Short breaks from the hustle and bustle, from the “buzzing” of an over zealous mind. You can take your class there, your clients there even your yoga students will enjoy it. Download the book and cards from our shop.
We would love to see you. Class details on the SHOP page of this web Site. click on “SHOP”.
To the right is a picture of our MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY CARDS…. they are READY ON THE SHOP
Zoom/Computer Requirements to have our zoom classes:
You will need:
- A PC/Laptop/Macbook or Tablet. You can check the operating requirements of Zoom here, but we can also assist with this if you are unsure or have any questions: email me at yogafirst2@bigpond.com
- A webcam and microphone, these are usually in your computer – but some people need externals.
- A stable internet connection, and
- A private space where you can be undisturbed.
- Please note that there is no cost to download Zoom.