Please note that MAGIC CIRCLE ZOOM starts THIS Wednesday (not September). The 28th August at 6.30. My mistake sorry – so many dates….
YOGA TEACHING. I know that you are being very busy, but teaching yoga is as much about personal discipline as it is about asanas, and if you can’t keep a routine of one hour a week with me, how are you going to find time to teach – I suspect that being paid to teach makes a difference – but that is just me being old and cynical. I know that often landed gentry didn’t have to earn money, they had inheritance – but that isn’t me. So I make money helping yoga teachers, because we both need to do this to serve our community, but hopefully not at the cost of our relationship (such as it is).
I have just started teaching classes by donation. I did it with trepidation, but, as I found in America it is working, and I make as much money from these “by donation” classes as I do from others. This is the first time such has been the case. I tried it on and off for years and in one memorable class I had some-one steal the donations…. Leaving me with almost nothing. Now they put the donations in a pretty bag I sit with at the end, or they pop it in my handbag. I may try with more classes (except Windarring) from next term.
Last winter I wanted to pickle Magnolia Flowers.
Here is how to pickle either Magnolia or Camellia petals. It is easy. If you add ginger to the picking mixture, the petals will look and taste like Japanese pickled ginger.. the pink strips you can get in supermarkets.
Windarring Yoga – Kyneton Tues. 1pm, 9.30AM in Gisborne (10 week term ending end of September).
STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Although these are small classes I take them VERY seriously. Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Wednesday Restorative 1pm, FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am
DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am every Wednesday (or a bit later) by donation. Arrive around 9.30 and we will start when we are settled. I will be leaving around 11am.. I am not sure how long the class will last, or how long it will take to get everyone ready and moving, but we will be relaxed, and see how it goes. Two students or more we always have a great class. We are change makers.
>>>>>ZOOM DISABILITY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. Our zoom section is done. If you want to join the class, you will have to wait for the next one towards the end of the year. If you want to join our regular Monday zoom class, you can, but you will need to email me to get the ZOOM ID.
MAGIC CIRCLE TEACHER TRAINING CLASS starts Wednesday AUGUST 28th at 6.30 x 4. No-one responded to the original call, so I have sent the call out to teach the class to other teachers. A 4 part teacher training. Maybe you are not convinced, and you won’t be, until (like me) you introduce it to yourself, and then your classes. I even did a supported plank yesterday and could immediately see how this one exercise would help my class.
Luckily via zoom and writing, I can introduce the new way I am working to an overseas group of dedicated teachers who are always looking for new, efficient add-ons to help their classes… this is where the web has real value.
If you are enrolled and started the zoom training above, and/or the Disability course, there is a chance that I will get approval to accept my students for a period of placement with me.
NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING – The last Sunday in August THIS SUNDAY the 25th AT 2.30
YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH: Last Saturday in the month (31st August) 12 noon at Full Moon next to the Vic in Woodend. . Please email me if you would like to come, and haven’t emailed or contacted me already..