one is ever “lost” – you can look up into the heavens, and your special person is not lost, gone, passed or forgotten, there is a star for them.

Having completed the angels from the stars, I am beginning a portrait of KRISHNA.  I started with a miniature, and now I am working on an actual canvas.  I will show you the canvas when I have got it to a place you can see it and will understand.

Everything I am doing now is towards the opening of my studio gallery.  It is a long time since I had an official gallery at my home and studio, and when I have gotten this all together, I will have Monthly open days with special exhibitions and previews.  When I did have art shows years ago – we started in the studio on the corner of Aitken and Hamilton Street, Gisborne  (I had the only penthouse in town), it was not very professional, but we did have lots of nibbles and buckets of champers (there was no .05 in those days).  My art shows were celebrations.

If you want a personal invitation to our first exhibition preview (the Friday evening of the weekend prior to Valentines Day), please let me know.  The preview will be by INVITATION ONLY – you will have the first opportunity to buy, then my gallery will be open the following Saturday and Sunday afternoon for the public.  It is a tiny gallery, so there will not be masses of artwork, every painting will be special, with a special meaning.  I am busy organising lighting, hanging.  The hardest part is thinking exactly how to make my cards accessible (you can’t hang them, and they have to be able to be seen) – Cards are an opportunity for everyone to have a tiny print able to be framed.

By the way – I am sure you have noticed.  IGA has started to put out Easter buns!!! Don’t know about you, but I haven’t got around to last Christmas yet.