Blog Student News Trainees/Teacher News

Dear Yogis,

The YOGA LUNCHEON  is this coming Saturday at noon – I don’t know where the other Saturdays went to, it just seems like yesterday that we were meeting at the Victoria in Woodend.  I hope there are more takers this time, we have the back room to ourselves.

There is so much going on in Woodend over the next few months, The Woodend Winter Arts Show being the main attraction.  I rarely go to the attractions as I really don’t like crowds.  During the year I enjoy going to galleries, the occasional visit to the Hamer Hall to listen to music and catch up with what’s happening in Melbourne, but mostly, I am loving being in my garden, teaching yoga, or painting.  Doing these things keeps me very busy and I don’t have to be entertained. My mind is always busy.

This year I will be opening my studio gallery over the Arts Festival weekend.  I have lots of new work to show you.

In the garden it is violet time (I sugar them and use them on cakes and desserts), the grape hyacinths are next,  then the iris, by which time spring will be just around the corner and snowdrops and bluebells will be popping their heads up.  Hopefully there will be a few showers in between times, although the garden is damp at the moment.  I want to transplant some “roses in the wrong place”  they have become rather large,  and damp ground would be handy.

I am constructing a meditation garden ready for the spring, and part of the plan is roses, roses, roses…. (with veggies in between! Companion planting – alliums to keep the bugs away).  I have candles, statuary –  although I am hoping larger statues will become available, a meditation deck, a view over the pond.

It will look lovely in the spring when the planting takes hold, and I have time to paint the veggie box.  I dream about it.  It is not your usual garden, and almost anyone can make one like it.  I haven’t got money therefore I haven’t got a landscaper, I haven’t bought the the planters, or done heaps of digging.  I have used what I had from trees coming down, pots, leaves, mulch and so on.  Anyone can do it.



NOTE TO AYI YOGA TEACHERS: I flagged in the last newsletter that 1. if you have been with us 5 years or longer,  and 2. paid your Registration in the next month (or have paid in May) and 3. pay the rego before the end of June -you will be able to access the next two years rego at half price.  This translates as $…. this year depending on level, then half price registration in 2025 and 2026.  Quite a saving.   Email me and I will send the Application.

NEW RESTORATIVE CLASS:  Please note there is a new restorative class starting on Friday next – see below



ZOOM GITA :  Monday  evenings at 6.30pm This Monday (today), “Introduction to Disability Yoga”.  

Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Hatha 2.15 Wednesday Restorative 1pm FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am

TAROT/PAST LIFE ADVISOR/counsellor – Always available by appointment.


THE YOGA LUNCHEON: The last Saturday in May – the 25th,  12 noon in the back room at The Victoria Hotel in Woodend. You are all welcome, but please let me know if you would like to join us if you haven’t emailed me already.




Dear Yogis,

BECOME AN ENERGY PIONEER – If we all used clothes lines, we could save 30 million tons of coal per year, or shut down 15 nuclear power plants and you don’t have to wait to start, yours could be functioning by this afternoon.

You only need clothesline rope from your hardware store to tie between convenient trees (as I have done), or across your car port or back patio  – I have designed mine so I can unhook when not in use.  I did by a pack of pegs for $3 at Kmart.   Or like me you could use a clothes airer in your warmest room at night, or a clothes dryer that you pull up to the ceiling (the warmest place) – I would love one of these, but need someone to put up pulleys etc. It is on my list.  I saw Angel make one on “Escape to the Chateau” and was inspired – it was easier than I thought.  As I have often said, I need a “Dick”.  He puts up the engineering – the pulleys, or whatever…. A good team.  I am a team of one, it’s a problem that always needs to be solved.  Thank goodness for all kinds of “Angels”.

REGISTRATION – SPECIAL PRICE – It’s end of financial year and the registrations have started limping in. In order to encourage the “Foundation members” any one who has been with us for 5 years or longer, and who registers BEFORE the first week in July VIA PAY PAL  (go to and click on Pay via PayPal, yes they will accept your credit card.) will get the following 2 years half price.  This is how it will look .  Your usual rego $’s this time then half price in 2025 and 2026 .  This applies to all those who meet this criteria who have registered this month (May). Email me and I will send you the registration forms.

DISABILITY YOGA COURSE – I am going to have an INTRODUCTION TO DISABILITY YOGA ZOOM on Monday at 6.30 instead of our usual Philosophy class.  I have enough people now to start the course, I just would like to make sure that you have all had the opportunity to join.  If you are not usually a zoomed with us, or if you want the zoom link –  Here it is….  If this doesn’t show up for some reason (or look right!),  contact me and I will re send via email.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 867 4673 6360     Passcode: 435420

NEW RESTORATIVE CLASS:  Please note there is a new restorative class starting on Friday next – see below



ZOOM GITA :  Monday  evenings at 6.30pm This Monday, “Introduction to Disability Yoga”.  

Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Hatha 2.15 Wednesday Restorative 1pm FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am

TAROT/PAST LIFE ADVISOR/counsellor – Always available by appointment.


THE YOGA LUNCHEON: The last Saturday in May – the 25th,  12 noon in the back room at The Victoria Hotel in Woodend. You are all welcome, but please let me know if you would like to join us if you haven’t emailed me already.






This is a “CALL-OUT”.

A couple of weeks ago Fr.Richard during the “notices” at the end of the church service, suggested that there was a possibility of monies available for philanthropic purposes.  Never backward I approached his wife as she was leaving and suggested that yoga teaching to Windarring now that the NDIS has made this difficult,  might be a worthy recipient! I was so excited when the Ladies Guild approached me and said they would fund “one term and lets see what happens…”. Which they have done, and other donations as well.

This morning I went to personally thank the guild and was amazed to find it comprises three ladies and The Ministers Wife.  There they were knitting away.  They have a street stall and raise quite a lot, obviously enough to fund yoga when no-one else is interested.

I thought that maybe we could help – and by doing this you would be helping yoga and Windarring.  It is not as easy as it once was because of allergies, and insurance, but I am sure we could add our weight to these three ladies – enough to make a difference, especially as it will help yoga.  Can you knit, make jam, sew, crochet? If you can do anything saleable on a street stall, can you give your donations to me and I will pass them on.  There are now rules about jam, and food and I will find this out and let you know, hoping that you can help.

We can get together here at the studio for an hour or so, or you can join the ladies on Wednesday at 11am at Norma Richardson Hall next to St.Mary’s Anglican Church.  Every bit can help.  Please do take action.  Email me:

Namaste – Jahne