Blog Student News Trainees/Teacher News

Dear Yogis,

WINTER IS ON THE WAY (the sunshine may be fooling you – but your bones will feel the chill).  I am waiting for some new HOT BASALT STONES to arrive, and when they do,  HOT STONES MASSAGE will be back on the menu.

DISABILITY YOGA:  Today we had a breakthrough at Windarring Yoga class.  We had a class where two support workers were doing yoga, 4 of our usual class and one student who is non-verbal and non-ambulatory who has only looked on.  In this class one of our students who is almost non-verbal and trapped in a wheelchair accompanied our mat work on the piano, we had singing and omming as we did movements, and the one student who had never joined in (2 years thinking about it) got excited and joined in as much as she was able (face and hands).  Then we did a 7 minute meditation.   Wonderful.   Everyone was on a high and the energy is the room was fabulous as we packed away and got ready for home.  No-one wanted to leave the yoga room!



ZOOM CLASS :   Next Monday you will have questions relative to this STRUCTURAL YOGA THERAPY module which is one of the largest in the course.  It could take you a month to finish this one module.  Please send me a number of questions you want answered about this module.  5 questions will I think,  be enough from each of you.  Those I don’t have time to answer at zoom, I will email.

Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) RESTORATIVE 2.15,  Wednesday Restorative 1pm,  FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS in local hall probably in term three, by donation.

DISABILITY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING.  Starts Wednesday 12th June at 6.30 zoom class.

TAROT/PAST LIFE ADVISOR/counsellor – Always available by appointment.
I am updating the Etsy booklets relative to my decks (and my new RED deck).  I will let you know when this is done.

HOT STONES MASSAGE – Our Winter offering once the new hot stones arrive.  Weekdays and weekends by appointment only.

NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING – The last Sunday in June at 2.30




Dear Yogis,

This is quite important time in my life – and therefore in your yoga life too.  No matter what I do, or how hard I try, the usual classes and activities that have sustained us (even during lockdown) have obviously outlived their usefulness. YOU have made this abundantly clear.  I haven’t made any hard and fast decisions, but be aware that I am thinking about the most sensible way to respond for all of us.   This was brought to a head this morning when I drew the Tarot Card THE WORLD.

If you too have pulled this card, then it is time for you too to re-evaluate YOUR direction too – What The World Means for US (not just me) Today:  The World card has appeared today to indicate that we have come to an end of a particular cycle in our life. This could be obvious but in some cases, these cycles can be quite subtle. In either case, we have learned what there is to learn from a pattern in our life and it is time for a new one to begin. Whether it’s psychological, emotional, spiritual, or physical, we are moving on to a new chapter. This can also suggest that there are greater forces at work in our life and it is time to allow the world to shape itself around us.

I always have gone to yoga for everything in my life – physical, emotional and spiritual,  and I have always hoped that in a lesser way yoga was as meaningful and helpful to you too.   When you can’t do STEPS, or when the unexpected happens, are STEPS, or your size 12,  going to be helpful?

WHAT CARD DID YOU PULL FROM YOUR DECK – and how are you going to respond?



ZOOM CLASS :  Because yesterday was a Teacher Training day, and the folk that come to the training are also the people who come to zoom, I will be sending out a module relative to yesterdays class STRUCTURAL YOGA THERAPY.  This will be instead of the face to face ZOOM class – you can all use this time to complete the module, and maybe next Monday you will have a question relative to this module which is one of the largest in the course.  It could take you a month to finish this one module.

Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Hatha 2.15 Wednesday Restorative 1pm FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS in local hall probably in term three, by donation.

DISABILITY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING.  Starts Wednesday 12th June at 6.30 zoom class.

TAROT/PAST LIFE ADVISOR/counsellor – Always available by appointment.
I am updating the Etsy booklets relative to my decks (and my new deck).  I will let you know when this is done.

NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING – The last Sunday in June at 2.30



Dear Yogis,

Wednesday already, and so much is happening.

  1. I have got a small class organised to start DISABILITY YOGA in June.  If you want to join the group apply right now.
  2. The Yoga Luncheon has come around already – please come to the lunch even if you haven’t come before. Saturday at 12 noon at the Victoria Hotel in Woodend.
  3. There is a new RESTORATIVE YOGA CLASS on Friday at 10am at my studio
  4. and I will soon be launching a new set of SIMPLE TAROT (LENORMAND) CARDS – THE RED REVELATION DECK.  These are very simple images, as you can see from the original drawings on the left, and much more about how one card sits with the next one.

It is a larger deck than I have done before, and based on the Lenormand cards I started out my “reading” career with.  They were surprising, accurate, all about how life marches forward.  I have taken The Revelation Deck cards forward with these.  I will be putting them on Etsy which did very well for me when I launched by REVELATION DECK (which is still selling)..  I think people are looking for something, gentle and easy, and these new cards are both – they are still profound in their messages however, nothing simple about that.

I will be holding zoom and studio classes in these cards to get you started.  



ZOOM GITA :  Monday  evenings at 6.30pm This Monday (today), “Introduction to Disability Yoga”.  

Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Hatha 2.15 Wednesday Restorative 1pm FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am

TAROT/PAST LIFE ADVISOR/counsellor – Always available by appointment.


THE YOGA LUNCHEON: The last Saturday in May – the 25th,  12 noon in the back room at The Victoria Hotel in Woodend. You are all welcome, but please let me know if you would like to join us if you haven’t emailed me already.